Chapter 1077
How long does it take to create a battle-ready mecha from scratch?

The answer is simple, in this Monster Earth 42 there is a reality comparison.

In the future trajectory of fate, monsters attacked the major cities in the Pacific Rim one after another, and finally made humans have to unite to manufacture mechas, and finally the monsters attacked for the fourth time, which was also the third year.

Finally, the first Mecha Hunter, the so-called Noisy Boy, was produced.

And the first mecha also exhausted the wisdom of all mankind.

But now, within a few breaths, Wu Liang single-handedly, with his own strength, quickly created the first mecha in the true sense.


In the aircraft cemetery, a mech as tall as a hill was standing quietly.

It is mainly black and red, the upper half is red, and the lower half is dark black. There are two colors mixed in the details. Just at the first glance, there is an extremely strong visual impact. .

The most incredible thing is that it seems to have reached the limit of industrial design almost as soon as it appeared. It is an ancient and gorgeous style. Every detail is like a powerful general who walked out of the ancient battlefield, but it is full of modern The gorgeous design that makes people feel industrial.

Wu Liang stood in front of the mecha, looking at his "masterpiece" with a satisfied look.

In my mind, as soon as I thought about it, I remembered the detailed data of those mechas that would appear in this monster earth in the future.

Special designs such as "two-person operating system", "nuclear power drive", "super missile", "explosive armored rotary knife"...etc.

If Wu Liang wants these, he can easily make them.

Facing him who can peep into the future, the technical barriers of monster earth humans are useless.

Unfortunately, Wu Liang didn't adopt all of them.

The attribute data of his mech is extremely simple, but also extremely astonishing.

"Mech Name: Sword Demon."

"Height: thirty feet."

"Weight: One thousand tons."

"Material: [-]-refined refined steel."

"Driving force: spiritual source."

"The Only Weapon: Chinese Style Alloy Long Sword"

That's right, Wu Liang refined an ancient wind armor.

And the style is extremely arrogant and domineering, almost any modern weapon is not equipped, just borrowed the materials in the aircraft cemetery, directly used the sky fire to forge a Chinese-style alloy long sword, and then hung it on the waist of the mech in such a grandiose manner .

In addition, the material of the entire mecha is not as complicated as the future mecha, it is just pure refined steel.

Its weight will be much lighter than those monsters and future mechs.

Of course, in order for his mecha to gain the mobility that does not belong to the future mecha and those pioneer monsters, as well as the terrifying power that can break the bridge at will.

Wu Liang engraved special runes on the inside, joints, limbs, and torso of the mecha. Coupled with Wu Liang's original spirit-driven method, an unprecedented mecha was born.If the future founder of Mecha Hunter saw what Wu Liang did, he might not be able to help but yell at him. This guy is a heretic.

Fortunately, Wu Liang didn't mess around. After all, he just wanted to realize his childhood dream and experience what it's like to fight in a mecha.

Simply put, authenticity and pretense are what Wu Liang seeks.

This mech called "Sword Demon" completely satisfied Wu Liang's requirement of pretending to be aggressive.

Next, nature is real.

So at the next moment, Wu Liang's body moved slowly, floating directly towards the sword demon's head. After the sound of "boom~chi", the cockpit of the mecha appeared in Wu Liang's eyes.The decoration and setting are almost exactly the same as the future mecha.

The difference is probably what Wu Liang adopted, which is obviously the most primitive version of the mecha driving method, that is, single-person driving.

In the future, this is impossible.

All mechas use a two-person operating system, and some mechas, such as the future Chinese mecha called "Storm Scarlet", even use a three-person operating system. This is to allow the driver to share the intense nerves. Yuan pressure.

But Wu Liang obviously didn't need these things. The so-called neuron pressure was beyond Wu Liang's ability to tickle.

What's more, driving alone is the best.

When Wu Liang's body entered the cockpit, the hatch closed slowly, almost immediately, but there was a sudden movement in the mecha that was standing quietly.

The first thing to appear was inside its chest. After a "buzz", an incomparably dazzling brilliance gushed out.

If there are monks from the two states of Qiankun here at this time, if they see this scene, they will definitely feel extremely sorry, and it is normal to beat their chests and feet.

Because Wu Liang, a prodigal son, actually used a complete, top-grade source of spiritual veins that condensed the essence of the entire spiritual vein as the power of this mech. This is simply too extravagant, no wonder this guy is so beautiful It's called spiritual power.

What is rich and powerful, this is it.

However, such a luxurious design also brought extremely incredible effects.

With a new vision, Wu Liang only felt that he had transformed into a huge mech as high as [-] feet, but this mecha didn't feel bulky at all.On the contrary, Wu Liang didn't feel the slightest restraint. Any movement his original body could make, this mecha seemed to be able to perfectly replicate it.

This point is really amazing, Wu Liang didn't need to suppress that impulse at all, and just did it directly.


"bang bang bang"

In an instant, an extremely ancient melee combat technique was displayed by Wu Liang.

From slow to fast, from clear to fuzzy, the huge mecha quickly turned into a phantom in the loud noise, and then only the gusts of wind could be heard, but not a single bit of the clumsy movement of the mecha. There was a loud click.

When the phantom moved, it saw wisps of strength blowing past in an instant like a breeze.

Then, there was an unimaginable scene.

The entire aircraft graveyard, at this very moment, just after that breeze, disappeared.

To be precise, it was erased.

It was silently cut into nothingness by countless forces, without leaving a single trace.

In the vast and flat cemetery, only the central one remained, the strange, gorgeous and domineering mech full of antiquity.

In the cockpit of Sword Demon, Wu Liang had a childlike smile on his face.

They are already half-human and half-god, and they are like gods to mortals and monsters, but this guy has realized his childhood dream after all, and this feeling is just as Wu Liang imagined, really comfortable ah.

So at this moment, Wu Liang was ready to move again, he really wanted to hold the long sword at his waist with his palm.

The name of this mech is Sword Demon.

What kind of sword demon is called without a sword?
However, Wu Liang quickly restrained this impulse, and his eyes went straight across the long distance, where a catastrophe had already erupted for a long time.

There, a monster is raging.

Since the sword is going to be drawn, it is natural to...see blood.

(End of this chapter)

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