Chapter 331 The Enemy Meets 1
It seemed that Yuan Xiuyue had already expected that this question was what Yuan Xiuyue wanted to ask. Duguchen's eyebrows frowned slightly, almost invisible, and after a long silence, he finally said to her lightly: "You want him to die, he He is already dead, if you want him to live, he will live forever..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly: "I just want to know, everything you know!"


Duguchen glanced at her, sighed softly, and said, "I saw with my own eyes that someone buried him in the place where An's camp is stationed!"

"Are you dead?"

With a slight tug on the corner of her lips, Yuan Xiuyue stared deeply at Duguchen's dark eyes.


Still, with the same answer just now, Duguchen sighed sadly: "Chuxiu, this matter has passed, and you will live a good life when you arrive at Nanyue in the future."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened slightly, and she glanced at Duguchen again with deep meaning.

Because of the way she looked at her, Duguchen's handsome brows could not help but frowned slightly: "Do you think I'm lying to you?"

After Duguchen asked such a question, Yuan Xiuyue remained silent for a moment, but said nothing.

Fang got up from the table, and she walked slowly in front of the window.

Slightly raising her eyes, looking at the moonlight outside the window, she pursed the corners of her lips slightly, and said in a low voice, "Whether you lie to me or not, it's all for my own good. No matter what the truth is, this Li Palace... I really can't go back!"

Whether it is Nangong Xiaoran or Nangong Haoling, they have done so much, don't they just want her to live? !

Therefore, she will continue to work hard to live according to their wishes.

"Chuxiu, woman, you're too smart...not good!"

Quietly, listening to Yuan Xiuyue's words, savoring the bitterness and helplessness in her words, Dugu Chen felt a slight pain in his heart.

As a strategist, he has always known that the annihilation of the An clan has always been a game set up by Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran.

However, the final development of this game was far beyond his expectations!

He respects Nangong Haoling's courage, and also admires Nangong Xiaoran's steadfastness!
However, no matter how flawless they are, isn't the truth still being noticed by the woman in front of them? !

This woman is too smart!
But, isn't the one he loves in his heart the clever and cunning her? !

And she has always been so smart!

With a secret sigh, he walked slowly to the window and stood behind her: "It's rare to be confused in life!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's brows creased lightly, and she looked sideways at him: "You and I can both say this, but it's too difficult to do it!"

"What's so difficult about that?"

With his handsome eyebrows raised slightly, Dugu Chen smiled handsomely: "When you arrive at Nanyue in the future, you will follow me, an idle prince, and just live happily and carelessly every day!"

"Can you?"

Frowning slightly mockingly, looking at Dugu Chen's dispirited eyes, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look at the bright moon outside the window: "I'm in such a miserable state now, it's all thanks to your brother Dugu Jiang, I've always had revenge , now that you take me back to Nanyue, maybe I will mess up the Nanyue Imperial Palace!"


Because of Yuan Xiuyue's harsh words, Dugu Chen was slightly taken aback.

"What? The prince is afraid?"

Slightly raising her eyebrows, turning her head to meet Dugu Chen's eyes in the air, Yuan Xiuyue raised the corners of her lips coldly: "If you are afraid now, you can throw me in this wilderness and let me fend for myself!"

"Did I ever say I'm afraid of words?"

Frowning tightly, and asking Yuan Xiuyue like this, Duguchen sighed helplessly and said: "I, Duguchen, spent my whole life plotting against others, but ended up being crushed by you, alas...the ship capsized in the gutter! "

Hearing Duguchen's words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help fainting with a smile in his originally dead eyes.

Never missing the smile in her eyes, Duguchen's eyes were slightly warm, and he smiled softly: "There are so many people for you, let's make myself happier in the days to come!"


Muttering these two simple words softly, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes dimmed, but there was a sudden sharp pain in her heart.

I don't know when it started, her happiness was all connected with Nangong Haoling.

But now, in order to live, she must not think about him, miss him, but... Without him, will there be happiness in her life?

"Out of Xiu?"

Staring at Yuan Xiuyue's slightly pale face, Duguchen frowned tightly, and raised his hand to bite his fingers.

"not needed for now!"

Raising her hand lightly, holding Dugu Chen's hand, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head lightly at him: "If I want to live, I must forget something, but if it doesn't hurt now, I don't guarantee that I can forget it!"

She wants to bury that person deep in her heart.

There must be a process of adaptation!
Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Duguchen's eyes flickered slightly.

Lowering his eyelids, staring deeply at Yuan Xiuyue's slender white hand, he held her hand behind his back and took out a medicine bottle from his breast pocket: "This is for you..."

In the palm of the hand, there is an icy cold feeling, which is clearly identifiable.

Staring at the medicine bottle that Duguchen put in her hand, Yuan Xiuyue slightly bent her lips: "The poison of worry-free!"


Wanting to hold her hand all the time, but had to let go, Duguchen was reluctant to let go, but smiled like the wind on his face: "I know, you will definitely not use it, but the Wangqing Gu poison is attacking." The pain of getting up is not something ordinary people can bear, I think...if you are really struggling, it may help you temporarily relieve..."

"Dugu Chen!"

Determined, looking at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes dimmed: "As you said, if you want to detoxify this forgetfulness Gu poison, you must either spend the poison with your beloved, or stay with you and have children with you." ... I will not choose these two paths, which means that I will definitely die! You should know, with my personality, if I know that I will die, I will definitely choose to die between the one I love and the one I love. By my own child's side, but now why do I choose to go to Nanyue with you?"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes darkened slightly, but he didn't speak, just waiting for her to continue talking.

Sure enough, after a faint sigh, Yuan Xiuyue said sadly: "Because he wants me to live, and I also want to live to know some details about him and Tianyou..."

Therefore, she will definitely not take this worry-free poison.

Even if, one day in the near future, she might die of heartache!

"I understand!"

With a heavy heart, as if about to suffocate, Duguchen's handsome face still evoked a charming smile, and with a soft sigh, he raised his eyebrows and said to the one who was still standing in front of the window: "Have a good rest, tomorrow morning , we still have to hurry!"


Gently, in response, Yuan Xiuyue endured the pain in her heart and looked in the direction of Lidu.

There, there is the man she loves deeply, and her dearest baby, Tianyou, but now, in order to survive, she has to continue to stay away from them temporarily...

Poor her Yuer, still so young!

Deeply, looking at Yuan Xiuyue again, Duguchen couldn't help feeling slightly sad.

Frowning helplessly, he turned and left her bedroom.

Get out, close the door.

Quietly leaning against the closed door, he closed his eyes in pain and with some difficulty.

Yuan Xiuyue said that the reason why she chooses to go with him now is just to follow Nangong Haoling's mind and continue to live in this world... In fact, what she is more afraid of is that Nangong Haoling will do whatever it takes to marry her Cross the poison!
But what she didn't know was that somewhere under the bright moon, that man was also suffering from bone-piercing pain!
The world knows about this matter, both he and Nangong Haoling know about it.

But he couldn't tell her.

The poison of forgetting love hurts the most affectionate people.

If the two of them were together, the poison would only spread faster.

In that case, Yuan Xiuyue will die due to the forgetfulness Gu poison, and Nangong Haoling will die if the Gu poison in his body cannot be transformed into a Gu!

The next day, Duguchen continued on the road with Yuan Xiuyue and his party, and after a few days, changed to the waterway to the capital of Yue Kingdom.

Because Yuan Xiuyue has been living in the north, she rarely has the opportunity to take a boat.

Therefore, seasickness after boarding the ship became her nightmare.

But fortunately, after five consecutive days of nightmares, she gradually got used to the dangling feeling, and the pain also faded away.

(End of this chapter)

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