Chapter 1068 The Giant Ape on Monster Island

"Monster Earth!"

In Wu Liang's mouth, he murmured.

As the name suggests, these four characters have a very simple and clear meaning. It probably means that the earth that Wu Liang came to at this time is not Wu Liang's hometown, but an earth plane in a parallel space that gathers all kinds of terrible monsters.

This reminded Wu Liang immediately that when he was still in his hometown, he had indeed seen a major Hollywood film company seem to be considering creating a "monster universe" to counter other companies' ideas similar to the extraordinary universe.

And the content seems to have many similarities with the information fragments Wu Liang received.

Regarding this, a guess flashed through Wu Liang's mind, and he said directly: "Could it be that similar planes will affect each other, for example, everything that happens in this monster Earth 42 will be mapped to the home planet Earth through some specific conditions?" In the human mind of the plane."

"Then, show it in the form of a story?"

Wu Liang raised this question, but did not get any answer from the system.

If it was the past, Wu Liang should start to shout at the system at this time.

But at this time, Wu Liang didn't. There was a twinkle in the depths of his eyes, as if he had realized something faintly.

Of course, even if he really understands something, it must involve some secrets that can only be touched by super powers, and it is not something that Wu Liang can interfere with today.

So soon, Wu Liang turned his gaze to the earth below.


"Monster Earth 42, fun, so much fun."

Amidst Wu Liang's murmurs, he suddenly thought, and directly avoided the eastern continent that was shrouded in the power of the river crab, but turned to fly to a lonely island above the huge ocean.

Anyway, here is not the real hometown.

In other words, the family members Wu Liang wants to see, or other old friends, actually do not exist on this earth.

And there, it seems that because of the terrifying power of the river crab, no monsters appeared.

Although he came to this plane by accident, Wu Liang's purpose has not changed.

Become stronger!

This has always been Wu Liang's driving force.

Not being able to go to the world of the ancient Tyrannosaurus made it impossible for Wu Liang to compete with those dinosaurs.

But now it seems that it doesn't matter anymore. According to the fragments of information received by Wu Liang, this so-called monster Earth 42 seems to be about to usher in a huge change soon, one after another terrifying monsters will appear in the world.

Even if it was just a glimpse, Wu Liang had a premonition.

"It seems that every monster that will appear is not simple."

"I just hope that most of them are more... resistant to beating."

After muttering this sentence, Wu Liang's figure had already appeared on the big island.

This is an island with weird terrain, with various jagged peaks on it, and an extremely dense and deep jungle. A huge river runs through it. It seems that some strange sinkholes can be seen vaguely, and the inside is dark. I don't know where it leads.

The most important thing is that as soon as Wu Liang appeared, he smelled a strong and intense smell mixed with blood and stench, starting from the sky.

"Hey, it seems that there are quite a few big guys in this place."

While Wu Liang was talking, his eyes fell on a huge monster that was walking slowly in a huge pond below.

That is a huge buffalo like a hill. It seems to have lived for a long time, its body is covered with various moss, and its curved horns are almost petrified. It looks like an old monster with vicissitudes.

In addition, Wu Liang looked around a few more times.

I also saw giant bamboo spiders bigger than buffaloes, super tentacled octopuses hiding at the bottom of the river, giant birds flying down from the clouds from time to time, and terrifying giant crocodiles that occasionally climbed out of the lake... This island is simply a paradise for monsters .

If an ordinary person walked onto this island suddenly, he would be terrified to death soon.

Even if it doesn't die, it will be eaten.

Unfortunately, in Wu Liang's view, these so-called monsters are just ordinary big guys.According to the standards of monks, at most they are equivalent to human monks like Ningxiang, or some monsters that grow wildly but do not cultivate supernatural powers.

When it comes to Wu Liang, he doesn't even need to use his hands, he can crush them to death with just one finger, it's just so unreasonable.

Until the next moment, Wu Liang saw the real "Master" on this island.


"Roar~ bang bang bang"

After the first roar, Wu Liang saw a gigantic black ape suddenly appearing in front of a mountain like Wuzhi Mountain. Its body was so big that it almost exploded all the monsters Wu Liang had seen before.

And miraculously, when it appeared, the whole island seemed to tremble because of it.

A wave of incomparably wild and ferocious force rolled out like a tide, stretching in all directions.

Wherever it passed, almost all the monsters expressed their surrender.


With an exclamation, Wu Liang's eyes lit up.

"What a little guy, although the blood is thin, there is indeed a slight possibility."

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that a plane similar to the earth would have descendants of ancient beasts. This is amazing."

If Wu Liang's eyes at this time were seen by the daughters of the Nine Cauldron Sect, they would immediately understand.

This guy is obviously happy to see Lie Xin.

The target, there is no need to cover up, is the black giant ape that suddenly appeared and was slapping his chest and roaring continuously.

The terrifying power it displayed was naturally a joke in Wu Liang's view.

Despite its power, it seems to be able to knock down other monsters on the island.

But in Wu Liang's case, he was still no more than a finger.

However, this does not mean that it has no potential. In fact, at first glance, under Wu Liang's ancient god's eyes, the trace in this black giant ape's body has been so thin that it is impossible to think about how many generations have passed. The bloodline of the ferocious beast surfaced instantly without hiding.

There is no need for system identification, Wu Liang will know.

This ape, which is obviously in its "infancy", actually has a lot of potential.

Of course, it's just potential.

If there are no accidents, it may become more and more powerful in the future, and eventually become a very powerful giant ape, but this is limited to this earth plane.If you don't cultivate supernatural powers or bloodlines, even if you have good potential, it's just in vain.

But now, its "opportunity" has appeared.

All creatures in the plane of Ping'an Jing can tell the giant ape that Wu Liang is the biggest accident, the biggest anomaly.

"Potential is potential, future is future."

"Although this little guy looks good, if he wants to be favored by the head, he just doesn't have enough potential. At least he needs to be smart. I don't want to take a monster that has no blood but is as stupid as a pig as a pet."

Standing on the sky, Wu Liang said so.

(End of this chapter)

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