Chapter 305 Three Men 1
People say, three men play a drama!

At this moment, in Yuan Xiuyue's sleeping tent, the three most important men in her life are all present!
Looking at Yuan Xiuyue who was knocked unconscious on the couch by someone, the expressions of Dugu Chen and Nangong Xiaoran sank instantly!
Stepping forward, staring deeply at Yuan Xiuyue who was sleeping on the couch, Duguchen's heart suddenly throbbed, his voice was slightly cold, and he said ironically: "People say that there is no poison and no husband. Women are so ruthless!"

"I just don't want to see her in pain!"

The voice was calm, but it contained indescribable regret. The man sitting in front of the couch carefully covered the quilt with Yuan Xiuyue.At this moment, his expression was dark, and he was shaking slightly on his lap: "I have always known that if this forgetfulness Gu poison takes hold, it will cause unbearable pain, but this is the first time I have seen her in such pain!"

If so, when Yuan Xiuyue wakes up at this moment, she will definitely know who this person is.

But at this moment, she was in a coma, but it caused a few sober people in the camp to feel heartbroken!
How cruel is this forgetfulness Gu poison? !
Nangong Xiaoran knew it, because he had seen Yuan Xiuyue's poison outbreak, and Dugu Chen also knew it, because the poison came from Nanyue, but he was the only one who knew, but he had never seen the poisonous outbreak.

Therefore, just now, when he saw Yuan Xiuyue crying and crying in his arms, and kept saying that he missed him, his heart was also broken!

And he is the Nangong Haoling whom Yuan Xiuyue misses the most but can't see!
With trembling arms, he slowly stroked her pale face. He lowered his eyes and said in a cold and depressing voice, "Brother Wang, you should go back to Fudu tonight!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiaoran took a step forward, staring at Nangong Haoling who was exactly like him at the moment, his brows were tightly frowned: "Your Majesty, it's too dangerous for you to stay here!"

"Is it dangerous?"

With her thin lips pursed, Nangong Haoling stared deeply at her beloved woman, and said lightly, "I just want to stay by her side!"

He thought, stay here as Nangong Xiaoran, stay by Yuan Xiuyue's side.

In this case, she doesn't know who he is.

Maybe, there will be no heartache!

Jun's brows were tightly frowned, and Nangong Xiaoran's face was full of seriousness: "Now that the army is approaching, it won't be long before the matter of Fudu will be understood, you shouldn't be in danger easily..."

"Brother Wang!"

Lifting his eyes lightly, Nangong Haoling looked at Nangong Xiaoran unmoved: "This is the emperor's order!"


Looking at the firm expression on Nangong Haoling's face, Nangong Xiaoran frowned.

Seeing that the two were frozen, Duguchen's eyes flickered slightly.

His voice was low, but the magnetism in his voice was undiminished: "Although I don't know what kind of medicine you two are selling in the gourd, but since Emperor Li doesn't want to leave now, you can just tell him your living habits and let him know what you are doing. He just stays here!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran gave Dugu Chen a cold look.

Facing his slightly displeased eyes, Duguchen smiled faintly, that smile could turn all sentient beings upside down: "Don't worry, this king is still waiting for him to withdraw the Chu army. If he doesn't leave, I won't leave either. Even if your place is a sea of ​​swords and flames, this king will accompany him to make a breakthrough!"

Hearing his words, Nangong Xiaoran and Nangong Haoling both snorted coldly!
It's true that he stayed here to let Nangong Haoling withdraw the Chu army, but more, he might have the same idea as Nangong Haoling, wanting to stay by Yuan Xiuyue's side!
Seeing the two of them speaking in unison, Duguchen couldn't help touching his nose resentfully.

He glanced at Nangong Xiaoran, then glanced back at Nangong Haoling, and he gave a reason that neither of them could refuse: "As this king, if you stay here, Empress Dowager An and Yuan Chenghai won't be suspicious. The most important point is this king's blood... If Chuxiu's heart aches, it will be a life-saving medicine!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran slightly narrowed his star eyes!

Nangong Haoling said gloomily, "Duguchen, you don't have to remind me again and again that the poison on Yue'er came from your Nanyue!"

Frowning lightly between eyebrows, Duguchen gave a coquettish smile, turned around and sat on the chair beside him, and remained silent!

Anyway, he is the one asking for help now.

He is right and wrong, wrong and wrong, wrong anyway!

Glancing at Dugu Chen with cold eyes, Nangong Haoling took out the disguise cream from his bosom, and threw it directly to Nangong Xiaoran: "That's the matter, now you will disguise yourself as I am, hurry back to Fudu! "

Steadily catching Yi Rongjiao, Nangong Xiaoran asked with a wry smile: "Your Majesty is not afraid, if I go here, will I really usurp your country?"

"If you want it, take it!"

Angrily, he went back to Nangong Xiao Ran, but Yuan Xiuyue on the couch frowned and groaned!
Hearing her groan, Nangong Xiaoran took two steps forward, Duguchen frowned, and Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly.

"Yue'er, go to sleep, no one will wake you up..." Without raising her eyes to see the reactions of the two people beside her, Nangong Haoling lowered her head and caressed her furrowed brows, whispering softly in her ear, After a short while, it stretched out again.

Standing behind Nangong Haoling, Nangong Xiaoran stared deeply at Yuan Xiuyue who was sleeping on the couch, and couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart!
Putting away the Yi Rong Ointment in his hand, he said lightly: "Since the emperor insists on this, I will go back to Fudu now, but your majesty... When the army arrives and Fudu is ready, I will return here , follow the original plan!"

Finally, she raised her eyes to look at Nangong Xiaoran, Nangong Haoling lightly hooked her thin lips: "Just do as you say!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiaoran had no choice but to go to Fudu temporarily as Nangong Haoling.

After Nangong Xiaoran left, Duguchen was still sitting on the chair beside him, never intending to leave.

He raised his eyes coldly and squinted at the old god Dugu Chen who was sitting on the chair. Nangong Haoling turned his head and said to Du Sheng: "King Yue has traveled thousands of miles, and he came here to discuss the alliance with me. guest, prepare a tent with him!"


Responding respectfully, Du Sheng bowed his head and raised his arms to Dugu Chen: "His Royal Highness Yue Wang, please follow the servant!"

His handsome eyebrows were slightly raised, and he looked up at Du Sheng in front of him. Duguchen turned his head to Nangong Haoling and said, "Emperor Li, can't you allow me to stay here for a while? In case she wakes up later, What if my heart hurts again?"

Hearing this, before Nangong Haoling could speak, Du Sheng had already said: "His Royal Highness Yue, please rest assured, there are still a lot of prince's blood in the blood bottle you sent earlier..."

"Speak up!"

Shouting to Du Sheng coldly, Duguchen raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling, but saw Nangong Haoling's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Go! Go! Go!"

With a heavy sigh, his gaze swept across Yuan Xiuyue's face, and Duguchen got up from his seat: "Anyway, I'm almost exhausted from traveling these past two days, let's go!"

"His Royal Highness please!"

Turning around and walking to the tent, Du Sheng stretched out his hand to lift the curtain.

In just an instant, silence was restored in the sleeping tent.

His eyes drooped slightly, focusing deeply on Yuan Xiuyue's sleeping face, Nangong Haoling's lips curled up slightly, and he smiled helplessly and bitterly: "Yue'er, do you know that I miss you as much as you miss me?" ...It's just, aren't you very courageous? But why do you want to escape whenever you encounter something? "

When he finished speaking, Yuan Xiuyue still closed her eyes tightly, she would no longer bicker with him with a light smile as before.

Sighing softly, and laying down beside Yuan Xiuyue in all clothes, Nangong Haoling carefully hugged her into his arms.

In her arms, Yuan Xiuyue's body was significantly thinner than before.

Putting her arms around her slender waist, Nangong Haoling frowned, his eyes slightly darkened.


Lowering his eyes, he kissed Yuan Xiuyue's lips lightly, and his lips raised a slightly bitter smile.

In the depths of memory, the scene of their wedding night a few years ago suddenly flashed.

Thinking of her indifferent appearance at that time, the curve of the corners of his lips couldn't help but deepened.

At that time, Yuan Xiuyue was smart, shrewd, indifferent, and only wanted to protect herself in everything, but lived a carefree life.

He will always remember the words she said when he dealt with Concubine Han—before she is old, she will end her kindness first, and don't send love to the king in this life!

Sometimes, he kept thinking.

If Yuan Xiuyue had never been tempted by him.

Maybe the current her will still be the previous one, King Dou Yue, the unruly woman who saved Sheng Jia!
However, in this world, things have already happened, so there will be no more ifs!
After leaving the sleeping tent, Nangong Xiao Ran took the secret passage and left the camp from the back of An's camp.

It was nearly four o'clock.

The cold wind was blowing all over the field, and it was pitch black. The crescent moon above the head illuminated the path under Nangong Xiaoran's feet so clearly that he could barely distinguish it.

Under the feet, the pace has not stopped.

Nangong Xiaoran stepped forward quickly and galloped in the mountains.

Seeing, the sky is about to dawn.

Nangong Haoling and Duguchen's horses were tied not far away.

And he must rush back to Fudu before dawn!


All of a sudden, an anxious female voice sounded from behind accompanied by Night Breeze. Nangong Xiaoran paused slightly, narrowed his eyes and turned back.

Not far away, the sound of hooves.

When the horse came close, the woman on the horse turned over and dismounted out of breath.

Seeing the person coming, Nangong Xiao Ran frowned tightly, his star eyes narrowed slightly: "How did you come after me?"

The person who came was none other than Hua Yiyi!
Just now, when he left the camp, he was obviously very careful, why did she still chase after him?

"Because I'm Hua Yiyi!"

Smiling lightly and raising her chin, Hua Yiyi frowned and looked at Nangong Xiaoran in front of her: "Your majesty thinks that if you leave me outside the camp today, I won't be able to find you?"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes flickered slightly.

Seeing him like this, Hua Yiyi said calmly: "This person is nothing more than power and wealth in his life. Unfortunately, I have more money in my hand. As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts around. Now I can find the emperor, the emperor need not be too surprised!"


His eyes gradually turned dark, and the corners of Nangong Xiaoran's lips curled slightly: "I won't be too surprised if you can find me, but since you can find me now, it means that you know something you shouldn't know, then..."

Raising his hand suddenly, strangling Hua Yiyi's slender and fair neck, Nangong Xiaoran's eyes were slightly cold: "You can only have one end!"

Suddenly her breath was taken away, Hua Yiyi couldn't help being terrified!

Her face flushed almost instantly, and she looked at the man in front of her who was always as gentle as jade with contemptuous eyes.

So, does he also have a ruthless side? !
Gradually, due to the lack of oxygen in her brain, her thinking gradually became chaotic. No matter how hard she tried to keep her eyes open, she could no longer see clearly the handsome face of the man in front of her.

Raising his eyes slightly, he glanced at Hua Yiyi's widened pupils, but never saw a trace of fear in her eyes, Nangong Xiaoran frowned slightly, and let go of the big hand holding her neck...

Hua Yiyi fell to the ground, and she couldn't help the dull pain from her elbow. She covered her neck with her hands, breathing in the fresh air that she hadn't seen for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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