Chapter 1009 It's all rubbish

"it is good"

"clap clap"

At the moment when Abe Seimei killed the Kappa, somewhere he didn't know, an unscrupulous guy yelled "Hello" and started clapping.

This guy, of course, is Wu Liang.

From the start of Abe Seimei's attack to the end of the monster slaying, Wu Liang has seen clearly through the round light technique.

That's why Wu Liang applauded.

Because Abe Seimei's handling is indeed very good.

Killing the water tiger and the kappa one after another, the process was as smooth as running water, and the posture of pretending to be forceful also won the essence of Wu Liang. Except for the fact that there were no crowds, there were almost no flaws, which made Wu Liang very satisfied.

The teachings of his accompanying grandfather are indeed very useful.

Even if it was just his debut, Abe Seimei showed extraordinary qualities.

It is true that Abe Seimei's combat power at this time far exceeds that of Kappa and Mizutora.

But if Abe Seimei showed these powers from the beginning, I'm afraid he would not be able to kill two monsters in a row.

Because monsters can't beat them, they will run away.

Perhaps Abe Seimei could kill the water tiger directly at the beginning with the momentum of thunder, but it may be difficult to catch the kappa.

And with the method just now, first show weakness, put on the appearance of a brain-damaged child with many problems, let the water tiger think that something good has happened, then kill it directly, and then take advantage of the Kappa's confusion, directly deliver the goods to the door.

Based on the idea that it is a bastard not to take advantage of the cheap, the kappa's greed will not let it miss such a delicious meal, and it thinks that it is smarter than its close brothers.

The result, of course, is clear.

Abe Seimei's road to slaying demons and demons started off so smoothly that it couldn't have been smoother.

Two flesh and blood fireworks sent the boy off on his way.

On the other hand, Wu Liang, as Abe Seimei's accompanying grandfather, is also twirling his non-existent beard at this time to express his relief.

At this moment, when Wu Liang was appreciating with great interest, a doubtful voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Husband, what are you looking at, so happy."


Hearing this voice suddenly, Wu Liang subconsciously put away the round light technique.

But soon, this guy reacted by himself.

"Hey, why am I panicking? I'm not watching some indescribable film, I'm afraid of being checked."

It can only be said that this guy has too many ghosts in his heart, Yuzao yelled in front of him, and almost lost his composure.

Although this guy is not watching any indescribable film, Zao girl saw the incomparably handsome face of Abe Seimei at first glance. She was about to express her surprise when she suddenly saw the terrifying face of Abe Seimei. stature.


A gaze of unknown meaning fell deeply on Wu Liang.

Seen by Zao Nu, Wu Liang almost fell off the bed.

Hey, little fox, what kind of eyes are you looking at?
You don't think your husband and I are perverts, do you?

Wu Liang didn't ask this question, but judging from the strange expression on Zao Nu's face at this time, she knew that Zao Nu might really think so.

But it's no wonder that Zao Nu, you said that you are the head of Wu Da, and you have the most beautiful woman in the world by your side. You are not moved by your hands, and you secretly ran to see such a strange "beautiful boy". Everyone should doubt you, okay?

Seeing Zao Nu's expression, Wu Liang hastily denied Sanlian.

I'm not!
I do not have!
Don't think about it!

Facing Wu Liang who was a little flustered, Zao Nu perfectly showed the appearance of a good wife at this time.

That soft body leaned up and slipped into Wu Liang's arms, the astonishingly hot Zhenshou leaned on Wu Liang's shoulders, and the uncontrollable fragrance penetrated into Wu Liang's nose, and at the same time There was another word that made Wu Liang want to cry, but fell into his ears.

But I heard Zao Nu softly whispering in Wu Liang's ear: "Husband, although Zao Nu is still a little unwell, but if Husband wants, Zao~ Zao Nu can do it, I just hope that Husband will show more pity."

As soon as the words fell, Zao Nu was going to dive down like a beautiful snake.

If it was at another time, facing this kind of treatment, Wu Liang would be so happy that he couldn't be happier.

But now, Wu Liang just wanted to cry.

What the hell!

There are also times when the head is misunderstood?
Wu Liang's question is a little self-aware. This guy is often misunderstood, okay?
Although Wu Liang also likes Zao Nu's gentleness, he must not continue at this time. If the misunderstanding is considered true by Zao Nu, how can Wu Liang be a mighty and domineering husband?

Thinking of this, Wu Liang couldn't bear it any longer, he directly stretched out his hand and lifted Zao Nu up.

No matter how much the poor little fox suffered just now, he turned over directly, let the algae girl lie on his lap, and then stretched out a hand unceremoniously, and directly landed on a familiar place.


"clap clap"


"Husband~husband, please forgive me, algae girl believes in you, algae girl believes in you, why not?"

After a burst of extremely rhythmic sounds, the little fox finally succumbed to Wu Liang's despotic power.

No way, Wu Liang is really bad.

Relying on his extraordinary understanding of the body, even though it was just an ordinary spanking, he was forced to play with this guy.

The algae girl who was beaten was going back and forth between pain, itching and comfort, and at the end there was an embarrassing hot breath surging in her body, and algae girl was worried that if this went on, she might lose her composure.

Although she is a little fox, she is a woman after all.

I love Wu Liang so much, and I don't want to lose my temper in front of him.

Fortunately, she didn't really misunderstand Wu Liang, it was just a small prank, she just wanted to see her domineering husband look flustered.

Wu Liang also saw this later, so he played even more vigorously.


After Zao Nu begged for mercy, Wu Liang finally let the little fox go.

But when he looked down, his eyes just fell on Zao Nu's carcass full of red clouds, and also happened to fall on that special part. There was such a natural gift lying in his arms, and he was very fond of himself. enamored.

At this time, the one who can hold back must...not be a man.

Wu Liang, a 100% man.

So this guy couldn't hold it back at all, and his breathing immediately became short of breath. A pair of hands that were slapping people hard, but I don't know when they turned into caressing. This change was directly felt by Zao Nu. Inside, the little head was buried deeply like an ostrich, and was unwilling to come out no matter what.

He just uttered a sentence sullenly, saying: "Husband, take pity on Zao girl."

As soon as the sound came out, Wu Liang couldn't bear it at all, and with a roar, he turned into a wolf and jumped on it.

Fortunately, before this guy pounced on him, he didn't forget to turn off the circular light technique. Otherwise, he would still use this kind of circular light technique while doing such indescribable movements. Quite perverted.

It's just pity for the lucky and passionate young man Abe Seimei, this time there is no crowd at all.

Alone, embarked on the lonely road of slaying demons and demons.

Those who hear it are sad!
Those who see it weep!

(End of this chapter)

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