Chapter 1774 Anger
From the beginning to the end, Wu Liang looked at the water column that was getting closer and closer to him with a look of disapproval.

He could feel the anger of nature shining like stars from the thick water column.

This cataclysm was born to destroy Zhongzhou. This Zhongzhou must stand up to a person who can fight against nature. That person is Wu Liang!

Wu Liang, who is the guardian saint, had already decided that he would protect the entire Zhongzhou at the moment he heard the truth, and in that case, he would also protect the Nine Cauldrons.

Therefore, no matter what kind of disaster he faces next, he will not be afraid, nor will he escape!Just like facing the flood at this time, he straightened his neck high and stood forward with his head held high.

The cold sword in Wu Liang's hand was tightened more and more. At this moment, he was standing in front of the tornado-like mighty flood, like a tiny duckweed, fluttering with the wind, no matter it was blown by the wind or hit.

The flood not far away was like a trailblazer. Along the way, the ice cubes that Wu Liang had laid on were all lifted up and rolled into the sky together, flying like the tornado.

Driven by the tide, those black currents that were originally sealed were also unsealed from under the ice block, and they got relief from it, and returned to the flood again.

The originally pure flood had rolled up a lot of things after passing through this way, such as beasts, such as ice cubes. At this moment, these two objects are spinning together with the flying in the air.

It was a column of water that was too high to be seen, and it was pushing towards Wu Liang.

The water was getting closer.The gusts of cold wind rising up because of the great water are also getting stronger and stronger.

Three two one——

Wu Liang silently counted down in his heart, and when the thing in his heart fell to the ground, he got up and flew straight to the sky, waving the long sword in his hand, with a cold face, which naturally complemented the cold sword.

The cold sword streaked across the air, and the cold air was entangled together, tightly wrapped around the water column like a ribbon.

Immediately, tens of thousands of cold air penetrated into the water column, ice cubes began to grow, and then tightly condensed together, but after a while, the tall water column turned into a tall ice cube.

Seeing this, Wu Liang smiled indifferently at the corner of his mouth, as if everything in front of him was imaginary, Leng Jian waved a few more times in mid-air, landed handsomely, and turned around.

The moment Wu Liang turned around, the thing behind him that had changed from a water column to an icicle collapsed and turned into a large piece of ice, falling into the water flow. After a while, there was no shadow, and disappeared without a trace. without a trace.

Wu Liang originally thought that although using violence to control violence would not be able to appease the anger of the flood, at least it would allow him to clearly understand the gap between his own strength and his dreams, so that he could at least let himself go.

However, what he didn't expect was that this flood was really ignorant of self-knowledge. After failing once, it turned into a comeback in an instant.

And the time for this comeback is the time when the icicle collapsed.

Wu Liang only felt a rustling sound from the sky and the earth, and when he turned around, he was surprised to see that the eight maidens in the boundless flood rose up one after another water column at the same time, which looked almost the same as before .

Wu Liang was stunned, and the system was also stunned.

The system didn't know how long it took before it slowly opened its already stiff mouth, and whispered something to Wu Liang.

"Wu Liang, why do you bother?"

But Wu Liang's face changed into a happy smile in an instant, and he said bluntly that it would be great if he could have a life-and-death fight with Dahong directly.

At this time, the system was trembling, wanting to leave him as soon as possible, otherwise Wu Liang would suffer retribution, and he would be accompanied by blood splashed all over his body.

Wu Liang stood on the spot, looking heroic, his body gradually fell into mid-air, and slowly rose, so as to observe the eight water jets that were systematically heading in his direction.

After a while, Wu Liang discovered again that the anger of the flood wanted to bring him not only the flood, but also the thousands of beasts in the flood.

These ferocious beasts seemed to be the pioneers of the water column, one after another, they walked towards Wu Liang, like pangolins one by one.

Some, because of their deep hatred for Wu Liang, after all, he was the murderer who killed so many of their kind, jumped up like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate, just to be able to catch Wu Liang in mid-air.

In contrast, Wu Liang's body is dodging on the left side and dodging on the right side, and he is also very happy to dodge. For a moment, those beasts either collide with each other, or bite directly on each other's body, which is very sad. .

Just as Wu Liang was molesting those ferocious beasts, snatching some of their very useful treasures from time to time, and stuffing them into the system that could no longer eat them, the water jet was pushed in front of him.

I saw eight water columns traveling together from all directions like a square formation, changing their own arrangement and combination on the water surface.

These water jets were all wind, and the wind gathered in one place and blew directly on Wu Liang's face. The cold wind like a knife almost didn't tear off his flesh.

Those floods rushing straight into the sky were like knives, changing their positions from time to time, rushing towards Wu Liang.

And Wu Liang shuttled back and forth in this strangely changing water formation, twisting his body like cotton from time to time, really a little embarrassed.

He originally planned to swing almost sword energy directly, freeze those water columns into ice, and then just cut them off.

However, only now did he discover that those water jets moved like lightning, and often moved to the next place before he could do anything, so he had no chance to do it at all.

Moreover, this is a water column soaring into the sky, and there is no sky to hide in. If it is hit by that kind of centrifugal force, it is estimated that the skin and flesh will not be much better.

Wu Liang continued to roll his body, using the power of a saint to master the breath of the next water column, and then dodged, and then it was like this again, going round and round, so tiring...

He doesn't even have time to think now, what a water column that changes shape!

Seeing such an unusual Wu Liang, the small system also became worried, but he was mainly worried about himself and his own safety. After all, Wu Liang is immortal, and his immortality is not because he is a saint. It's because he is the strongest Wu Liang in all the heavens and ten thousand realms!

(End of this chapter)

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