Chapter 1034
Wu Liang's last few words undoubtedly stabbed a hornet's nest.Almost all the monsters and gods stood up one after another at this time, and their anger and puzzled thoughts suddenly surged into a tide, as if they were about to overthrow the attic immediately.

The reason why all the monsters and gods have always obeyed Wu Liang.

One is naturally because of Wu Liang's strength, and the other is because of the relationship between Wu Liang and the Inari gods.

But none of these can compare with their lives.

In fact, nothing can compare with their lives. Even the existence of the three noble gods, theoretically the immediate boss of all their gods, after knowing that they are going to devour themselves, they have the idea of ​​rebellion.

What's more, is it Wu Liang, a mysterious outsider?

So after Wu Liang's cruel words were finished, they all left violently.

Even if Priestess Inari stood up at this time, it would be useless.

Then also at this moment, Wu Liang saw a large number of monsters and gods with various strange shapes.

"Hiss~ You want to kill us, you won't end up, hiss."

The one who spoke was a huge red tongue, emerging from the black mist, and a strong smell of blood rushed to his face.

"We're going to eat you, you bloody outsider, bam."

The one that jumped out suddenly and caused the earth to shake like a mountain was a monster with a strong body covered in hair.

This is a monster named "Bibi". It is used by many shrines to ward off evil spirits because of its ferocity and strength. people.

Wu Liang was watching the monster's jumping feet with a funny face, and suddenly a strange snake head flew over, and was about to spit poisonous gas at Wu Liang, but it turned out to be a monster called "Zhuyin", with a vicious face and a body. Like a snake, it can be arbitrarily long.

"Jie Jie~ Jie Jie"

The one who suddenly let out a shrill laugh was an ugly-looking banshee, whose appearance was a middle-aged woman in her 40s and [-]s, who was dressed up coquettishly, painted with makeup, half grinning her vermilion lips, and kept smiling at Wu Liang. It seems that it is a monster called Qianxi Nu. It is said that most people who hear her laughter are in danger.

Before Wu Liang could utter his ugly refusal, another ugly woman with horns on her head appeared, her bulbous eyes stared at Wu Liang, and the disgusting saliva flowed out, making people's scalp numb. A kind of demon called Prajna, who eats people in the middle of the night, is a kind of female ghost who specializes in snatching children to eat.

Immediately following Hannya, there is a monster that looks like a big bird. It looks like a bird with a human face, a snake body, a curved beak and uneven teeth. It is a strange monster with black flames The huge mouth, with its sharp claws like a sword, was continuously neighing at Wu Liang.

And these were just the monsters and gods that appeared in front of Wu Liang in an instant, and a large group of monsters rushed up behind them, as if they didn't intend to give Wu Liang a chance to escape.

Apparently, these monsters and gods were also afraid of Wu Liang's strength, and planned to rush up and beat Wu Liang.

Even some cunning monsters allocated some energy to entangle Inari Goddess and Algae Girl.

Wu Liang just took a casual look, and saw many famous monsters coming continuously.

A fierce beast the size of a calf, with a tail that forks in two at the end, the cat again.

Surrounded by ice and snow, the snow girl is holding a boy.

Killers like zombies.

Fire-breathing, extremely vicious Huoqianfang.

Like a porcupine, the mountain wind is covered in thorns.


Even Wu Liang himself did not expect that it was not his apprentice who first saw "Hundred Ghosts at Night", but Wu Liang himself.

Now in this attic, Wu Liang has seen what it means to be a group of demons dancing wildly.

All kinds of monsters showed their abilities in front of Wu Liang.

Although not necessarily powerful, but at least in terms of appearance, they are all very good, there is not even a single repetition, it can be said that they are full of creativity.

It is also because of this that they have the opportunity to show all these supernatural powers, which made Wu Liang enjoy watching.

But that's all, Wu Liang has finished appreciating it.

These monsters and gods have no use value.

Seeing that Wu Liang was about to be submerged in it, a chuckle suddenly sounded.

Then, all the monsters found out.

The time and space in the attic suddenly... stopped.

That's right, it's still.

Whether it's a demon, a god, or a sly ghost on the other side.

It seemed to be frozen, time stopped flowing, and no one could move.

Except, Wu Liang.

Under the extremely horrified eyes of these monsters and gods, he said lightly: "Fate is unchangeable, especially this fate is personally arranged by my grandfather who is with me. You native chickens and dogs, apart from being a qualified NPC Besides, there is no other choice.”


Halfway through speaking, Wu Liang glanced at the field.

As his eyes swept, he could see the number of all the monsters in an instant.

Then he muttered to himself again: "There are more than 90 big demons, plus the big tengu and Yamata no Orochi who haven't shown up yet, it happens to form ninety-nine and eighty... Oh no, it's a hundred difficulties, a hundred ghosts Night walk, one hundred difficulties is very suitable."

"Well, just do it."

After listening to Wu Liang's words, all the monsters and gods had bad omens in their hearts.

Then, the omen came true.

Amidst their stunned expressions, Wu Liang, a terrifying mysterious man, suddenly reached out his hand, and his white fingertips suddenly touched the frozen time and space.

Then, there was a "boom", and time and space exploded.

In the attic, an extremely miraculous scene was staged.

All the monsters and gods turned into streamers at this moment, flying backwards in all directions.

While flying away, the memory fragments in their minds about what happened in the attic are being deleted by a stalwart force, leaving only one inexplicably going to embarrass a human teenager named "Abe Seimei" obsession.

This scene was watched by Zao Girl, Inari God, and Fox Immortal Ge Ye.

At the same time, he was also seen by the demon general Slippery Ghost.

On the other hand, the three guys from the line of Onmyoji seemed to be included in the one hundred difficulties by Wu Liang, and they were also sent out of the Inari Shrine by Wu Liang, and the relevant memories were deleted, leaving behind the same obsession, but Their wounds were not healed.


Of course, it was Wu Liang who accidentally ignored it.

It is conceivable that when the three guys woke up and found that they were all seriously injured, and seeing the enemy in front of them, they would think that the other party did it, and a fight was inevitable.


"Okay, relaxed and happy, everything is arranged, and then the real big show will be staged."

Just when the three girls fell into a sluggish state, Wu Liang clapped his hands easily, and he had a vile appearance of a bad humor, laughing so hard that people couldn't help but get goosebumps all over their bodies.

Of course, the only "living insider" Slick Ghost would not think so.

At this moment, it just felt the scene in front of it.

No, it's the person in front of him. It's really scary.

(End of this chapter)

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