Chapter 1089 The tasteless nuclear bomb

What can make Wu Liang feel angry at this time is naturally an unnecessary threat.

Wu Liang is delighted to see a family of wandering ancient dinosaurs coming to Monster Earth. It may be a disaster for this Earth, but the so-called debts are too much, and lice are not ticklish. Originally, Monster Earth 42 is full of monsters. It doesn't matter too much whether it is a dinosaur family.

Anyway, Master Wu will be in charge of finishing the case.

But at this time, Wu Liang's optimism seems to be in danger of being destroyed.

Anyone can see that, deep in the blood-red beam of light, the summoning ceremony has reached the most critical moment.

That giant egg is about to shatter.

Inside, a real pure-blooded dinosaur will be born.

The so-called pure blood refers to the kind of super dinosaur that Wu Liang mentioned in his memory, which can easily destroy mountains, not the weak dinosaur that can't even get out of a cement cage.

Of course, just a pure-blooded dinosaur can't cause much damage, and it's not that important.

But the birth of this first pure-blooded young dragon is simply a coordinate of a plane.

It can sacrifice itself to summon the wandering dinosaurs.

At that time, it will be the real doomsday disaster.

Although the governments of various countries, especially the U.S. imperial government, do not know this, it does not prevent them from inferring some things through some clues.

Human beings, though weak.

But in terms of wisdom, it is far behind other races.

The think tanks around the world decided that the ceremony could not continue, so the nearest superpower made a decisive decision. The U.S. imperial government dropped a bomb on Nabral Island... nuke.

That's right, it was the nuclear bomb that should have been borne by the first Pacific monster's ax head.

Now I am flying towards Nabral Island with a missile. Once it enters the range, it will be released immediately and detonated in an instant. A large area in the center will become a restricted area for life.

Most of the modern weapons of human beings are scum for extraordinary power.

But there is only one exception, and that is the nuclear bomb.

"I made a big mistake, the head of the sect is going to be nuked once today?"

Wu Liang was angry and shocked.

In his mind, he quickly recalled the power of nuclear explosions he had seen in his previous life.Such a long time has passed, many memories have been blurred, but these are exceptionally clear, one can imagine how deep the impression on Wu Liang was at that time.

Wu Liang can be sure of it just by recalling it.

Although the power of a nuclear bomb cannot kill Wu Liang, it is enough to injure Wu Liang.

This is astonishing, but it must be known that Wu Liang is half human and half god.

Except for the two guys who were unlucky to be attacked in Qiankun Erzhou, the rest are not Wu Liang's opponents.

But in this remote little plane, they encountered danger.

But soon, Wu Liang reacted.

"Although the weapon is abnormal, it needs to explode first to cause damage. With such a huge weakness, it is destined not to be used against an existence like this head."


When Wu Liang uttered these words, his figure fluctuated and flickered, and when he looked again, he had disappeared in place.


In the sky, Wu Liang's body flashed.

Almost instantly, there was a loud "bang", and in front of Wu Liang, a huge missile shot towards Wu Liang with its flame tail.

At the forefront of the missile, a warhead with a strange shape caught Wu Liang's eyes.

In my mind, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding, ding ding"

"Warning warning, the host is about to be attacked by a nuclear bomb [Fat Boy]. Once the nuclear bomb is successfully detonated, the host will be seriously injured and cause irreversible radiation damage, which may endanger the host's unformed demon body."

"Huo, so awesome?"

Wu Liang, who was still somewhat skeptical about his guess, acted decisively when he heard the system prompt.

In the air where no one could see, Wu Liang rubbed his chin, looked at the missile that had arrived in front of him in an instant, and murmured: "Although the name is a bit frustrating and the weakness is too obvious, but the power is not bad. I reluctantly accepted it."

"Although I don't know if this little thing can detonate when it returns to Qiankun Erzhou, but it is obviously qualified as a collectible."


The moment Wu Liang's words just fell, he saw this guy lightly stretched out his hand to caress, and ripples bloomed in the air, as if a black hole of nothingness appeared, and the size of the hole fit perfectly with this missile.

So the next moment, a completely incomprehensible picture appeared on the global satellite screen.

Missiles, gone.

Nuclear warheads, too.

Just like that, he disappeared in plain sight, as if he had entered a different time and space that no one knew about.

If it weren't for the large number of missile traces remaining in the sky, the U.S. imperial government might think that its own side had hallucinations.

Who would have thought?

Was a nuclear warhead taken as a collectible?

Wu Liang, who received the nuclear bomb, asked the system seriously.

"Break the system, can this little thing detonate if you take it back?"

"If it's possible, wouldn't it be..."

Obviously, Wu Liang's belly was full of bad water and he started to sway again.

This is normal, if the nuclear bomb in the world of science and technology can really be detonated in the world of fantasy, then Wu Liang will almost launch it.

What kind of world do you travel through, and you still desperately intervene in the plot, what are you doing to speed up your fate?
Just put hundreds of nuclear bombs on this Monster Earth 42, and throw one as soon as you see your opponent.

From then on, Wu Liang's life motto can be changed, for example, it can be changed to this: There is no opponent in the world that can't be solved by one nuclear bomb, if there is, then two.

Just don't be more coquettish and domineering.

Fortunately, soon, cold water from the system poured over without mercy.

"Returning to the host, due to the different laws of the planes, many weapons on the technological plane cannot work on the fantasy plane, and the nuclear bomb is one of them."

"However, if the host is willing, he can pay the price of deducting luck in exchange for a temporary tampering talisman of the plane law, and release the power of the nuclear bomb in a targeted manner. However, I advise the host that this is not worth the candle. It is recommended that the host not use it."


Wu Liang, who didn't have much hope in the first place, was not surprised to hear the system's rejection, but became interested in the so-called temporary tampering talisman.

In my mind, I deliberately checked it.

Soon Wu Liang figured out what the so-called temporary tampering talisman meant. It was nothing more than letting Wu Liang consume his luck, and then blinding the will of the plane for a while to release the nuclear bomb. But this time limit is very short. With the will to react, the impact of the nuclear explosion will soon be wiped out.

The larger the plane, the more luck it needs to consume.

According to the system's estimation, if Wu Liang needs to release nuclear bombs in the two states of Qiankun, with his current "legendary" reputation, it will cost more than half, and it can only last for about ten breaths.

In this way, this supernatural power seems very tasteless.

In addition to the terrifying power released by the nuclear explosion for a moment, there is also the terrifying power of radiation in the follow-up.

If there are only ten breaths, those radiations will be useless.After a little calculation, Wu Liang directly gave up his previous plan, and decisively took the nuclear warhead he had just taken away as a collectible, and put it deep in the storage space for him to use.

(End of this chapter)

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