Chapter 326 The Real Gift 2
"Sir... Nangong Xiaoran..."

Biting her lips tightly, Yuan Xiuyue's blood-stained hands kept trembling: "You idiot, why are you so stupid..."

Ruo said that earlier, she didn't know what Nangong Xiaoran's plan was.

Then at this moment, if she couldn't think of it again, she would be a complete fool as she said!

Taking a deep breath, his eyes became more and more distracted. Nangong Xiaoran held Yuan Xiuyue's hand tightly, gently curled the corners of his dry lips, and raised his eyes to look at Empress Dowager An who was crying like tears beside him. He said slowly: "I can't stop the empress dowager The greed for power can only make her wake up in this way, and now she has woken up, it's great..."

Since he was sensible, he has always known that his mother's empress was deposed from the throne because of murdering Concubine Zhong Gui, and was imprisoned outside the palace.

And he, even though he was born as the first emperor's concubine, has always lived cautiously since he was a child.

After living like this for a long time, he began to yearn for the ordinary life of ordinary people outside the palace.

He once said that he has two wishes in this life!
One is to wish Tian Xiao to always be with Yuan Xiuyue.

But now, she kept crying in front of him.

Another wish of his is that he can always be by his mother's side and spend his old age with her peacefully.

But at this moment, she was also crying, and his wish, I'm afraid he would never be able to fulfill it.

"However—the queen mother is wrong!"

Caressing Nangong Xiaoran's face with trembling hands, Empress Dowager An was heartbroken, sobbing and crying loudly: "As long as you can recover, the queen mother doesn't need anything, the queen mother only wants you..."

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue's tears fell even more fiercely.

Frowning tightly, wanting to see the man in front of her clearly, Yuan Xiuyue said in a trembling voice: "Did you hear that? She doesn't need anything at this moment, as long as you..."

"The queen mother...the son is not filial..."

His face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, Nangong Xiaoran whispered softly in Empress Dowager An's ear.

Hearing his son's unfilial piety, Queen Mother An's crying became louder in an instant.

With Qi Qiran in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

"Don't cry..." He tried his best to raise his hand, wanting to caress Yuan Xiuyue's cheek again, but unable to do so, Nangong Xiaoran had no choice but to let his arm slip down.

Reaching out to take his hand and sticking it to her cheek, Yuan Xiuyue cried and said, "I promise you not to cry, but you have to promise me that you have to live well. I still owe you too many things, and I still need one more thing." I pay you back..."

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran gave a bitter smile!
His eyes flickered slightly, and he gazed at Yuan Xiuyue's tears with a gentle face.

He will never forget that year, that spring day, when she was planting medicine in the medicine field, he regarded Ting Lan, who was drinking tea, as the second lady of An Guohou's mansion.

Until Ting Lan called "Second Miss", she responded crisply and raised her head from the medicine field.

Although, she is not the beauty of the country, but her clear and smiling eyes swept away the haze in his heart in an instant, making his heart throb!

He entered An Guohou's mansion for the sake of Yuan Mingyue's authenticity.

But falling in love with her is also true!
Once upon a time, he only thought that when Yuan Mingyue got married, he would propose to Marquis An Guo, and then marry her as his wife!

Moreover, she is the only one wife!
However, people are not as good as God!
Creation tricks people!

Just when he was looking forward to their bright future, she was chosen as queen...

In a flash, a few years passed by.

His heart and affection for her are still in his heart and have never faded away, but he also knows that there is no longer any possibility between them.

But even so, he still wanted to do something for her.

Even if these things would break him to pieces, he would not hesitate!

Thinking of this, he raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling behind her.

At this moment, Nangong Haoling had a solemn expression, not much emotion could be seen on his face.

Seeing Nangong Xiaoran looking at him, he frowned slightly, but did not make a sound.

Following Nangong Xiaoran's line of sight, looking back at Nangong Haoling, seeing him standing there, looking at everything in front of him with cold eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were full of moisture, and she said to Nangong Xiaoran in a trembling voice: "Don't worry, I'll be there in the future As long as I'm here, the Queen Mother will be fine!"

"I'm relieved!"

With a pale and feeble smile, Nangong Xiaoran's face was full of indifference and ease.

Handing over his mother to her and Nangong Haoling, what worries does he have? !

He is really relieved!

His eyes were slightly condensed, he greedily stared at Yuan Xiuyue's face, and then moved his fingers on Yuan Xiuyue's face, Nangong Xiaoran bent his mouth in satisfaction: "Yue'er, if possible, I want to hug you, together Riding horses and galloping, watching the sunrise and sunset together...But there is no chance now...But...God treats me well, because...I have always been hoping, when I can touch your breasts like now Appearance... Now... I have my wish... Ahem..."

"Don't say..."

Seeing Nangong Xiaoran cough up two mouthfuls of blood, Yuan Xiuyue felt a sharp pain in her heart!
Shaking her head non-stop, not caring whether her tears fell on Nangong Xiaoran's face, she said hoarsely: "You are alive... I will ride the horse and gallop with you, and watch the sunrise and sunset with you..."

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran smiled helplessly.

The big hand caressing Yuan Xiuyue's face moved down slightly until it covered her hands on her wound. Nangong Xiaoran stared at her tears, and put her hand on the hilt of the sword, "If I don't die, the imperial court will Among them, there must be some people who are unwilling to let it go. If I die, the rebellion of the An clan will be considered to be truly over... Yue'er... I will lay the foundation of your queen by my life... From now on, You are a hero in Liguo, and you are no longer the daughter of a traitor..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled.

However, Nangong Xiaoran didn't give her a chance to stop him, so he exhausted his last ounce of strength, and lowered the soft sword in his abdomen again...

"Do not--"

Her eyes were red with grief, and Empress Dowager An watched the soft sword sink into her son's body, but she was powerless to stop it.

"Nangong Xiaoran..."

Seeing Nangong Xiaoran's breathing gradually slowed down, Yuan Xiuyue opened her mouth wide and wanted to cry as she stared at his eyes that were losing energy, but she couldn't make any sound and could only keep shaking her body.


Sadness struck, Empress Dowager An's eyes widened, and she passed out to the end.


Holding Nangong Xiaoran tightly in her arms, Yuan Xiuyue didn't care about everyone's eyes at all, and she cried bitterly as she hugged him tightly.

"Yue' you believe in an afterlife?"

"Yue'er... Let me treat you well, as long as you allow me to be reborn..."

In just a split second, the past memories about Nangong Xiaoran rushed into Yuan Xiuyue's mind like a flood.

From An Guohou's mansion, to the imperial palace, to Anyang, to Beiyu, to Fudu...he has been treating her well regardless of anything in return, the end, he still thought that he would sacrifice his life to Come and exonerate her from being the daughter of the traitor!
However, he is dead!

He loved her once and protected her for the rest of his life, but when he arrived, she couldn't give him anything!

Not only that, but she killed him!

How can this make her feel uncomfortable? !
he died……

It is no longer like last time, it is rumored that he died in Wujiang River.

But at this moment, really, dying in her arms...

The last time he threw himself into the Wujiang River, she had never personally experienced it, but this time... Seeing his life disappear before her eyes, her heart felt as if someone had cut him off with a knife, and the pain was endless... That flow The bloody wound is still expanding...

"Preach my decree, the queen killed King Ning with her hand, and the great contribution to the suppression of the hinted rebellion belongs to the country, and I will announce it to the world today!" Just when Yuan Xiuyue's heart was filled with great pain, Nangong Haoling was gentle and elegant. The voice sounded faintly behind her.

Hearing his warm words, Yuan Xiuyue's heart twitched suddenly!
It wasn't until this moment that she really understood what the great gift that Nangong Xiaoran was talking about was referring to!
Gently put Nangong Xiaoran down, she stood up abruptly, turned around and slapped Nangong Haoling on the face...

(End of this chapter)

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