Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

269 ​​Chapter 3 It's Lively Now [-]

269 ​​Chapter 3 It's Lively Now [-]
"Your Majesty, the old man just said... There is no cure for this poison!"

Her eyes were slightly cold, but she didn't see a trace of emotion. Long Po stood up and turned to look at the nurse next to her, "Send the emperor out!" After saying that, she picked up the crutch by the table, turned inward, and walked step by step. Go to the back room.


For Nangong Haoling, if the dragon mother-in-law can't give him the answer, he can only go to Duguchen again, but the dragon mother-in-law's expression just now clearly shows that she should know something, but she doesn't want to tell him clearly!


Seeing that Nangong Haoling was about to chase into the back room, Mammy suddenly raised her hand to block his way.

"Mommy, get out of the way!"

Frowning tightly, Nangong Haoling slightly raised his hand, intending to brush away Nanny's hand that was blocking him, but seeing Nanny's arm turn, she dodged his hand and stood in front of him again.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help smiling wryly.

When Luang Po was young, she had high martial arts skills. How could the people around her be idle? !
But even so, she still couldn't stop him from wanting to save Yuan Xiuyue.


Turning her head to look at Long Po who had already entered the back room, the nurse's eyes flickered slightly, and she said in a voice that only Nangong Haoling said: "If the servant is the emperor, I will not force myself at this moment, but will only go outside in the wind and snow." frozen in..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart trembled!
After being stunned for a moment, he looked at the unobtrusive nanny in shock with his eyes, and then lightly frowned, and couldn't help but smile happily!
At this time, Mammy said so.

That also means that the dragon mother-in-law really knows the solution to the forgetfulness poison!

"Thank you ma'am!"

The voice slowed down, not as cold as before, it was rare for Nangong Haoling to thank someone.

Hearing this, the mother smiled wryly: "Wait until the master tells the emperor the method of detoxification, the emperor will decide whether to thank the servant or not!"

When the words fell, Nangong Haoling's eyebrows were slightly twisted, and the mother went into the back room without saying anything.


Outside the window, the sky was gloomy, and the snow, which had just been lightened, turned sharp again.

Standing in front of the window, Luang Phor looked out of the window.

Looking at the heavy snow falling like cotton wool outside the window, and the figure standing tall in the wind and snow, Luang Po sighed deeply and closed his eyes with some difficulty.


Looking at Nangong Haoling who was covered in snow outside the window, the mother couldn't help but persuaded: "The emperor has a deep affection for the empress, just like the late emperor..."


Opening her eyes suddenly, Long Po said coldly to Mammy: "You have been with me for many years, do you really not know what to say and what not to say?"

Hearing this, Mammy was shocked!
"The servant knows it's wrong!"

Taking a deep look at Mammy, Long Po sighed softly, turned around and looked at Nangong Haoling who was standing against the wind and snow outside the window, with a complex and changeable expression!

Night, very deep, very heavy.

Time is gradually passing by.

An hour later, Nangong Haoling, who was standing in the courtyard facing the wind and snow, was already frozen stiff.

However, even so, he still persisted.


With distressed and worried faces on his face, Ji Heng took off his clothes, put them on Nangong Haoling, and urged urgently: "Since the dragon mother-in-law said there is no way, you should go back first, the empress is still in the medicine garden Waiting for the emperor!"

"Ji Heng!"

Under the extreme cold of wind and snow, the cold Nangong Haoling's upper teeth kept fighting with his lower teeth, frowning tightly, he turned his head and said to Ji Heng tremblingly: "I'm not cold, you go back first !"


His Majesty was called out, and his heart was filled with grief. Seeing Nangong Haoling suffer so much, Ji Heng couldn't help but burst into tears!

Putting the oil-paper umbrella in his hand into Nangong Haoling's hand, he stepped on the thick snow to the window of the house where Long Po lived, and shouted loudly: "Long Po Po, you are the mother-in-law of the Empress Dowager." , is also the late emperor's benefactor, this servant should respect and protect you, but right now this servant can't help but want to say one more thing, right now the emperor has stood in the heavy snow for more than an hour, if things go on like this, even if he is Even Iron Man can't hold it!"

After Ji Heng finished speaking, the room became very quiet, and the lamp he was holding was actually turned off.

Seeing this, Ji Heng's eyes dimmed, and he turned to look at Nangong Haoling: "Your Majesty, go back with your servant!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling pursed her thin lips bitterly, gritted her teeth and insisted: "If I don't get the detoxification method today, I will definitely not go back!"

In the heavy snow, another hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Just as Nangong Haoling was trembling and gritting his teeth, the door that was originally closed in front of him was finally slowly opened from the inside.

His eyes were slightly cold, and he made a gesture to step forward, but found that his legs and feet had already been frozen, and he couldn't stop doing things by himself, let alone being able to make it.

The person who walked out of the house was not Long Po, but the personal nurse beside her.

Outside the door, the nanny came to Nangong Haoling with an umbrella in her hand, handed a note to Nangong Haoling, and said in an obscure tone: "Master said, the advantages and disadvantages of this detoxification method have been fully stated. , after the emperor has read it, if he still thinks it is feasible, the emperor can wait until the empress empress gives birth to an heir, and ask Xian Wangfei to help on her behalf!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's already frozen hands curled up slightly, holding the note in his hand extremely tightly.

With trembling lips, he said hoarsely to Mammy: "Thank you again, Mammy!"

"The emperor does not need to thank the slaves!"

Faintly, the nanny smiled helplessly and bitterly: "The master didn't tell the emperor the method of detoxification, it was for the emperor's good, and the overall situation of the world is the most important thing, but the servant is just an ordinary person, with short-sightedness, and only cares about getting close to the empress. Only then can we find a way with the emperor."

In fact, she also knew that what she did at this time was not appropriate.

However, in the past year, Yuan Xiuyue brought too much laughter to her master, and she couldn't bear her suffering!


Hearing Mammy's words, Nangong Haoling frowned, raised his hand and glanced at the note in his hand, and suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart!

"The master knew that the emperor's body must be frozen at this moment, so he ordered the servants to ask the emperor to warm up in the warm pavilion in the west chamber for a while, and then go back to the queen's place when he is better!" If so, she relayed the words of the dragon mother one by one, and the mother sighed softly, Blessed Nangong Haoling lightly, then turned and went back to the house.

In the warm pavilion in the west chamber, the charcoal fire is burning.

Having been frozen in the ice and snow for a long time, as soon as Nangong Haoling entered the warm pavilion, his nose itched because of the warm breath coming from the warm pavilion, and he sneezed twice!

Seeing this, Ji Heng hurried to the side, picked up the kettle on the charcoal stove, and poured a cup of hot water with Nangong Haoling.

Nangong Haoling couldn't help shaking his body slightly, but he didn't go to pick up the hot water Ji Heng handed over.

With slightly lowered eyelids, he quickly opened the note in his hand.

A moment later, when he read the contents of the note, he couldn't help but twitched his lips slightly, but smiled sadly!
At this moment, he finally understood the meaning of what the nanny said just now.

Staring at Nangong Haoling's mournful smile, Ji Heng's heart beat wildly, and he hurriedly moved closer to check the contents of the note.

However, before he could see anything clearly, Nangong Haoling withdrew his hand and rubbed the note into his palm, not allowing him to read any more.



Just when Ji Heng opened his mouth to ask each other, An Yun's slightly anxious voice sounded outside the door.

Frowning suddenly, Nangong Haoling glanced at Ji Heng.

Ji Heng understood, and hurriedly stepped forward to open the door, and asked aloud the dusty, cold An Yun: "An Yun, shouldn't you be in Fudu? Why are you in Juxian Tower at this moment!"


Without answering Ji Heng's question, An Yun strode forward, pushed open the door of Ji Heng's half-mountain room that had not been opened, and walked quickly to Nangong Haoling.

Due to the sudden entry of dark clouds, the oil lamps in the house shook extremely.

Nangong Haoling raised his eyebrows and looked at An Yun.


With a cold expression on his face, An Yun frowned and said: "Everything has changed!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling glanced at him, and asked coldly, "But what happened to King Ning?"


The dark cloud was deeply focused on Nangong Haoling, and there was a tinge of blue-grey in his reddish face from rushing all night: "When this subordinate left Fudu, the secret letter between His Royal Highness King Ning and the Generalissimo was broken. Not only that, but the subordinates also heard that His Royal Highness King Ning will hold a grand wedding in the military camp of the An clan in February of the next year!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's face changed coldly, but quickly returned to its original stern expression.

"As the saying goes, it rains all night when there is a leak in the house. I just realized today that it makes sense! Now it's lively..." With a cold smile, he stretched out his hand to pick up the hot water that Ji Heng had just poured. He took a sip, but never To discern the warmth in the water, he asked again: "Who is he going to marry?"



Before An Yun could speak, Ting Lan's voice sounded in the yard.

Startled, Nangong Haoling shook the hand holding the cup, and a few drops of hot water dripped onto his light fur.

Ting Lan has been guarding by Yuan Xiuyue's side all the time, and now she is so anxious to call Long Po, could it be that something happened to Yuan Xiuyue?

Thinking of a certain possibility, Nangong Haoling threw the cup directly on the ground, and quickly walked out of the Nuan Pavilion.

At this moment, Ting Lan has entered Luang Po's room.

Without thinking about it, he quickly followed, but when he entered the room, he heard Ting Lan say in a trembling voice: "After the empress woke up, she said that she would wait for the emperor to go back to sleep, but when the slaves poured tea, she The abdominal pain was unbearable, and the empress said that she was afraid that she was about to give birth, but the child in the empress's womb is only seven months old, and the servant is afraid that she will..."

(End of this chapter)

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