Chapter 1776 The Ultimate Battle
A flash of pure white lightning suddenly flashed in mid-air, and a huge impact penetrated from the top of Liang's head like a thunderbolt, and instantly penetrated his whole body.

Wu Liang's whole body became drowned in an instant, he fell from a high altitude, and finally floated in midair.

It seems that this primitive evil is just a little clumsy in its usual actions, and its actions in battle are as fast as lightning, without any hesitation.

Wu Liang waved the long sword in his hand, and faced the huge body. After a few turns, he came straight to the back of the huge monster, pulling at its hair, and slashing and pulling the blade on its body.

Sparks burst out from the place where its body was connected to the blade, and Wu Liang was surprised to find that this monster's body was a little bit harder than diamond, otherwise he wouldn't be able to face his own diamond sword. Change color.

It should be noted that diamond is the hardest thing in the world, bar none.

Just as Wu Liang was stunned, a large shadow cast over his head, and a gloomy aura emerged from the huge shadow, like a tower, pressing down on Wu Liang's heart, making him feel A heavy oppressive feeling.

A piece of cold stuff directly covered his body. When Wu Liang opened his eyes again, he found that his eyes were pitch black, and his body was wrapped in one place by fingers like iron blocks, and his whole body could not move now.

The system couldn't help trembling and said incessantly.

"Wu Liang, we won't die here!"

Only then did Wu Liang realize the existence of the system, so he directly ordered it to quickly eat the treasure they just found, and then evolve it, so as to help him break the bondage.

When Wu Liang finished speaking, his heart twitched violently. Those treasures were snatched one by one from the mouths of beasts in the tide just now. They are all the crystallization of wisdom from ancient times, and they are all things that can be encountered but not sought after. treasure...

The system threw away all the fear in an instant, and immediately gnawed on those treasures, melting them into its stomach...

After the system fused all the treasures together, a hot and intense golden light flashed from his whole body from the inside to the outside, and this golden light spread out along his whole body like a knife.


The hot golden knife fell on the finger of the giant iron block, and the iron block was cut into countless pieces like dust, and then fell down one by one.

Wu Liang and the system also fell down and floated in the midair.

The pair of dark eyes of the primordial evil were dyed scarlet in an instant, looking extremely terrifying, and there was a gloomy voice from his throat, as if he wanted to lock people into a dark abyss.

Wu Liang, who had already experienced the power of the behemoth, no longer hesitated at this moment, he got up directly, galloped towards the sky, landed on the other back, and got into his ear like lightning.

As soon as it entered his ear, Wu Liang was entangled in the pitch-black night.

He lit a flame with his hand to illuminate the road ahead for himself. At first, there was an open and wide avenue ahead, but when he walked inside, it became narrower and narrower.

Wu Liang walked all the way, and found yellow hills on the road. Out of doubt, his eyes followed them.

It's a good thing if you don't check it, but when you check it, you will find that it is the dirt in the ear. It seems that this huge monster really doesn't understand hygiene.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang directly ignited the small hills one after another, and then turned into lightning, and entered the relatively narrow space.

At this moment, before the original evil could get out of the pain of the broken palm, he felt a burning sensation coming from the ear hole...

He groaned in pain and kept poking his ears with his fingers, but it didn't work.

Then, in the sky and the earth, there was a picture of a big man rolling on the ground, stirring up waves of waves.

Wu Liang passed through the narrow area directly, and then came to the mind of the original evil. His brain was intertwined like a series of mountains, and there were some thick and thin lines distributed on it.

In order to avoid future worries, Wu Liang didn't have time to explore at this moment, which one he destroyed could truly destroy this original evil.

Therefore, he decided to destroy all of these in his mind, so that he would not have to make a choice.

Then, Wu Liang brandished the long sword in his hand, staggered towards the bottom, and pierced through the continuous mountains. Suddenly, the mountains collapsed, and sticky liquid splashed on Wu Liang's body. It made him feel sick and want to vomit.

After this sword strike, there was a knocking sound coming from outside the ironic space where Wu Liang was, and then the whole space was turned upside down. It must have been the pain of the original evil that exploded!
Wu Liang used his breath to stabilize his body, and continued to swing the long sword, cutting down the mountain ranges connected by broken threads, and pulling up to break those thick or thin threads.

The wailing sound roared like ocean waves, permeating the world.

In the end, after the entire brain was dealt with, Wu Liang used the system to knock out a hole in the skull and escaped from the hole.

Before leaving, Wu Liang did not forget to continue to light a fire.

However, it was only when he came out that he realized that the fire was set in vain, because the original evil had lost all breath and life.

Wu Liang put his arms around his chest, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

"It turns out that this is the so-called ultimate incarnation of evil, and it doesn't look so-so, just so-so!"

The system glanced at Wu Liang helplessly, and then complained in a low voice, "He probably didn't expect that someone would be so strong and bloody, that they would go directly through his ears and reach his brain, destroying his brain!"

After cleaning up the original evil, Wu Liang used the integrated Jiuding to attract all the floods into the cauldron, and then sealed them up. The beasts were all imprisoned in the Jiudingzong and kept in captivity for later use. .

And Wu Liang was also under this experience, and then with the help of Xiao Jiuding, he successfully completed the transformation into a chaotic saint.

Without the threat of floods and ferocious beasts, the whole land regained its prosperity.

When Wu Liang came down from the sky, the four sons went together on the boat of chaos to meet their master, and then returned to the Nine Cauldrons.

All the female members of the Nine Cauldron Sect stood guard in front of the door, welcoming their seemingly unreliable but actually the most reliable head.

From then on, under the leadership of Wu Liang, the Nine Cauldrons grew wildly on the land of Zhongzhou in a domineering manner, and soon found themselves in a unique position.

Complete the book!
(End of this chapter)

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