Chapter 321 Rootless Immortal Realm
Although Wu Liang suspected that the system was planning to cheat him, but after all the task was on top of his head, Wu Liang had to give in.

After knowing the coordinates of the location, Wu Liang took the girl on the road.

120 million miles away!
Needless to say, I left Qingzhou properly.

But what's weird is that the location is far away from Qingzhou.

But it doesn't seem to belong to any of the three ancient states, it seems to be in the center of the three ancient states.

Wu Liang inquired along the way and probably got some information.

Then, the bad premonition in Wu Liang's heart became stronger.

Rootless fairyland!

These four words sound very domineering.

People can't help but guess that it should be a vast and misty realm of immortals.

Only immortals who are free and rootless can live in it.

However, the reality is just the opposite. What those four characters said is actually a huge city.

Although the city is indeed vast and huge, even surpassing any mortal monk city in the four ancient states of Qing, Chi, Kun, and Peng.

But here, it is not fairy at all.

On the contrary, it is a chaotic and evil place, where mortals and monks live together, fierce beasts and ghosts often appear, and even devils from outside the territory often descend.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon inside is extremely dangerous.

It is located at the junction of the three ancient states, but none of the ancient states can govern it.

According to rumors, this city was built by a strong man in ancient times, and all the rules are invalid here.

Chaos and recklessness!
That's the real rule!
If one of the top places in the four ancient states, this city can definitely occupy a place.



When Wu Liang appeared outside the city with the girl, the bad premonition in his heart finally reached its peak.

"Damn, there are still such flamboyant places in the four ancient states?"

Wu Liang stared at the city in front of him for a long time, and then couldn't help saying.

And the girl on the side is rearranging her world view.

In front of the two of them, there was an incomparably huge city, which was located on the ground, and the boundary could not be seen at a glance.

Perhaps it is because the boundary of the sky is covered by a layer of vast and deep gray clouds.

Under the gray clouds, there is a city that is beyond imagination.

Inside the city, there are buildings of ancient times, modern times, ten thousand years ago, thousands of years ago... and so on, all kinds of ancient atmospheres are mixed together to create a steampunk-like atmosphere for Wu Liang. atmosphere.

And above the city, Wu Liang couldn't help but look sideways at the majestic Forbidden Law that was dilapidated and only displayed.

Of course, what really surprised Wu Liang.

It was the shocking scene that came back after he casted the [Tianzi Wangqi Technique].



One after another, Wu Liang's heart was startled soaring into the sky, and each one was too tyrannical, and they were all monks at the [Tao Palace Realm] level.

In other places, it is possible to guard a strong man with a sixth-rank force.

In this city, there are actually... as many as dogs.

Even, several of the qi mechanisms faintly transcended the level of the [Tao Palace Taiqing Realm].

In addition, a large number of unusual air mechanisms also rose up, converging on the city, colliding with each other, like a pot of paste, endless chaos.

Anyone who looks at this city from a very far distance will be shocked.

The majestic gray sea of ​​clouds seemed to separate the world, just to cover that huge city.

"No wonder it's called Rootless Immortal Realm!"

"Just looking at it, you can tell it's a good place to pretend!"

Under the huge city wall, people come and go.

Many monks and mortals who came in and out, overheard Wu Liang's words uttered by Wu Liang who was standing under the city gate, and they all staggered.

"Where did this come from, the second idiot, this is the first time I've seen someone describe Rootless Immortal Realm like this."

"This chaotic and dangerous place is used to pretend?"

"Hey, he looks talented at such a young age, but he is actually a fool."

Obviously, Wu Liang was regarded as a second fool.

It's no wonder that this place is known as a chaotic place in the four ancient states, and the monks who come here are generally not ordinary people.

Treasure hunt!

Hit chance!
Dodge a vendetta!



All kinds of things that cannot be encountered in ordinary places are normal in this city.

How could such a thing be pretended at will.

Everyone glanced at the "fool", and concluded in their hearts that this guy must not survive three days, and then went to the city.

The girl at the side was watched by everyone looking at them as fools, and for the first time a strange thought came to her mind.

"My master, is there something wrong with your brain?"

Although it was the first time, the girl always felt that the answer was yes.

But it's nothing, girls will get used to it sooner or later, just like sister Napu and her four daughters.

"Okay, enough seeing, let's go into the city."

"Girl, you need to keep your eyes open a little bit. It's just a matter of my teacher. Your future junior or junior sister is already in this city."

"If you find it first than the teacher, there will be a reward!"

After uttering these words full of vitality, Wu Liang walked towards the majestic city gate first.

Behind her, the girl suddenly felt an urge to touch her forehead. She had already begun to get used to her unreliable master.

"Stop, if you want to enter the city, you have to pay the city fee first, each person pays [-] top-grade spirit stones!"

As soon as the master and apprentice walked under the city gate, they were stopped by several fierce monks.

There are three people in total, all of them have fleshy faces, and the cultivation bases revealed are the fourth level of condensed image.

It happened to be the same as Wu Liang's revealed cultivation level, maybe it was because of this that they stopped Wu Liang.

After all, Wu Liang could see clearly that a group of people went in ahead, and none of this group asked them for the entry fee.

Apparently, this is a matter of course.

In the eyes of the three, Wu Liang belongs to "a piece of cake".

In the eyes of the other monks who watched and entered the city, Wu Liang and the two were unlucky, and they were about to be blackmailed.

But no one made a fuss, this phenomenon is simply too normal in Rootless Immortal Realm.

No one saw that the blackmailed "weak young man" suddenly laughed like a fox who stole a chicken.

"Aha, what the head said is too right. This is clearly a city of pretentiousness. Opportunities for pretentiousness have been provided from the gate of the city."

"Tsk, I have to think carefully about how to pretend to be fresh and refined in this wave."

Wu Liang smiled happily from the bottom of his heart, but his face also changed quickly.

With a bitter look on his face, he emerged.

He pretended to pull the girl behind him, and then said cautiously: "Three big brothers, [-] spirit stones are too many, can you be more flexible and reduce some."

His tone trembled, his appearance was cowardly, and he was just like a little monk.

Changed to the original time and space, Wu Liang's acting skills can be considered for an Oscar and a statuette.

As soon as the three of them heard it, they were all excited.

"Hey, did you meet a fat sheep?"

"Tsk tsk, this time I have to make a good fortune."

"Why don't we play hard to get and play with this big fat sheep first."

The three of them muttered to discuss, and the leader of a big man turned to Wu Liang.

With a joking smile, he said, "Sure, how many spirit stones do you think are suitable?"

Hearing this, Wu Liang smiled even more happily.

The bottom of my heart is gearing up, ready to act aggressively.

But before Wu Liang said the sentence "It's best for you to stick the spirit stone upside down", a cold voice suddenly came over.


"The Rootless Immortal Territory has no entry fee at all, how dare you rob it in broad daylight?"

This jiaozha sound directly interrupted both parties.

So "swish, swish" twice, Wu Liang and the three of them cast their dissatisfied eyes on the visitor at the same time.

Obviously, those three people disliked someone interrupting the business.

Wu Liang, on the other hand, disliked the visitor and prevented him from pretending to be aggressive.

(End of this chapter)

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