Chapter 1086 Bloody Ritual

When that roar came, Wu Liangyun immediately glanced over with a look of anticipation.

Wu Liang had already seen the original version of "Tyrannosaurus" when he was peeping into the future, and he had seen the movie version in his previous life. It was nothing special. It was just a hybrid dinosaur with a stronger power than Tyrannosaurus, not to mention the same thing as the deep Pacific Ocean Compared with those monsters, even King Kong might be able to beat it violently.

But now it looks like that has clearly changed.

Maybe it's because of the butterfly effect brought by Wu Liang?

Perhaps, it was a sudden change of fate.

In short, no matter which one it is, Wu Liang is very curious.

And the next moment, when a dinosaur obviously different from the original Tyrannosaurus appeared, Wu Liang's eyes lit up suddenly.

"This is……?"



Wu Liang was curious, while the cultists were frantically excited.

At this moment, a strange pure white dinosaur walked out of the cage step by step.

That's right, it's pure white.

Its body size is far larger than that of a typical Tyrannosaurus rex, it is extremely tall, and its whole body is covered with perfect streamlined muscles, as if the power to explode is hidden in it. Step by step, even the ground begins to tremble, and on its back, it is like a flower petal. The same thorns that bloom.

The color is bright red like fresh blood.


Weirdly beautiful!
Anyone who saw this scene could understand why it was nicknamed "Bloodthirsty Rose", which was so accurate.

Especially when everyone saw the pair of pupils full of ruthlessness and bloodthirsty, even though it hadn't opened its mouth yet, and didn't show any tyrannical temperament, everyone seemed to have seen the birth of a bloody world.

There were endless exclamations.

At this time, Claire and Owen, who had been tied together, were also sluggish.

Owen watched the tyrannical dragon come out with a look of shock, and directly questioned Claire on the side in a daze, saying: "My God, what exactly is your consortium trying to do? What kind of dinosaur is this? Is it a monster?"

Claire was also stunned at this time, facing the questioning, she could only shake her head frantically, denying: "No, no, this is not the original tyrannical dragon, something must have happened?"

Beside the two of them, stood Wu Liang, whom no one could see.

At this time, he was tsk-tsk sounding, and a pair of pupils, the golden light appeared again.

Before that, many doubts were lingering in my heart.

Now, after Wu Liang saw the tyrannical dragon clearly, he had a faint understanding.

"This is not a hybrid dinosaur, this is an atavistic dinosaur inspired by unknown bloodlines."

"The original tyrannical dragon is dead, but there is a special blood in her body, which originated from the dinosaur family, but it has nothing to do with the weak dinosaur family on this plane. Perhaps the source of her blood is... the ancient dinosaur family. .”

Wu Liang spat out a few words very excitedly.

The so-called ancient dinosaur family!
It refers to not the kind of dinosaurs that can barely be regarded as the strongest beasts on the original plane.

Rather, it is recognized by countless other races in the world of the heavens. The ancient dinosaurs can not only be ranked among the monsters, but some powerful ancient dinosaurs can even compete with the ancient dragons. They are the true endorsement of bloodthirsty and ruthlessness. Race.

This bloodthirsty rose is inspired by the blood of the ancient dinosaurs.

At the same time, the same is true of the power in Jason, the white otaku.

Combined with the words of the crazy old man he had heard before, and the continuous changes of this monster earth, Wu Liang vaguely knew the many changes that would occur in this plane in the future.

"King Kong, Godzilla, the pioneers... These monsters appeared one by one, completely breaking away from the level of ordinary mutant monsters, and entering the extraordinary stage. As one of the protagonists of the plane, the dinosaur also changed, and a mixed-race dinosaur was strangely awakened. The blood of the ancient dinosaur family is the proof."

"What this group of cultists are going to do is, perhaps, use some kind of magic to open the plane channel between the monster earth and a certain ancient dinosaur family that still remains. come over."

"The tyrannical dragon is the introduction, and Jason is an important part of the introduction. What is going on now is the final... ceremony."

Wu Liang's words are like a prophecy, which will be perfectly fulfilled in the next step.

A group of cultists watched the beautiful and weird tyrannical dragon walk out slowly, walked forward excitedly, and began to kiss the female dragon's toes.

The first "lucky guy" was a middle-aged man with a fat face. He struggled to climb in front of the tyrannical dragon's toes, and just about to open his disgusting mouth to kiss, he immediately felt his body fly up.

The heavy body was as light as a feather under the tyrannical dragon's mouth. It flew up lightly, and then smoothly fell into the bloody mouth that opened suddenly. It was broken into two pieces with a "click", and the sticky The blood surged out, and before it could flow out, it was swallowed by the tyrannical dragon.



"Marvin was eaten."

Perhaps because of the rush of time, although they have seen the miracle of the crazy old man's restoration of youth, this group of cultists have not yet had time to become the kind of fanatical believers who will give everything.

Therefore, after seeing bloody scenes, they will still be afraid and scream.

It's a pity that all of this was in vain. When the killing ring was activated, the tyrannical dragon that had awakened its blood showed unimaginable power at this moment.

It opened its mouth wide, and with a "roar", the terrifying sound wave directly knocked everyone who was about to escape to the ground. It sucked in again, and each body was thrown into it like pieces of delicious meat. Inside the bloody mouth.

Next, there was a rattling sound, and a group of cultists wailed and screamed in its mouth, and it gradually turned into meat paste and was swallowed.

Among them, there is even that crazy old man.

I saw that his body had been broken in two, and his intestines and viscera had flowed into the belly of the tyrannical dragon. He stretched out his hands with difficulty, and begged Jason, a white otaku with an indifferent face: "Jason, help me!" , I am your appointed priest."

"I can sell everything, including humans."

"I can help you, save me."

Facing the crazy old man's plea for help, Jason, who had remained silent all this time, finally spoke at this moment.

At the same time, it also completely wiped out the hope of the crazy old man, only to hear him say in a strange, emotionless tone: "We don't need sacrifices."

"We will eat up humans."

"This planet will be our new home."

If the person who said this was an alien, it would appear extremely normal.

But the one who spoke at this time was a person from Earth.

Therefore, the field immediately fell into a strange atmosphere.

Claire and Owen, who survived with the help of the protagonist's lucky aura, seemed to realize something, and looked up at Jason with difficulty. Sure enough, after the white otaku slowly took off his thick glasses, what was revealed was not a pair of human eyes.

It was a pair of pupils, the pupils were light yellow, and the blank space was blood-red. The ruthless and bloodthirsty aura that was indistinguishable from the tyrannical dragon gushed out at this moment.

There was a "click" in the hearts of the two at the same time, and fear surged.

(End of this chapter)

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