Chapter 3

In the end, Wu Liang still said the last two words, but his face did not feel refreshed after uttering a foreign curse, but instead he looked constipated.

Now Wu Liang just wants to say: the ups and downs of life are really exciting.

When the strongest master system appeared in his mind, Wu Liang was still ecstatic, thinking that the welfare goldfinger he traveled through had finally come out, but it was a pity that he saw the cheating personal attributes and system evaluation before he could be more happy .Forget it, what really made Wu Liang feel like going crazy was the reminder behind the epic mission in his mind.

"Ding, the host triggers the epic task of the revival of the Nine Cauldron Sect. The first step of the task progress is to regain the ancient tripod of the sect within two days. The task fails and is obliterated."

"Delete? Could it be that this young master is not wearing a foreign land, but the main god's space?"

After Wu Liang was stunned for a moment, he soon realized that he had suddenly changed from a hell-level survival difficulty to a life span of only two days. Immediately, Wu Liang couldn't help but cursed.

"Hey, the system you come out to this young master, why do you kill me?"

"I don't accept this task, Master Kuaiben will take it back."

"And this young master doesn't need any broken system, get out of this young master's body quickly."



After a while, Wu Liang stopped talking.

There was no way to stop talking, because that damned system was extremely patient, no matter how much Wu Liang yelled at him without responding, Wu Liang himself was exhausted to death.He had to accept such a cruel reality, at least the lingering remnant soul of the original owner would not appear again, Wu Liang comforted himself like this.

"Well, I'm unlucky. After all, I took someone's body. After completing the task, I will complete the task. But you can't be too stingy with the system. How can I fight those cultivating bandits with a weak body like mine? He said he would take back that broken cauldron."

"Ding, the host triggers the growth of the only novice task, rookie, and rewards the novice with a big gift bag."

Wu Liang was speechless again, more and more sure that this system is a scam, if he didn't ask that sentence, would it mean that the newbie gift package would not be given?

Although a little annoyed, Wu Liang chose to accept the system's "good intentions". As soon as he thought about it, a shiny package appeared, and with Wu Liang's thought of opening it, there came a five-cent special effect-like goddess scattered flowers .

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a bottle of primary blood recovery pill, a copy of Jiuding Jue, a bronze body protection order, a welfare card for the master, and a chance to wash the marrow of the god thunder."

Wu Liang had no time to complain about the cheap special effects in his mind, and immediately began to check these things in the big gift bag.

Elementary Blood Recovery Pill: Restores [-] points of life per second, lasts for [-] seconds. [Remarks: Vegetable chicken, this bottle of pill can make you live ten seconds longer. 】

Nine Cauldrons Jue: Unknown grade, unknown attributes, unknown effects, the inherited skills of the former super sect Nine Cauldrons, after practice, you can have the spiritual power of the imperial envoy super artifact, the ancient Nine Cauldrons. [Remarks: Believe it or not, I believe it anyway. 】

Bronze body protection order: the third grade of yellow rank, a defensive spiritual weapon, which can resist a full attack by a martial artist of the third level of Qi training. [Remarks: A true warrior will not let the enemy attack him a second time. 】

Divine Lightning Essence Wash: The only novice reward, thunder washes the marrow, transforming into the real. 【Remarks: My friend, have you heard of the big health care?Prepare towels and experience the feeling of flying. 】

Master Welfare Card: There are thousands of positions in the system, and one of them can be unlocked in advance with this card. [Remarks: As the leader, how can there be no benefits? 】

Looking at the four glittering things in his mind, Wu Liang almost started moaning again.

So tempting!

Although Wu Liang's position as the young suzerain is simply a decoration, but the memory is still in his mind, and it is easy to judge the value of this novice gift package.

Don't look at other things, just talk about the bronze body protection token, given the rarity of the defensive spirit weapon, if it is sold, it will be worth at least a hundred high-grade spirit stones, plus the pills and exercises , it is more than enough to pay off the debt.

However, Wu Liang suppressed this thought immediately, despite the constipated look on his face, in fact, after the system appeared, something called ambition began to take root in Wu Liang's mind, and it grew wildly.

"Since I have come to this world, if I don't seize this opportunity to do something shocking, I will be ashamed of my second life, not to mention this world is..."

Wu Liang seemed to have thought of something, and a look of longing appeared in his eyes.

But soon, Wu Liang forced himself to abandon the complicated thoughts in his mind and bring his attention back to reality.

"The top priority is not to repay the debt, but to strengthen one's own strength, especially to get rid of this weak state."

As soon as this idea came up, Wu Liang's eyes immediately fell on the last reward.

Divine thunder washes the marrow!

Just looking at the literal meaning, Wu Liang guessed the content of the reward.

"An opportunity to wash the marrow, but I don't know how effective it will be? The original owner of my body seems to be seriously injured, and his veins are blocked, so he can't practice at all. The old suzerain spent countless efforts and failed to get the original owner to obtain the qualification for cultivation. .”

While thinking, Wu Liang turned around and walked towards the inner hall.

When he came out again, Wu Liang had something extra in his hand.


With a flick of his hand, a towel appeared on the stage.

Wu Liang actually followed the system prompts, stuffed the towel into his mouth, and then went to the ground, completely ignoring the shame of his posture, and shouted in a fearless manner: "Woo~ come on!" .”

As soon as the words fell, a ball of golden light exploded in Wu Liang's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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