Chapter 1092

With missiles all over the sky washing the ground, it is easy to level an island.

But if there is a group of wandering ancient dinosaurs on this island, then everything will be different.

When the black hole portal was closed, the entire island had already been occupied by about a hundred ancient dinosaurs, all of which were carnivorous dinosaurs. Their bodies exuded ferocity, violence, vicissitudes and wisdom all the time.

Ferocious and violent is the nature of their blood.

Wisdom and vicissitudes are brought about by the long wandering years.

The combination of the two creates such an incredible group.

Their endangered situation makes them enemies of almost everything, including the will of heaven and earth.

A mere missile washes the ground, and naturally it cannot be shaken by one or two.

Led by the ancient tyrannosaurus called "Cracked Tooth", what appeared in pairs of blood-colored pupils were all expressions of contempt for the incoming missiles. This extremely humanized expression was captured through satellite images. in the eyes of people around the world.

Many people realized it in an instant.

This huge dinosaur that suddenly appeared was a highly intelligent race just like humans.

Realizing this, many scientists became excited.

Some Holy Mothers were also very emotional, condemning their own government for eradicating intelligent life.

Of course, most people still understand clearly and agree with the government's measures from the bottom of their hearts.

The war between life races is the cruelest war in the world.

It's a pity that human beings who have been invincible in the past.

On this monster earth, it is destined to start suffering one setback after another.

What happened next moment was the second time.


"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

Roaring is simply roaring.

Only this time, nearly a hundred ancient dinosaurs roared together.

The white sound wave visible to the naked eye, centered on Nabral Island, raged in all directions, the air, white clouds, birds and beasts... everything along the way was crushed abruptly, and then this wave of sound waves collided with the sky full of missiles Collided together.

"Bang~ bang bang bang"

There was no surprise at all, an unexpected fireworks show was staged.The missiles from the governments of various countries on the earth exploded under the impact of the sonic tide, and clusters of flames shot up into the sky, creating an atmosphere like some kind of grand celebration even in the daytime. ,

It's a pity that none of the people who watched this "firework show" showed a smile.

People all over the world are dumbfounded.

What the hell is this?

What about the dinosaurs?

How to become a super dinosaur?
Moreover, is it still a super dinosaur that can release skills?

"This unscientific!"

Scientists and people all over the world shouted in unison.

Of course, most scientists were even more excited.

They wrote letters one after another, asking their government to send troops to Nabral Island to capture at least one dinosaur for research.

After receiving the request, the governments of various countries complained incessantly.

Of course, they also want to capture super dinosaurs. Anyone can see that these dinosaurs are completely comparable to the monsters that destroyed San Francisco before, and even stronger. If they can catch one, they can study their secrets clearly.

At least in terms of biotechnology, they will usher in a leap.

But here comes the question, how to catch it?
Nuclear bombs are useless, and missiles are useless to scrub the ground.

After the army landed on the island, they couldn't even defeat the weakest pure-blooded young dragon that had already been sacrificed.

How to catch such a race?

After realizing the horror of the ancient dinosaurs, the governments of various countries are making intensive preparations, and some far-sighted human beings, or some human beings with strong intuition, recalling the monster incidents on the street one after another, the same kind of thoughts are born in their minds. premonition.

There are more and more monsters, and more and more powerful.

This sign, this trend.

"Could it be, human pills?"

Once again, Wu Liang affirmed this intuition.

He is not like an ordinary human being, he can only be described as a hunch.

Wu Liang wanted to draw conclusions with simple and brutal methods.

Although the Tianzi Wangqi technique has been replaced by the pupil of the ancient god, this does not mean that Wu Liang has lost the means of watching Qi. On the contrary, under the pupil of the ancient god, no matter whether it is luck or other things, he cannot escape. .

At this moment, Wu Liang's eyes were fixed on a corner of the island.

A lucky man and woman who were tied together and fell into a coma.

Owen and Claire.

This pair of male and female protagonists from the original Jurassic World, because they are full of lucky attributes, became the only two people on the island who are still alive besides Wu Liang.

But now, in Wu Liang's eyes, the original strong luck of these two people is fading bit by bit.

"Is that true? It seems that the black hand behind the scenes doesn't like human beings very much."

Wu Liang seemed to see something, and murmured.

And the next moment, Wu Liang didn't care about the ancient dinosaur family that was planning to use Nabral Island as a base to carry out reproduction activities.

Instead, with a movement of the body, it rose up lightly, left the surface of the earth, escaped from the atmosphere, and appeared on this blue planet, looking down on all the scenes of the entire earth like a god.

So, Wu Liang saw it.

Some kind of incredible transformation is taking place all over the earth.

Many creatures are expanding and mutating.

"Is it a monster?"

While whispering, Wu Liang easily saw monsters brewing.

Among them, another one was favored by Wu Liang.

Before King Kong, Wu Liang left, he left a huge problem for the gorilla, but looking at it now, it seems that this problem has been solved by King Kong.

On that island, Wu Liang heard King Kong's powerful heartbeat.

It has also entered a period of transformation.

Wu Liang is looking forward to it, how powerful will the transformed King Kong be?
But before that, what Wu Liang was more concerned about was who was the culprit that caused the earth to become a "monster"?

Wu Liang could see very clearly that monsters mutate everywhere in the world.

King Kong and Godzilla should have been just exceptions.

But now, not anymore.

Monsters similar to them are being born in batches under the influence of certain factors.

With the speed observed by Wu Liang, coupled with the influence of the group of ancient dinosaurs and the ancestors, the monsterization of the earth is equivalent to entering the fast lane. Now the nuclear bomb can still play a little role, and at a certain stage, the nuclear bomb will also lose effect.

At that time, human beings will completely lose the power to resist.

This is so abnormal!

It should be known that in the heavens and worlds, the human race has risen at a terrifying speed. The convergence of luck seems to be a general trend, and ordinary races cannot be reversed at all.

Although the human beings on this plane are the most basic human race, they have neither developed super technology nor entered the fantasy level, but they are still human races after all. Under the influence of the power of luck, there should be no problem in ruling this remote small plane of.

How can it be like now, it seems to be no problem, but in fact it is in danger.

Just when Wu Liang was thinking about this question, suddenly he seemed to see something, he let out a surprise in his mouth, and his complexion changed drastically immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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