Chapter 306 You Don't Want Me Anymore


On the sea of ​​clouds, Wu Liang stands against the wind.

Wearing a green shirt!
The white-fur cloak rattles!

If this scene happened at any other time, or if other monks did this, all the monks would have been scolded as fools long ago.

The so-called pretense is risky, beware of being struck by lightning.

But at this moment, a group of Qingzhou monks watched Wu Liang do this.

There was no urge to curse in my heart, but an unprecedented thought of admiration rose up.That's right, when these thoughts came up, those monks gave themselves a slap in the face.Asked, "Are you crazy?"

However, the crazier thing is yet to come, because of the scene just now, Wu Liang, the cheapest in Qingzhou, managed to recruit a lot of brain-dead fans.

If there were Weibo or something here, Wu Liang would have to be a million-dollar V just because of the wave just now.

Of course, there must be fanboys or something, but Wu Liang refused to recognize the legal status of fanboys.

Not long ago, Wu Liang was provoked by more than a dozen six-rank forces from the three ancient states.

These big forces shamelessly want to slap the Nine Cauldron Sect in the face by means of wheel battles, so as to raise the force of their own sect.

Then, they were all tragic.

When Wu Liang was irritated, he thoughtfully gave the [serial face-slapping package] to the guests who came from afar.

Except for a few who ran fast, all the big sixth-rank forces who came here counted as one, and all of them were slapped by Wu Liang.

What's even more tragic is that they all hit vital parts.

Those sixth-rank powers were usually the most proud of, and Wu Liang completely exposed Xiang Xiang.

I believe that after this day, there will definitely be many monks with low integrity in Qingzhou who are willing to travel thousands of miles to the three ancient states.

Slap them in the face again, or sprinkle salt in their wounds.

Especially the Suzerain of Lingnong, because of his overconfidence, his mouth went bald and he swore an oath before Wu Liang started.

As a result, when Wu Liang made a move, he was completely tragic.

The oath, it is astonishing to eat a pound of heat!
That's horrible!
Even Wu Liang, who was in a rage at the time, couldn't help mourning for Suzerain Lingnong.

After mourning in silence, Wu Liang turned his gaze to the completely new Jiudingzong.

Miraculous changes!

Brand new Nine Cauldrons!

Ninety thousand li mountain gate!
A bunch of silver level buildings!

Hundreds of thousands of mature spiritual fields!
Horrible forbidden law!


This is not just a shotgun change, it is a completely new change.

No wonder, not only shocked the whole Qingzhou.

Even the dozen or so sixth-rank powers in the three ancient states were frightened, and chose to run away regardless of the embarrassment.

It's terrifying!


A bunch of cultivators from rank-[-] major forces almost all went back crying.

They originally wanted to come here to slap their face, but they didn't expect that their side was "sending face to the countryside", which was simply too polite.

And after this day, any cultivator in the four ancient states will have to admit that a sect with terrifying potential is about to rise.

Even if there are... five people in this sect!

Oh, and an iron beast!
No, there is another cheap ball!
In this respect, it is indeed shabby. Unfortunately, at that time, none of the dozen or so forces dared to use this point to attack.

The reason is also very simple, if it is really taken out, Wu Liang suddenly shoots a cloud-piercing arrow, and thousands of troops come to meet each other.

There is no real need for thousands of troops, just summoning another "Eastern Invincible" or "Dugu Qiubai" is enough to blow them all out of the sky.

But Wu Liang himself knew that from the very beginning, the Nine Cauldrons had nothing to do with Dongfang Bubai and Dugu Qiubai.

If you want to say scum, there is one.

Himself, the bitch is never defeated.

At this moment, when Wu Liang looked at the vast Nine Cauldron Sect of his family, he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"It seems that there are indeed fewer people in the sect. Why don't the head of the sect take the lead and accept a few disciples?"

If there are four girls here at this time, Wu Liang's muttering can be heard.

He would definitely turn pale with shock at the same time, and then Qi Qi began to persuade Wu Liang.

Master Sect Master, you must not accept disciples?
This is a misleading son!
No, this is a disaster for the common people!
The four girls could imagine it, if Wu Liang really accepted his disciples.

Regardless of the talents and aptitudes of those disciples, the first one to learn it must be Wu Liang.

At that time, the reputation of Jiudingzong will be completely over.

Having said that, there is still some truth.

However, it was a pity that the four girls were not here. They thought that Wu Liang was immersed in pretending and couldn't bear to disturb them, so they never came up.

Even other monks in Qingzhou are like this.

After appreciating the brand-new Jiudingzong, a group of monks originally wanted to chat with Wu Liang, but they all saw Wu Liang's pretending to be addicted.

They are also from Qingzhou, and with the several times of onlookers before, these people who eat melons already know Wu Liang's temperament very well.

So they all rolled their eyes, sighed, "Sure enough, it's still the cheapest in Qingzhou", and then they all left.

He intends to spread the story of this amazing battle, and by the way, he will go to the Lingnong Sect with his companions, and ask the Lingnong Sect Master when he intends to fulfill his promise and eat a pound of heat, so they can spread the word and come to a live event.

Maybe, you can use this to get some gifts and make a small fortune or something.

So, everyone missed it.

The next moment, a plan to "harm the common people" was born above the sea of ​​clouds.

The fourth daughter would not take the apprenticeship plan seriously, and Wu Liang himself just muttered it casually.

Make him a teacher?

He knows how to teach people to be mean, but he is far from teaching people how to practice swordsmanship.

Unfortunately, there is an old saying that goes well, sickness comes from the mouth and disaster comes from the mouth.

After Wu Liang uttered that sentence, he was about to end his pretentious posture.

Then at this moment, a familiar voice that made Wu Liang's teeth tickle but helpless sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully triggering the seventh ring task [scourge~ah bah, it's spreading branches and leaves]."

"Mission content: What is the most expensive thing in this world? Talent, as a master host, the performance is temporarily qualified, but to become the best master in history, the host needs to make persistent efforts. Although the current Jiudingzong is very good, But it lacks a few outstanding disciples. The host please hurry up and seduce a few waves of disciples to join the Nine Cauldrons, and then the system will evaluate the performance of the host."

"Task Level: Difficult."

"Task Reward: It will depend on the completion of the task."

"Mission punishment: What kind of head is a head who doesn't even have a disciple? Once the mission fails, the host will be relegated to the rank of servant of the Nine Cauldron Sect."

"Depend on!"

As soon as Wu Liang heard the sudden mission, he was immediately stunned.

Seeing the content of the mission, he became even more angry.

Wu Liang: "System, you come out to me as the master. If I'm not the master, who can be?"

System: "If the host is not the leader, he is not eligible to own this system. At that time, the system will re-select the host, and the new host will be the new leader."

Wu Liang: "You~ you want to abandon me? This head knows, you are a heartless system, you are shameless, I think this head has worked so hard to help you complete the task and feed you When you grow up, you don't want me anymore."


Tomorrow there will be an update. It is not the author's style not to post a group number at this time. Group number: [-].For every five more people, one more card will be added, and this game will be effective for a long time.Hurry up, readers!

(End of this chapter)

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