Chapter 316 Are You Blind

Everyone, at this time, seemed to have been given the petrification technique again, and they were shocked again.

what happened?

Did something go wrong?
How could it be her?

No one can be her!
The reason why everyone was like this was naturally because the person Wu Liang chose was too unexpected.

After all, in this scene, the old and the young are all monks, Xiao Feng and Ye Feng are also known to be geniuses at a glance, and even if they don't use the spiritual root aptitude of some handymen.

But no one thought that Wu Liang would choose the only... mortal in the field!
Solanum nigrum!

It was the girl in the yellow shirt who had no sense of existence, was snatched by Xiao Feng first, and then abandoned by Ye Feng, a mortal woman who looked extremely weak.

In any script, such female characters are generally unknown actors, or insignificant minor supporting roles.

The general function is to set off the prestige of the protagonist, and it won't take long to get a lunch.

But now, Wu Liang told everyone that the apprentice he had come all the way to accept was this weak mortal woman who seemed to be able to be blown down by the wind.

It's no wonder that everyone has fallen into petrification.

Even the girl in the yellow shirt was stunned.


"Brother Xianren, you said you want to take me in as a disciple?"

From a closer look, the girl in the yellow shirt looks even weaker.

Although her appearance is beautiful, she is indeed a little beauty, but her body is as thin as a piece of paper, which makes people really worry that a gust of wind will blow her away.

Adding that she was the only mortal in the field, no one could understand Wu Liang's decision.

But at this time, no one found out.

There was a golden light in Wu Liang's eyes.

Tianzi Wangqi Technique!
This unique supernatural power may not be used to identify the aptitude of living beings.

But if it is used to detect the will of Qi, it is very mysterious.

In the eyes of others, this yellow-clothed girl called "Solanum nigrum" is just a weak mortal woman, and she doesn't need any monks to take action, and any big man can kill her.

But in Wu Liang's eyes, it was a different world.

In this girl's incomparably frail body, there is clearly a trace of aura that even Wu Liang would pay attention to, it is a ray of extremely pure and terrifying golden aura.

Although it is weak and thin, it seems to contain unimaginable power.

Once it erupts, it seems to be able to destroy the world.

Wu Liang's eyesight is so vicious, he guessed something immediately.

The golden aura in the girl's body should be some kind of powerful and ancient blood.

After countless generations of dilution, it became so thin and weak.

But weak is weak, if she can embark on the road of cultivation, activate her bloodline, and obtain the power within it, the future of this young girl is simply unimaginable.

Of course, this also requires predestination.

If Wu Liang hadn't appeared at this time, this girl might not have been able to touch the world of monks for the rest of her life, and naturally she would not be able to embark on the road of cultivation.

The most likely fate is to die early.

Although Wu Liang could see the secret in the girl's body at a glance, this was not the real reason why Wu Liang planned to take her as his apprentice.

What really made Wu Liang make up his mind was the scene just now.

Facing his power as the "Lord of Mountains and Rivers", among millions of people, only this young girl persevered with great willpower.

Weak as a willow in the wind!

But he has a tenacious and infinite will!
Plus the mysterious blood!
Wu Liang immediately decided that this woman was the first disciple he would accept.

Since he is a future big disciple, Wu Liang certainly won't treat him coldly.

Hearing the girl's weak voice, Wu Liang immediately smiled slightly, and then said: "That's right, you will be the first disciple of this sect master, are you willing?"

It seemed that it was the contagious power of Wu Liang's voice, and the girl miraculously calmed down.

On the face that was still stained with tears, there was a look of thought.

Instead of agreeing to Wu Liang immediately, he asked a question instead.

"Brother Immortal, what can I gain after cultivating immortality? Do you also fight and kill people like this?"

As soon as this question came up, everyone in the room secretly scolded the girl for being stupid.

There is a super strong man who wants to take you as his apprentice!

If you don't give up your head, you will bow and groan, and you will not be afraid of offending the strong, and you will be beaten.

However, Wu Liang smiled even brighter after hearing the girl's question.

Judging from this question, although this young girl has the body of a mortal woman, her mind is comparable to that of ordinary people.

As long as one has spiritual root qualifications, anyone can cultivate immortals, even those without one.

But if you want to go far on the road of cultivating immortals, you need another thing first.

In other words, it belongs to its own way!
A monk who has not comprehended the "Tao", no matter how many resources he has obtained, he will be an ant in the end.

Only a monk who has attained the Tao can become a fairy, and can transform from an ant into a more powerful existence.

It's a pity that most monks can't touch that level in their lifetime.

But the girl in front of her had understood it from the very beginning.

Wu Liang smiled lightly and spit out the answer.

"After cultivating immortality, not only do you have to fight and kill, but you may also have to exterminate people, or you may have to slaughter common people. The benefits are that you can prolong your lifespan, gain extraordinary power, and see all the wonders of the world... Of course, these are not important."

"The important thing is that after cultivating immortality, you will be able to control your own destiny, and you will be able to pursue the answer you want, the way you want..."

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

As soon as Wu Liang finished speaking, other people in the field had not had time to chew on it.

But seeing the frail girl in the yellow shirt, her body was already kneeling gracefully, and her still weak but extremely firm voice sounded.

"Master! Please be respected by Solanum nigrum!"

As soon as the words fell, the girl firmly gave Wu Liang an ancient ritual of kneeling three times and prostrating nine times.

At the moment when the ceremony was completed, a voice of surprise came from Wu Liang's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for accepting the first qualified disciple [Solanum nigrum]."

[Solanum nigrum: The body of a mortal woman, although there is no spiritual root posture, but there is a trace of ancient dragon blood in the body, which has infinite potential. 】

[Remark [-]: The potential of this woman is beyond the imagination of the host. 】

[Remark [-]: Another female disciple?Host, you still said that you are not a pervert! 】

"Hahaha... the head of the bet is right!"

Wu Liang ignored the system's complaints and laughed happily from the bottom of his heart.

Although the genius compass can locate the location of the genius and provide some crude information, it will not point out to Wu Liang which one is a qualified genius.

So in the end, Wu Liang had to guess by himself, but even Wu Liang himself didn't expect that it would go so smoothly from the beginning.

"The first disciple, I got it, my sect master is indeed wise and martial, extremely smart."

Just when Wu Liang was extremely proud, someone couldn't help but spoil the scene.

And, more than one.

"Master Wu!"

"Senior Wu!"

Suddenly at this moment, Xiao Feng and Ye Feng stood up at the same time.

The voice is sonorous and powerful, full of momentum.

"We want to ask, are you... blind?"

(End of this chapter)

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