Chapter 325 Pit Master's Female Apprentice


"You've changed~ Oh no, it's the big brother, and you want to accept me as an apprentice?"

On the gloomy street, under a big white and tender sheep, there was a crisp exclamation.

Although Wu Liang felt that the girl's first address was not quite right, but he still took the initiative to ignore it at this moment.

Hearing this, he smiled and nodded.

Squatting in front of the girl, without any intention of saving her from the fat and tender body of the big fat sheep, he smiled and said affirmatively: "That's right, you girl tried to steal things from the head of the house, although you failed in the end. .”

"But even so, this head has suffered serious mental injuries. In order to compensate me, you need to serve by my side."

"However, the head of the sect does not lack a maid, but a female apprentice."

"How about it? It's a great opportunity for you little girl, why don't you agree to apprenticeship?"

In Wu Liang's view, the success rate of proposing to accept apprentices at this time is still very high.

He is also the master of the number one power in Qingzhou. Although he hasn't revealed his true identity yet, in order to frighten passers-by with his cultivation level, it is more than enough to accept a weak female cultivator at the Body Tempering Realm as an apprentice.

The point is, the young girl knew at a glance that she was a homeless orphan nun.

One can imagine how difficult it would be to survive alone in this chaotic city.

If there is an opportunity to become the apprentice of a powerful monk, it is naturally impossible to refuse.

These thoughts just flashed through Wu Liang's mind.

The next moment, he was rejected.

"No, this girl refuses!"


This time it was Wu Liang's turn to exclaim, looking at the girl who was suppressed by the big fat sheep with a look of bum.

It's no wonder that Wu Liang looks like this, he is the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect.

The new owner of Qingzhou!

It must be known that in Qingzhou, Wu Liang released the news that he would open the mountain gate to recruit disciples, but it alarmed the entire nine counties of Qingzhou, and many people came frantically.

Now, she is just a little girl in the Body Tempering Realm who seems to have average aptitude.

He actually rejected Wu Liang!
If this scene was seen by the seven leaders of the Ten Thousand Immortals League and other Wu Liang victims, there would be fireworks to celebrate immediately.

Finally someone slapped this pretender in the face!


"Little girl, you have to think about it carefully. Telling the origin of the master can scare you to death. How dare you refuse me?"

Sure enough, Wu Liang jumped up, crossed his hips, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the girl under the fat sheep with a dangerous expression on his face.

Looking at the situation, others would probably think that this guy is going to kill the girl in the next second.

Solanum nigrum thinks so too.

Although this frail girl like a willow in the wind has an extremely tough and terrifying side, she is still kind-hearted in essence.

As Wu Liang's big disciple, Solanum nigrum could tell that although his own funny master was a fool, he was definitely a super strong man with extraordinary background, and he definitely sincerely wanted to take the girl as his apprentice.

I can't bear the girl to miss an opportunity, and I can't bear to have my "self-esteem" frustrated.

Solanum nigrum couldn't help but speak.

"Little sister, can you tell me why?"

"Sister is actually Master's eldest disciple. If you get started, you will be considered my junior sister."

"You can rest assured about the master. Although he looks unreliable, he is a good person. There is absolutely no malice in accepting you as a disciple."


Wu Liang pretended to be disdainful, but actually listened with his ears up.

After hearing the last sentence, he suddenly felt that he was hurt again, and he was issued a good person card by his female apprentice under such circumstances, Wu Liang couldn't help but burst into tears.

Solanum nigrum, who had no idea that he had inadvertently stabbed Master, continued to work hard in front of a qualified lobbyist.

As if to say something secret, he leaned into the girl's ear and spoke mysteriously.

"Little sister, let me tell you, the master is actually very powerful. I heard that he is the master of the entire Qingzhou."

"Although Qingzhou sounds like a very poor place, and Master seems to be very poor, it must be easier to survive than here."


Once again, another knife appeared in Wu Liang's heart.

"Qingzhou sounds like a... poor! Place! Fang!"

"I! Look! Look! Very! Poor?"

At this moment, Wu Liang stared at his female apprentice sadly.

For the first time, I wondered if I had recruited the wrong apprentice.

A child who seemed very well-behaved at the beginning, how could he be so powerful in burying his own master.

"Oops, Solanum nigrum, a good boy, is so good at complaining. If this clever ghost is also taken in, will the head of the book still have dignity in the future?"

"No, we must formulate serious sect rules in the future, and clean up the sect rules so that everyone in the Jiuding sect knows what is the majesty that the head of the sect cannot offend."

"My master..."

Before Wu Liang could think of a few rules, he was slapped in the face the next moment.

"I reject!"

Once again, the girl rejected Wu Liang.

But unlike before, this time the girl revealed the reason.

The girl seemed to have thought of something, and for the first time, a hint of sadness flashed across those lively eyes.

She also seemed to feel that rejecting Wu Liang was not only a missed opportunity, but would also cause unforeseen serious consequences.

But in the end, she bit her lip and spit out a sentence.

"I promised my mother that if the time is not up, I will never leave Rootless Immortal Realm."

"When is the time?"

"I have no idea!"


When Wu Liang heard the answer, he couldn't help but stare.

And as soon as the girl finished speaking, she seemed to accept her fate.

Just close your eyes, just lie down and ignore Wu Liang completely, this time it really looks like you let Wu Liang want to kill and shave.

But judging from the girl's slightly trembling body, she still couldn't hide her fear.

After all, this is the first time she has been arrested since she was in Rootless Immortal Realm.

Although Wu Liang seems to be a funny comparison, he is not very reliable and has no deterrent effect.

But the girl is not an idiot, she has met many strong people in Rootless Immortal Realm for many years, but none of them gave her the feeling that they were more dangerous than Wu Liang.

Especially just now, Wu Liang frightened passers-by with a hint of aura.

Let her immediately understand that even if she uses the last resort, she will never be able to escape the palm of this seemingly harmless young man.

Simply, accept fate.

"Hey, this time the girl fell down, is she going to be killed?"


Just as the girl was crying and crying in her mind, an unexpected voice came in suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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