Chapter 346

Since Wu Liang bears the title of "Lord of Mountains and Rivers", he can call upon the mighty power of the Heavenly Emperor Mountain Range at any time. It doesn't matter if his combat power is awesome, and his speed is already in the sky.

No matter how far apart they are, as long as they are on the ground, Wu Liang can summon the power of mountains and rivers by raising his hand, and it takes only a moment to move thousands of miles.

This is what Wu Liang did when he found the first two apprentices.

But this time, Wu Liang changed his mind.

He spoke boldly, but he didn't display a powerful supernatural power like the Great Teleportation. Instead, he used his own cultivation base to burst out a normal ray of light, wrapped himself and his two apprentices, and then guided him to the compass. Azimuth went.

It was also at this moment that on the fairy mountain, the young liar who was roaring suddenly trembled and froze.


It was as if a movement like thunder from the nine heavens appeared in the girl's mind without warning.

Her mind was forcibly drawn into a fairyland-like space.

Before she could take a few more glances, a familiar figure appeared.

He is a young Taoist, with wooden hairpins and straw sandals on his feet. He looks like a master of Taoism. Isn't he just a dead liar who makes the goddess hate her teeth.

But now, looking at this scene, the girl has been tricked again.

"Girl, do you want me to teach the Dharma?"

Since this is the method left by Wu Liang, it naturally perfectly inherited Wu Liang's pretentious style.

As soon as this question came out, the girl nodded hastily, and said in her heart: Yo Ho Ho, the fairy really appeared, this fairy guessed right.

"The immortal is above, disciple Liu Er pauses."

As soon as the girl uttered her name, a strange expression appeared on Wu Liang's face, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He also secretly thought in his heart: No wonder this little girl liar unintentionally copied the appearance of the Great Sage, it is because of this fake name, but after the name of that unlucky hozen fell on a cute girl, it sounds much more pleasing to the ear.

Aware of this, Wu Liang continued to fool around according to the plan.

He stretched out his hand casually, stopped the girl from kneeling, and said slowly: "My girl, my immortal law is bestowed by heaven and earth. I will not pass it on to those who are not lucky enough, not to pass on to those who are not determined, and not to pass on to those who are not strong in perseverance."

"Girl, although you are compatible with all three, if you want to pass on my immortal law, you need to go through three disasters and nine hardships, and endure a lot of hard work. Now let me explain to you, do you still want to worship me as your teacher?"

As soon as Wu Liang finished speaking, he raised his head slightly and assumed the posture of a master of Taoism.

On the other hand, when the young girl heard the words, her holy eyes became playful and clever in an instant, she turned around for a while, and then changed her expression immediately.

With a firm face, he said: "Master is above, disciple Liu Er is willing to suffer, and only wishes to serve under Master's sect."

From the young girl's point of view, her reaction and answer are simply extremely standard and will definitely satisfy the immortal.

It's just that she didn't see it. As soon as she finished speaking, the corners of Wu Liang's mouth curled into a treacherous smile as if the plot had succeeded.

He barely kept the girl waiting long, and waved her hand directly.


A flash of inspiration flashed, and an extra memory immediately appeared in the girl's mind.

It was an extremely crude map, with only a few punctuation points visible, and an extremely obvious and distant destination.

Starting from the fairy mountain at the foot, to the end.

The journey was actually a million miles away.

As soon as she saw the map, the girl's face immediately became bitter.

I thought to myself: Damn, it’s over, the immortal will not want me...

The next moment, Wu Liang's voice came, and the girl's wish came true.

"Going to the west pole for a million miles, there will be three disasters and nine disasters, and untold hardships. If you pass through, you can enter my door and pass on the immortal law."

"If you feel remorse in your heart and don't want to be a teacher, you can also return to this place, and I will never force you."

"Girl, do it yourself!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Liang's figure disappeared immediately, and the girl's mind also turned around.

On the top of the fairy mountain, the girl was stunned, bewildered.

A huge problem lies in front of her, to go or not to go?

Originally, with a young girl's temperament, she was unwilling to take risks if she could not get enough benefits.

For example, the fraudulent plan that has gone bankrupt, in fact, the girl has already calculated it perfectly. If Wu Liang hadn't made trouble, the girl would have fled away with a bunch of peerless treasures and magic tricks that she swindled.

But in front of him, it was a plan with an uncertain future.

With her mere qi training level, she has to travel a million miles, and it goes without saying that this must be a narrow escape.

Even, ten deaths and no life.

And even if she survived by luck, she may not be able to be taught the immortal technique smoothly.

For that young fairy who looks very handsome, there is always a strange omen deep in the girl's heart.

It made her faintly feel that immortals don't seem to be so reliable.

But at the moment when the girl felt a sense of hesitation in her heart, another more powerful thought came to her.

"The opportunity is right in front of you. If you miss it, do you really want to cheat your whole life and end up with a life that is exhausted and turned into dust?"

"No, I am asking for the Tao, and I am seeking the real way of longevity."

"I'm going, but it's only a million miles away. Three disasters and nine disasters, untold hardships, but it's just a matter of time."

"This fairy is destined to become a real fairy, the Dao of Longevity, here I come."

For no reason, the girl suddenly became full of arrogance.

It was as if he had really realized and attained the Tao.

Under the bright moon, the goddess suddenly got up and bowed three times to the land of the western pole, as if she was saluting a distant immortal master, and then her whole body turned into a stream of light, and went to the land of the western pole.

In the dark at this moment, many old monsters almost couldn't bear to make a move.

But at that moment, the vast aura of [Lord of Mountains and Rivers] suddenly emerged from the girl, causing all the old monsters to stop.

They all lamented: Sure enough, that damned immortal was already prepared to accept disciples as soon as possible, and even made some mysterious and ghostly things.


Just when these complicated movements happened in Xianshan, thousands of miles away, within a ray of fairy light.

Wu Liang showed a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Girl, as a teacher, this is also for your own good."

"Although the astonishing aura in your body is hidden very deeply, under the master's Tianziwangqi technique, there is nowhere to hide."

"This trip westward for a million miles is a trial and tempering specially arranged for the teacher. As long as you pass it safely, you will reveal your true nature at that time, and naturally there is a great way to look forward to."

"Girl, please work hard. If you are too slow, you may change from the third disciple to the fourth disciple, hehe."

As soon as these thoughts fell, Wu Liang's mind immediately turned to the distant land again.

The place where Wu Liang's fourth disciple was guided by the genius compass.

Millions of miles away!
Wu Liang didn't realize it at first, but now he thinks about it again.

Rootless Immortal Territory is located at the junction of the four ancient prefectures, and after a million miles, it is directly away from the scope of the four ancient prefectures and goes to a more distant place.

In Wu Liang's mind, the memory of the original owner happened to have a little memory of that land boundary.

After recalling it for a while, Wu Liang suddenly said indifferently: "The mysterious bird of destiny descended to give birth to Shang."

"The ruins of Shangqiu in ancient times, the thirteenth ancient state of Shenyuan."

"The place where my fourth disciple is located is..."


(End of this chapter)

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