Chapter 334 The Person I Love Most 2
Hearing this, Dugu Jiang sneered, stretched out his hand and scratched his neck hard, and said with a sullen expression: "I never thought that the peace between Nanyue and Liguo would be entrusted to a woman!"

Peace is the most important thing? !
What a ridiculous word? !

In the past, Dugu Chen was arrogant and arrogant, and he sneered at Li Guo and Chu State.

But now? !
He only met a woman who was about to die, and he lost all fighting spirit!
"Don't grab it, it will break if you grab it again!"

Staring at the bright red streaks on Dugujiang's neck, Duguchen's eyes darkened: "Since you are uncomfortable, you should hurry back to the palace right now!"

"How did you do it?"

With a sneer, there was no smile on Dugu Jiang's handsome face, and he stood up limply, like a monkey constantly looking for lice, constantly scratching his body: "Then I'll go back to the palace first!"

"and many more!"

His pupils flickered slightly, and Duguchen called to Dugujiang's footsteps.


Turning around slightly, Dugu Jiang's brows formed a Sichuan character.

Staring at his brother, Duguchen was silent for a moment, and then said seriously: "Jiang, you know better than anyone else that her life is not only related to the fate of Chu, Chu and Liguo, I want her to live!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang's heart couldn't help tightening.

"Brother Wang didn't realize that even if the alliance of the Li and Chu countries fights against us, don't we necessarily lose?"


Just gently calling out the word Jiang, Duguchen's eyes turned cold: "In that case, it's not the best way to waste people's money!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang scratched his face with a wry smile, and looked straight into Dugu Chen's deep eyes: "Is the unification of the Three Kingdoms still the dream of Brother Wang?"

Quietly, looking at Dugu Jiang, Duguchen said softly: "This court is yours now, I don't want to ask any more questions, but now is not the best time for the unification of the Three Kingdoms!"

"Unexpectedly, only one Yuan Xiuyue can make Brother Wang abandon his ambition. She is really not ordinary..." The voice was cold and indifferent, and Dugu Jiang smiled coldly: "If I knew today, when I was in Chu State, I should have It ended up with her!"


His eyes turned cold suddenly, although Duguchen only called out the word Jiang, his whole demeanor also became cold.

"Brother Wang..." Jiang Duguchen had a panoramic view of Jiang Duguchen's reaction. Dugu Jiang's thin lips were tightly pressed into a straight line, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "If I touch her, will Brother Wang turn against me?"


The tone was calm, but very firm. When Dugu Chen answered Dugu Jiang's question, he did not hesitate at all.

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang's eyes darkened instantly.

He stretched out his hand suddenly and scratched his face, the burning pain came clearly, he pulled the corner of his mouth a little far-fetched, and turned to look at Duguchen: "It's just an ugly girl, why does Brother Wang treat her like this?"

"You do not understand!"

Frowning tightly, Dugu Jiangfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and scratched his face twice: "Is she the bottom line of Brother Wang?"


Duguchen directly chose to remain silent.

Seeing him like this, Dugu Jiang couldn't help smiling, and walked out.

Sometimes, silence is the best answer!

Seeing Dugu Jiang walking and scratching out of the study, Dugu Chen's eyes darkened slightly.

In the world, nothing happens for no reason.

Now he finally knew why Yuan Xiuyue, who said she was jealous when meeting her enemy, came forward to salute Dugu Jiang.

Thinking of this, he suddenly got up from the desk, quickly walked out of the study, and walked towards the room where Yuan Xiuyue was...

Because Duguchen's blood can relieve the pain of Wangqing Gu poison, Yuan Xiuyue's dormitory is not far from his dormitory.

"Servant, see the prince!" Outside the dormitory, there were two little girls who were keeping watch at night. Seeing Dugu Chen approaching from a distance, the two of them only raised their eyes, and hurriedly saluted him.

"Free gift!"

Faintly speaking, Duguchen pointed his chin at the door, and was about to ask Yuan Xiuyue if he was asleep, when the door creaked and was opened from the inside.

Standing at the door, Yuan Mingyue raised her eyes slightly, and said lightly to Duguchen: "Xiuyue, please come in, my lord!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's heart trembled slightly.

Pursing his thin lips tightly, he stepped into the room.

I found Yuan Xiuyue's figure at the table and saw her drinking tea comfortably. He frowned and walked forward slowly: "You expected that I would come to you?"


Raising her black eyebrows lightly, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes sparkled, and she raised her eyes to look at Dugu Chen: "Not only did I expect you to come to me, I also know why you came to me!"

Hearing this, Duguchen fixed her eyes and couldn't help narrowing them slightly.

Not at all afraid of his expression, Yuan Xiuyue only twitched her brows, and continued to drink tea with her head down.

Seeing her like this, Duguchen slowly opened his narrowed eyes, with a sense of powerlessness in his tone: "Chuxiu, I know you hate him, but you are all my favorite people, I hope that in the days to come Here, you can live in peace!"

favorite person? !

Hearing these four words from Dugu Chen's mouth, Yuan Xiuyue's heart couldn't help trembling slightly.

Long, with a light sigh, facing Dugu Chen in all directions, her eyes flickered slightly, she turned her head to the side and said in a slightly loose tone: "I know what you mean, but if I don't punish him today, I will feel unhappy in my heart." ... As long as he doesn't offend me in the future, I will naturally not do anything to him again!"

Concentrating deeply on Yuan Xiuyue's side face, Duguchen's heart darkened.

Just now, he had already received his brother's guarantee, and at this moment, he heard her words again.

He should have been happy to co-author, but no matter what, he couldn't feel any joy in his heart.

What is so close and far away? !
This is what Yuan Xiuyue gave him now!

Even though she is right in front of his eyes now, he feels that her heart is far, far away from him.

No, to be precise, she seemed to be a different person in front of her, as if she had lost her heart!
Sighing softly, he raised his hand to support her shoulder: "What poison did you do with him?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyebrows and glanced at his hand: "That thing should be extracted from hydrangeas by you..."

"I see!"

Knowing that Dugu Jiang was just about to suffer some crimes, but his body would not suffer any serious problems, Duguchen secretly heaved a sigh of relief. "In the past few days, you have been exhausted all the way, so you should be tired, so hurry up and take a rest!"

The next day, Dugu Jiang did not have an early morning court.

For him, a romantic emperor, it's not uncommon for him not to cause trouble. They all tacitly thought that the emperor must have had fun with another empress last night~ It's too much, and the exhaustion of physical strength will not be able to recover.

However, what they didn't expect was that Dugu Jiang didn't have a good time with any lady last night, but was tormented by the unexplained itching all night without sleep. When he saw his face, he couldn't help but let out a strange cry, and quickly passed it to the imperial physician.

It turned out that Dugu Jiang's severe itching last night was not all that tormented Dugu Jiang.

After a night of insomnia, many small red bumps appeared on his face, and he couldn't see people at all!

After carefully checking the pulse with Dugu Jiang, the imperial physician said cautiously: "My minister thinks that the reason why the emperor feels unbearably itchy is probably caused by his allergies to something. Think about it, your majesty, what have you been exposed to yesterday?"

"I only went to pick up Yue Wang back to the capital last night, what else can I get in touch with... hmm?"

There were red spots on his handsome face, thinking of Yuan Xiuyue's salute that shouldn't have happened in the daytime, Dugu Jiangyin's eyes couldn't help narrowing slightly: "Prince physician, I ask you, in this world people can start to be difficult to notice, But something that is extremely itchy at certain times?"

Hearing this, the Empress Dowager was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought deeply.

After a while, he asked softly, "Did the emperor drink wine last night?"

Dugu Jiang Bai glanced at the imperial physician: "Last night, I met Brother Wang, so I naturally drank wine!"

The imperial physician nodded lightly, and replied softly: "Hydrangea pollen, if mixed with wine, can cause allergies!"

"I know, you go back first!"

There was a gloomy look in his eyes, Dugu Jiang frowned tightly, his thoughts turned and turned, but he never spoke.

After a while, he looked down on Liansheng, then raised his eyes to look at the luxurious and extravagant things in front of him, as if he was asking Liansheng, but he seemed to be talking to himself: "I seem to have seen a way!"

One, the road that can return this country to his brother Wang!
(End of this chapter)

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