Chapter 1007

"Water tiger!"

"It turned out to be you two monsters. According to legend, you are close relatives of monsters."

"The Kappa looks like a four or five-year-old child. It looks extremely ugly, but it has great strength. It is equivalent to 6 people and 8 horses. You will drag people into the water and drown them, and then slowly eat them. Children like to eat."

"The water tiger is even uglier. There are teeth in the stomach that can chew and digest everything swallowed whole, and the iron armor on the back is unscathed when it hits a stone, and there is a row of bones on the lower body that can be easily crushed even by rocks. Water tiger claws, for easy climbing."

"The most incredible thing is that in the legend, the water tiger has a pair of omnipotent ears that can understand fish, birds and human language, and the demon power that can make the body invisible and disappear at will."

"If these are true, then you, an ugly thing, should be able to understand what I mean next, right?"

Just after Abe Seimei finished the information about the two monsters, he suddenly turned his head and looked directly at the water tiger, the ugliest of the two monsters, as if he was really communicating with it, and said the last sentence.

What's weird is that after hearing Abe Seimei's words, the ugly water tiger that looks like a big toad tilted its head, opened and closed its big mouth, drooling, and stared at Abe Seimei with a pair of round eyes, which turned out to be curious and contemptuous look.

It really understood.

Not only did it understand, but the kappa on the side also seemed to understand.However, it seemed to be more arrogant than the water tiger. It ignored Abe Seimei who was approaching, and was still cleaning up his messy hair.

Seeing this scene, Abe Seimei didn't get angry at all.

He just raised his fist slowly, feeling the terrifying power flowing in it, then lowered his head, looked directly at the water tiger, and asked coldly: "Hey, monster, I'm asking you, what do you eat?" Extraordinary?"

Abe Seimei's question seems to have scratched the itch of the water tiger monster.

I saw the monster suddenly raised its head excitedly, screaming "Zhi Zhi Zhi" from its big mouth, and then danced and danced at Abe Seimei, while nodding frantically, it was obvious that he wanted to tell Abe Seimei.

This monster has not only eaten humans, but is not afraid to tell you that human flesh is also very delicious.

Abe Seimei received this meaning, and Wu Liang also received it at the other end of the round light technique.

So at this moment, Wu Liang set his eyes on Abe Seimei curiously.

"Hot-blooded boy, how will you deal with it?"

"If you want to become a hero and fulfill that grand wish, it is not enough just to gain strength. You also need to have the arrogance that all monsters fear... If you can't cultivate this arrogance, then it will naturally come to the hands of my grandpa again. It's time, but Grandpa Ben is very busy now, so he doesn't have time to teach you."

"So, come on, lucky boy."

This fellow Wu Liang, obviously entered the drama again.

I'm still with my grandfather, I've never seen anyone's grandfather paddling like this.

Fortunately, on the other side, Abe Seimei's next performance can be called a surprise among surprises.

Abe Seimei, who was humiliated by the water tiger, showed no sign of anger at all, and a smile appeared on his incomparably delicate face that did not match his body at all, an incomparably serene smile.

While smiling, he saw Abe Seimei slowly stretching out his fist.

And, it reached directly to Shuihu's mouth that was constantly dripping with saliva, and then slowly said: "Since I have eaten human flesh, do you want to taste this fist of mine, is it better than the human flesh you have eaten?" Are they all delicious?"

Seeing this scene, Wu Liang's eyes sparkled with splendor.

And the water tiger on the other end was even more excited. Obviously, he didn't expect that he and his cousin were playing at the door of the house, and a seemingly crazy human came out. After talking for a few words, he took the initiative to send his little hand over for him to eat .

Food delivered to your door, to eat or not to eat?

Heh, there is no such problem in Shuihu's ugly head.

It didn't even hesitate at all, its big mouth suddenly opened to the limit, without even making a sound, it just jumped up, and then swallowed Abe Seimei's fist like a sand bowl into its mouth .

Then he began to climb up Abe Seimei's arm "gurgling". Looking at this appearance, he clearly planned to swallow Abe Seimei's entire arm into his stomach.Thinking of what Abe Seimei said when he introduced the water tiger, this ugly monster even has teeth in its stomach to help chew, so it is not surprising that this scene appeared.

But what made the water tiger feel very strange was that, as a victim, the human boy in front of him was completely different from the previous humans.

In the past, when it devoured those human beings, all the human beings were terrified, roaring, howling, and cursing... everything, except that they were not as calm as this human boy.

The weird atmosphere made Shuihu feel a little bad.

The rational part of its mind made the water tiger let go of the boy's arm and run away.

But unfortunately, it is a monster.

The rational part is less pathetic and more greedy.

So instead of letting go of the boy's arm, it moved forward even more impatiently. At the same time, the teeth in its stomach finally felt the appearance of the foreign object, and it directly "clicked" and started to eat. The ugly face of the water tiger , finally showing an even uglier smile.

Unfortunately, this smile froze in the next moment.

Because it heard very clearly, from its stomach, suddenly one after another strange noises came.

"Crack ~ boom"

"Boom boom boom"

One after another, incredible sounds.

It immediately realized that this was not the sound of it successfully devouring the boy's arm, but the sound of teeth breaking one after another in its stomach.There is no doubt that there is nothing other than the boy's arm that caused all this.

so hard?
In Shuihu's head, only this idea had time to emerge.

Because right away, it's dead.

Yes, it died.

It turns out that at some point, Abe Seimei stood up straight, the arm that had been swallowed by the water tiger raised high, and then threw it towards the ground without hesitation.



It's over, an incomparably crisp end.

An extremely ugly monster, after Abe Seimei's blow, directly turned into a ball of flesh and blood fireworks, and exploded beside this small river that swallowed a large number of lives.

Witnessing this scene, apart from Wu Liang on the other side of the round light technique, there was only another monster who was suddenly stunned, a close relative of the water tiger, a kappa, who had been maintaining a contemptuous and disdainful attitude until now.

Of course, the kappa at this time can no longer maintain that posture.

It just turned its head sluggishly, and then stared at this scene dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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