Chapter 307 Three Men 3
Raising his eyes, he saw Yuan Xiuyue sitting in front of the couch, the corners of his lips gently curled up, but when he saw Duguchen and Lei Luo, master and servant, this smile disappeared without a trace in an instant!
Turning around slightly, facing Nangong Haoling's slightly cold pupils, Duguchen's heart darkened, he frowned and respected him: "I've seen Emperor Li!"

Today's Nangong Xiaoran, in the An clan, has already been embraced as the new emperor.

Therefore, at this moment, his title to him is still Lidi!
"Yue Wang is free!"

In response, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly: "You have come to my emperor's bed so early in the morning, do you have something important to do?"

"No big deal, just send some things to Chuxiu!"

Already accustomed to Nangong Haoling's cold tone, and knowing that he didn't welcome him, Duguchen glanced at Yuan Xiuyue again, then shrugged his brows lightly, and said to Lei Luo: "Lei Luo, let's go!"


Responding respectfully, Lei Luo followed Duguchen out of the tent.

As soon as the master and servant left, the coldness on Nangong Haoling's face faded away.

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, he walked slowly to the couch, imitating Nangong Xiaoran's voice and said softly: "I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I never woke you up. It's past time, do you feel hungry?"

"I'm a little hungry!"

Never doubting the identity of the person in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly at Nangong Haoling, frowned slightly and looked at him: "Duguchen actually came here to save me, why is your attitude towards him so cold?! "

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling sneered.

"Why didn't you say that the forgetfulness poison came from Nanyue? If it weren't for their Dugu lineage, you wouldn't have been poisoned!" Said in a slightly cold tone, facing Yuan Xiuyue's shining star eyes, Nangong Haoling changed his mind slightly, and said lightly: "Since he forced you and me repeatedly on Mount Li, I don't have a good impression of him!"

"Sir, you are so stingy!"

Couldn't help but chuckled, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows and looked at the tray in Nangong Haoling's hand: "How about breakfast today?"

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling put the tray in his hand on the low table, picked up some side dishes with chopsticks and mixed them in the porridge bowl, then scooped up a spoonful of porridge and brought it to Yuan Xiuyue's mouth: "You are not well , not suitable for too greasy food, I asked the military doctor in the camp, and he only said that porridge and side dishes are the best!"

I never thought that the person in front of me is the one I love.

Yuan Xiuyue smiled at Nangong Haoling, who was exactly the same as Nangong Xiaoran, and shook his head lightly at him: "Sir, let me do it myself!"

While speaking, she gently raised her hand, took the porridge bowl and spoon in his hand, and took a spoonful to her mouth.

As soon as the clear porridge entered the mouth, a strange taste permeated the tip of the tongue, and Yuan Xiuyue's pretty face instantly picked up.

Having been observing her reaction, Nangong Haoling couldn't help asking softly: "What's wrong?"


Looking at the porridge bowl in her hand, Yuan Xiuyue paused slightly, then took another spoonful and drank it.

While reconciling, she sighed secretly in her heart.

Today, the porridge cook should thank her well.

Otherwise, maybe how heavy the punishment will be!

Beside her, Nangong Haoling has been gazing deeply at her eating porridge, never leaving her eyes.

Feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by his fiery gaze, Yuan Xiuyue coughed lightly, swallowed the porridge in her mouth, and asked him with frowned eyebrows: "Do you have any political affairs to do, sir?"


Shaking his head directly, Nangong Haoling said with a light smile: "Starting today, I have a lot of time to be with you!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but choked on the porridge he had just eaten.


Raising his hand, stroking Yuan Xiuyue's back lightly, Nangong Haoling frowned, and said lightly: "Slow down, no one will grab you!"

Slightly lowering his eyes, he saw that the corners of her lips were slightly stained with porridge. Without thinking about it, he stroked her lips with his thumb under Yuan Xiuyue's gaze.

Suspended slightly by Nangong Haoling's intimate movements, Yuan Xiuyue narrowed her eyes slightly, coughed twice, turned her head to one side with her pretty face flushed.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Haoling pursed her thin lips lightly.

Reaching out to take the porridge bowl in her hand, he chuckled and said, "Let me feed you!"

"No! I'm full!"

Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, dodging the spoon that Nangong Haoling brought to her mouth.

Seeing her frowning and turning her head away, Nangong Haoling was not annoyed at all!

Putting the porridge bowl in his hand on the low table, he spread his big hand, concentrating on the abnormal redness on the palm, he couldn't help sighing softly: "I've never boiled a bowl of porridge with anyone, today's It's the first time, I even burned my hand because of this, but I don't want this porridge drinker, but I don't have any appetite..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled!
Looking back at his reddish palm, she felt a little suffocated in her heart, and immediately frowned in displeasure: "During the camp, is there no cook left? Why do you cook yourself?"

Focusing on her frowning, Nangong Haoling smiled like a spring breeze: "Of course the chef has one, but I... want to make it for you myself!"


Facing the gentle smile on his face, Yuan Xiuyue was stunned for a short time.

Inexplicably, there was a pain in her heart, she turned around suddenly, frowned and said: "Sir, what I have done before, don't treat me so well, you will only make me feel burdened!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling is in a great mood!
Sighing lightly, he got up from the couch, squatted down slowly in front of her, raised his eyes and looked into her slightly frightened eyes: "I'm good to you, and I don't ask for anything, you don't have to be burdened!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly throbbed again!
This is not normal!
Staring deeply at the handsome face she was so familiar with, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows and wanted to caress his face, but she saw Nangong Haoling standing up one step ahead of her, and said in a calm tone: "Now the queen mother and Your father already knows your true identity, you should wash your face later!"


The pain in her heart dissipated in an instant, Yuan Xiuyue blinked lightly, and nodded in response: "Okay!"

Sitting in front of the bronze mirror, Yuan Xiuyue took the potion and slowly washed off the face-changing ointment.

After a while, the beautiful face that should have belonged to Yuan Mingyue was no longer seen, but Yuan Xiuyue's ordinary face with a little special charm appeared vividly in the mirror.

Standing behind her, staring deeply at the haggard face of the woman in the mirror, Nangong Haoling slightly hooked the corners of her lips, her eyes were dark and uncertain: "Yue'er, you have lost a lot of weight!"

Meeting Nangong Haoling's eyes in the mirror, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly: "Don't you think, sir, that being able to live is already a luxury for me?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes couldn't help but darken again.

Supporting Yuan Xiuyue's shoulders, he turned her around. He stared deeply at her pretty face, and said gracefully, "No matter what you become, you are the most beautiful in my eyes..."

Under the heart, there was another movement suddenly, Yuan Xiuyue met Nangong Haoling's gaze, and the light in her eyes flickered slightly.

Quietly, looking at her for a long time, Nangong Haoling smiled, and was about to speak out, but heard the voice of Empress Dowager An from outside the tent: "Du Sheng, get out of the way with Aijia, Aijia wants to see you." emperor!"

Hearing the sound, Nangong Haoling's pupils suddenly shrank!

Gently raising her hand, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Nangong Haoling: "It's the Queen Mother!"

"Of course I know it's the queen mother!"

There was a trace of coldness all over his body, Nangong Haoling suddenly stood up, walked quickly to the tent door, and lifted the curtain.

Suddenly seeing her son, Empress Dowager An's voice paused slightly, her eyes were full of excitement, she trembled slightly, and took a step towards Nangong Haoling: "Of course!"

With a calm face on his handsome face, Nangong Haoling looked at Empress Dowager An and asked in a cold voice: "The queen mother insists on seeing me, but what's the matter?"

"However, Aijia last night..."

Nangong Xiaoran has always been gentle and casual when facing Empress Dowager An, but at this moment Nangong Haoling is not fake.

I don't know that Nangong Xiaoran in front of me is actually Nangong Haoling pretending to be Empress Dowager An, her own son, who is still angry at himself because of her attack on Yuan Xiuyue yesterday!

Therefore, facing his unkind attitude, she lightly opened her red lips, wanting to explain something, but she didn't want to be interrupted by Nangong Haoling: "The queen mother doesn't need to explain anything! My son doesn't want to see you now, you still Go back to your bed first!"

The cold gaze swept across the snow-white face of Empress Dowager An without warmth, and Nangong Haoling's eyes were as cold as before, without a trace of warmth!
"Of course!"

Seeing Nangong Haoling turning around to enter the tent, Empress Dowager An hurriedly called him, and when she raised her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Yuan Xiuyue in the tent, her expression froze slightly, and she watched the curtain slowly fall in front of her.

"Sir! I'm fine now, so that's the best result!"

Looking at Nangong Xiaoran with a somewhat complicated expression, Yuan Xiuyue persuaded softly: "You have always been filial to the queen mother, I don't want your mother and son to hurt each other's feelings because of me!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes lightened slightly, but he sighed helplessly!
Empress Dowager An is Nangong Xiaoran's biological mother.

Thinking of Nangong Xiaoran, he should respect her!

But, last night, she was the one who wanted to attack Yuan Xiuyue, and almost killed her. Now, she was the one who provoked the An family's rebellion, leaving Liguo in civil strife. In the past, she was the one who poisoned his elder brother As a result, his elder brother has no heirs for life!
He can't be kind to her!
In the next few days, the atmosphere in An's camp was extremely depressing.

After killing Yuan Xiuyue with Yuan Chenghai that day, for several days in a row, whenever Empress Dowager An went to Xiao Ran's bedroom in Nangong, Du Sheng would block the door.Even though she forced her way in twice, her heart trembled when she met Shang Nangong Xiaoran's cold pupils!
It was another five days in a flash.

Early in the morning of this day, news came from Fudu that the [-] troops led by Nangong Haoling had arrived outside the city of Fudu.

Hearing this news, the atmosphere in An's camp became more and more heavy for a while.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Nangong Haoling was listening to Yuan Chenghai's report on the deployment of the army as Nangong Xiaoran with a stern expression.

Outside the big tent, Yuan Xiuyue had nothing to do, took Du Sheng around and listened, and came to the camping horse farm again.

Suddenly remembering that Hua Yiyi had never been mentioned in the past few days, Yuan Xiuyue turned to Du Sheng and asked, "How is Miss Hua?"

Hearing this, Du Sheng was slightly stunned and said: "Miss Hua went to camp with the emperor a few days ago, and she never came back!"

"Is it?"

Dai Mei frowned lightly, Yuan Xiuyue was full of thoughts.

In her opinion, with Hua Yiyi's thoughts on Nangong Xiaoran and Empress Dowager An's intention to make her queen, she definitely would not leave An's camp.

Just as Yuan Xiuyue was thinking secretly, a pair of brocade shoes embroidered with a phoenix-luan pattern appeared in front of Yuan Xiuyue.

Fengluan pattern? !
Seeing the pattern in front of her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's mind froze slightly.

The crescent eyebrows were still furrowed, and she raised her eyes along the brocade shoes until she met the dark eyes of Empress Dowager An in the air...

(End of this chapter)

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