Chapter 1024 The Evil Proposal

What did everyone see?
Why did it explode?
At this moment, let alone a group of monsters and gods in the banquet, even Wu Liang himself couldn't help but be stunned.

I saw the side of the Inari Goddess, two graceful figures were entangled together, to be precise, it was Zao Mai who was hugging the priestess Ge Ye tightly, and the lips of the two were sticking together, and it was difficult to part Indistinguishable.And almost without thinking about it, at this time, the lilac tongue of the fox fairy Ge Ye must have fallen into the mouth of the female hooligan Zao Nu.

This scene was simply too...exciting.

It is no wonder that the atmosphere in this banquet will explode at this time.

Although no one spoke, but it can be clearly felt that the air above the banquet is like boiling water, bubbling and bubbling, and the sound of sucking air-conditioning can be heard endlessly.

Although at the banquet, there were many deviant and unscrupulous monsters, there were also many small gods like mountain gods and river gods who transcended the human world.

Ordinarily, they would not be affected by the sight in front of them.

But the truth is, this world has always been deeply influenced by the morality of the human world, even some monsters are also influenced by some simple ethics and morality.

Therefore, the scene that appeared at this moment had an incomparably huge impact on their hearts.

If it weren't for the scruples, the two people who were entangled, no matter whether it was Zao Nu or the fox fairy Ge Ye, were standing behind their backs that they couldn't afford to provoke. I'm afraid that the demons and gods attending the banquet now would start to curse.

Inari Goddess, needless to say, the main god of a pantheon, even a lawless monster like Shuten-Douji, would not provoke Inari Goddess, let alone demons and gods like them fighting alone.

And the other one understands better, although Wu Liang hasn't revealed any terrible identity yet.

But it didn't need to be, just the moment Wu Liang showed up, the strength he showed was enough to make everyone in the field shut up.

Unless, you want to die.

For example, that hundred-eyed ghost, barely considered a powerful monster, was killed by a cold snort, it was simply miserable.

Of course, not being able to shout or curse doesn't mean they won't show disgusted expressions.

If people who don't know the details read it, they may think that this is a gathering of hypocrites and hypocrites.

However, in this atmosphere, there are still heterogeneous.

Moreover, it is directly two.

"Tsk tsk~"


Two similarly teasing whistles sounded almost simultaneously.

One of them was undoubtedly Wu Liang.

Although Wu Liang was stunned by the scene in front of him at first, after this guy reacted, he almost became excited without any suspense.

Various thoughts were roaring in his mind.

"Hey, lily."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. The women I like are so special. I thought that a queen like Senior Sister Lu would be amazing, but I didn't expect there to be a more domineering one. Sure enough, this little fox and another little fox It's not that simple."

"You don't need the little fox to say it yourself. I can make up a story about Lily's love by myself. One of the flowers is now picked by me. It was suggested by the little fox before..."

"Don't think about it. I'm a gentleman. Besides, I'm Abe Seimei's grandfather, and that little fox is Abe Seimei's mother. She's already a wife. The little fox's proposal is really evil. Don't let her go so easily."


If the black snitch and the system could talk, they should be madly complaining about their master at this time.

Can't easily follow her?
It means that if Zao Nu tries hard to persuade, he will eventually obey.


It can only be said that I have never seen such a brazen person.

It's a pity that both the snitch and the system have been silenced and blocked by Wu Liang, and there is no place to complain.

And just as Wu Liang was thinking wildly, he suddenly heard another whistle. The guy raised his head and saw that the source of the sound came from the upper head, who was lazily lying half-ly on the seat of his god. , Full figure.

Goddess Inari!

Wu Liang didn't expect that the person who shared his goals here was actually a goddess.

And this goddess, a second ago was still in the wind, Wu Liang.

Now she has joined the team of appreciating the beautiful scene. She is obviously a noble and dignified goddess, but she looks like an idiot.

Zao Nu and Ge Ye are two little foxes, each with its own style. Although Zao Nu is superior in appearance, Ge Ye, who is wearing a priest's uniform, also has a graceful and dignified demeanor. It can be said that each is good at winning.

But if Goddess Inari also joined in, the scene might really explode.

Inari Goddess is not inferior to Algae in appearance, and the mature and full aura on her body is a huge lethal force to any male existence, let alone the looming slender flesh under her majestic light. The light makes people want to go crazy even more.

Fortunately, the goddess still maintained her sanity and did not really join.

Instead, together with Wu Liang, the two watched the two nine-tailed demon foxes nibbling each other abruptly with eyes admiring the beautiful scenery.


"Little Geye"

Although their lips parted, their gazes were still fixed on each other, as if they were unwilling to part even for a moment.

This scene made Wu Liang and Goddess unhappy at the same time.

The scene just now was indeed beautiful.

But now, both of them have the illusion of being "green".

This is of course wrong, at least Wu Liang can clearly feel that Zao Nu's love is still attached to him alone, but for the little fox fairy Ge Ye, it is the kind of domineering sister bullying the weak and dignified younger sister.

By the way, Zao Nu has an evil idea, the target is Ge Ye and..., and the beneficiary is naturally Wu Liang.

As for the fox fairy Ge Ye, the feeling for Zao Nu is the kind of nostalgia, the obsession after the longing has come true, and it has nothing to do with love.

But these did not prevent the two from feeling at the same time that their cabbage had been taken over by other pigs.

So these two guys, once again in sync.



As soon as the two cold hums sounded, the two little foxes, who were immersed in a certain ambiguous atmosphere, immediately woke up.

However, the behavior of the two little foxes was different.

As soon as Zao Nu woke up, she turned her head and blinked mischievously at Wu Liang, and then there was a look of embarrassment on her face, "Husband, look how good I am", begging for praise.

On the other side, Ge Ye immediately let out an "ah", turned her head and saw the displeasure on the face of her own goddess, and subconsciously wanted to get out of the embrace of the algae girl.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zao Nu, the fox god and the most beautiful woman in the world, immediately hugged Ge Ye tightly in her arms again, pinched the little fox's chin with her white fingers, and after slightly lifting it, she was domineering Open your mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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