Chapter 318 Let's Destroy Together
"Solanum nigrum, you are now the head disciple of the head, are you willing to fight for the head and beat those two idiots?"

This scene really makes people feel crazy.

On one side are two insane, at least powerful monks in the Condensation Realm.

On the other side, she is a weak woman who can be blown down by the wind.

The power gap between the two sides is far more than a world of difference.

In the eyes of any normal person, Wu Liang's actions were tantamount to sending that girl to her death.

Some onlookers even showed sympathy in their eyes.

But what was even more unexpected was the answer that spewed out from the girl's mouth the next moment.

"Disciple is willing!"

Almost without hesitation, Solanum nigrum opened the mouth and said.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Wu Liang smiled even more freely.

Then Wu Liang moved, and with a "buzz", Wu Liang's two white fingers suddenly touched the girl's eyebrows.


The moment Wu Liang's fingers touched the center of his eyebrows, the girl's beautiful eyes suddenly opened wide.

She feels it!
In her body, there is a "blood lock" that has existed for an indefinitely long time, and it was opened at this moment.

That ancient power that has been locked for endless years!
Reappear the sun!


Everyone also saw the finger that Wu Liang pointed out.

It's just that what everyone didn't know was that the moment Wu Liang pointed it out, a prompt came to his mind immediately.

"Ding, does the host use [Key of Bloodline]?"

[Key of Blood Vessel: A silver-ranked rare treasure, this is an incomparably miraculous treasure that can activate the sealed thin blood vessels in any living being.Of course, the prerequisite is that you really have blood that can be activated.Exchange points: 300 million! 】

[Remark [-]: Host, are you ready? The girl is about to transform. 】

[Remark [-]: Comrades, have you heard of Contrast Moe? 】


Wu Liang completely ignored the system's mustache, and clicked directly to confirm.

The next moment, Wu Liang's points decreased by 300 million.

However, there was a strange brilliance on his fingertips.

The moment it touched the girl's eyebrows, the brilliance entered the girl's body in an instant, smashing the blood locks accumulated over the long years with such force.

The lock is gone!
The locked blood was instantly activated.


In a daze, everyone seemed to see a circle of red light suddenly overflowing from the frail girl.

Dazzling, the kind of dazzling that goes straight to the soul.

What was even more frightening was that at the next moment, there was a roar that sounded like an ancient dragon.


The sound of the dragon's roar sounded without warning.



In the arena, some melon-eaters with low willpower just knelt down.

Then he began to tremble instinctively, and a look of fear emerged from his eyes.

At this moment, anyone with telepathy can feel the extremely terrifying breath from that roar.




It was hard to imagine that these breaths would come from the body of a young girl.

And just before the breath, this girl was just a mortal woman who could be swept away by the breeze.

But at this time, the girl has no time to care about anyone.

Great changes are taking place in her body.



"Boom~ boom"

At some point, the girl's spirit appeared in her body.

Just before the chains that had accumulated the dust of the long years, at the end of the chains, there was a faint but extremely terrifying roar, as if some terrible creature from hell was hiding.

And the moment the blood lock was smashed, the creatures inside flew out.

Right in front of the girl, it was...a blood dragon!
That's right, it's an ancient giant dragon covered in blood. Even though this giant dragon seems to be so thin that only a phantom is left, it may completely dissipate between the sky and the earth at any time.

But even so, it still let out a roar that was enough to frighten the common people.

As soon as the blood dragon flew out, the empty and terrifying dragon eyes glanced at the girl, and immediately spread its wings and flew away.

Obviously, it doesn't like this master.

Although it is only a dying blood spirit, it has unimaginable pride and is unwilling to submit to such a weak mistress.

And that young girl seemed stunned by this series of events that completely exceeded her imagination, watching the blood dragon about to fly out of her body.

At this time, a gentle voice like Hong Zhong Dalu came in.

"Surrender it! Use your will!"


Wu Liang's words seemed to wake up the girl immediately.

This is not the outside world, this is the girl's mind space.

Here, as long as the willpower is strong enough, the girl is a god.

The moment he woke up, an immature but tenacious willpower immediately turned into a heaven and earth net, immediately suppressing the blood dragon that was about to fly away.

"Submit to me!"

For the first time, the girl uttered an extremely domineering sentence with that immature body.

Within the three words, the power contained within, even Wu Liang looked sideways at it.

The blood dragon seemed to have forgotten to struggle for a moment.


No matter how complicated the changes in the mental space are, the outside world is actually just a breath or two.


When Wu Liang slowly moved his finger away, what appeared in front of him was a completely different girl who seemed to have been completely reborn.

The body is still weak!

The face is beautiful!

delicate and charming!
But those eyes were shining with an aura that Wu Liang couldn't ignore.



"Well, it seems something went wrong."

Wu Liang looked at his freshly baked first disciple, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

After accepting Solanum nigrum, the system gave Wu Liang affirmative feedback.

But it was just telling Wu Liang that this frail girl actually contained a trace of ancient dragon blood.

Wu Liang guessed from the experience of the Son of Heaven's Watching Qi Technique that it should be of the blood of a golden dragon, a yellow dragon, or a fire dragon.

It now appears that Wu Liang was wrong.

And it was outrageously wrong. Although it was just a glimpse, Wu Liang clearly saw the blood spirit manifested in the girl's body, which was clearly as red as blood.

"No way, is it really a blood dragon?"

"Tsk tsk, if it's true, aren't these two bastards..."

As if thinking of something, the corners of Wu Liang's mouth immediately curved up.

Seeing Wu Liang's smile, the two of them who were about to talk habitually suddenly felt a "thump" in their hearts, and a bad premonition flashed across them.

But the two comforted themselves, and the next moment they heard a voice with a soft tone but extremely terrifying content.

"Master, the two of them, who should I kill first?"

As soon as she uttered these words, after everyone was stunned in horror, the girl frowned slightly, as if she was still unable to make a decision.

So she gave up on herself.

"Forget it, let's blow it up together."


When the girl uttered those words on her own, even Wu Liang was a little stunned.

Then, Wu Liang's eyes began to light up.


"As expected of the chief disciple of this sect master, I like this style of painting."

"Girl, you are so domineering!"

(End of this chapter)

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