Chapter 348

"Half completed?"

"No, the system, even if the fourth disciple fails, at most it will count as my completion of 20.00% of five. How can I get half of the completion?"

The system messed up again, which gave Wu Liang a very bad premonition.

Especially the word "change" made Wu Liang's complexion change immediately.

In this regard, the reputation of the system is so good that it has no friends.

If something happens, something will happen.

Sure enough, the next moment the system's prophecy came true.


As if some terrifying existence was about to come out, the majestic pass trembled suddenly.

"call out"

"Boom~ whoosh"

A frightening red light shot out from behind Xiongguan, as if it was about to shoot down the entire sky, carrying unparalleled evil spirit across the void, and went straight to a distant unknown place.

Although this accident happened too fast.

But the aftermath is still terrifying.

In that red light, I don't know what kind of things are wrapped in it, and the coercion exuded is like the supreme killing god.When it was shrouded, the creatures within thousands of miles around Datangguan felt that the disaster of extinction was about to come.

Fortunately, the red light appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

Nuo is a large area, but only a few people know what is in the red light that shoots out.

Wu Liang is naturally one of them.

The difference is that other people are experiencers, and only Wu Liang sees it with his vicious eyesight and tyrannical cultivation.

"In the red light... is an arrow!"

Wu Liang was a little surprised, and spit out this sentence.

Just now, Wu Liang saw with his own eyes that what was wrapped in the bright and terrifying red light was a pitch-black iron arrow that looked like an iron spear.

The origin of the iron arrow might be unusual, not only did it reveal an extremely strong ancient aura, but the aura was no weaker than some [immortal treasures] that Wu Liang had seen before.

Even, there is still more than that.

"The iron arrow is at least the level of [Half-Step Immortal Treasure], and to shoot such a terrifying weapon, at least a bow-like [Half-Step Immortal Treasure] is needed. If combined, wouldn't it be A real fairy treasure."

"And with the ancient meaning on the arrow, it is at least an ancient fairy treasure."

Standing outside Xiongguan, Wu Liang made a calm judgment.

After being surprised, Wu Liang couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

"Is this the accident? It seems that there is no follow-up movement. How can this affect my mission?"

After observing for a long time and confirming that there was nothing to follow up, Wu Liang fell into a daze.

If it was any other time, Wu Liang would naturally choose to wait and see what happened in the face of such a clueless change.

But this time it was different, it was about his own mission, so Wu Liang couldn't help but be careless.

This is the main task, and every link is very important. Wu Liang has reached the seventh link now, so of course he doesn't want to give up halfway.

Especially after witnessing the black arrow flying across the sky, the harbinger of crisis in Wu Liang's heart became stronger than ever.

Wu Liang is sure that if he handles it incorrectly, it may really lead to the failure of the mission.

"No, this is just the first accident. If I lose half of my completion, it means that there will be a second accident."

"Bang~ bang bang"

Suddenly, Wu Liang seemed to realize something.

The whole person was shocked, and the heart beat violently.

Almost without any hesitation, Wu Liang suddenly turned around at this moment.


In a pair of eyes, a golden light flashed.

The Tianzi Wangqi technique is working.


The long and vast distance quickly passed by under Wu Liang's pair of golden eyes.

Hundreds of millions of complicated and messy life auras first caught Wu Liang's eyes, and then he quickly ignored them.

After a long time, Wu Liang finally found the Qi mechanism he was concerned about in the chaos.

In Wu Liang's impression, it was an ever-changing but extremely tenacious Qi mechanism, like an antelope hanging horns and flying in the sky, ordinary people could not touch its traces at all.

But at this moment, the aura has changed drastically.

Although it is still changing, it has become extremely weak, like a candle in the wind, flickering endlessly, getting darker and darker, as if it has gone through endless tribulations and may be extinguished at any time.

Seeing this, Wu Liang immediately came to his senses.

What is the second accident?
His third disciple is about to encounter great danger.

After seeing this, Wu Liang guessed the true meaning of the system prompt.

What is about to happen are two major changes. If Wu Liang doesn't deal with it well, it means that the two disciples may fight each other and fail to recruit disciples.

Naturally, half of the mission completion was also lost.

Although half of it was lost, it didn't mean that Wu Liang's mission had failed.

But Wu Liang can imagine that once it comes true, Wu Liang will definitely not get any good evaluation in the system.

I'm afraid he will get the lowest mission evaluation ever, which Wu Liang absolutely cannot tolerate.

But Wu Liang didn't want to return, but he had to admit that the current situation would not be as he wanted.

The third and fourth disciples hadn't started yet, but accidents happened at the same time.

Most importantly, the two land boundaries are too far apart.

Although the Tianzi Wangqi technique is mysterious, it can only capture the aura, and cannot really pass through all obstacles and see everything.

What's more, the place where the liar girl is now is at least a hundred thousand miles away from the Great Tang Pass.

Wu Liang is not a real avatar, it is impossible to deal with the changes in two places at the same time.

Out of reach!

After realizing this, Wu Liang's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"buzz buzz"

It started, in Wu Liang's mind.

Thousands of thoughts flickered frantically, like countless stars in the sea of ​​stars, releasing their own brilliance.

At this time, the situation was still getting worse.

After the black arrow was shot at Datang Pass, which was covered by clouds and mist, it was obvious that there was a lot of chaos in it.

A large number of air machines are busy around a certain building in the pass, and there are roars from time to time.

But the really terrible change came from outside the Datang Pass.

This magnificent pass, one of the few in the world, was obviously built by human monks and mortals, with the purpose of defending against the terrifying beasts in a vast and boundless swamp outside the pass.

Wu Liang and the others came from another direction, so they only saw the existence of Daze at this time.

With the help of the big hole in the sky pierced by the black arrow, Wu Liang was able to glimpse the horror of the big lake.

In the distance, there is an extremely vast swamp, black water and black mud, like a huge ugly scar, firmly stuck to the ground.

Countless poisonous smoke and poisonous gas gathered, and a sea of ​​clouds with colorful and foul smells gathered in the sky above Daze.

It is conceivable that, except for a large number of evil, highly poisonous, and ugly creatures, the rest of the creatures will almost surely die if they enter.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, for discovering [Ancient Heilongze]."

A system prompt came in due course.

But at this time, under Wu Liang's Tianziwangqi technique, he clearly saw many existences in the depths of Daze that made him feel extremely afraid.

The most eye-catching one seems to be a terrifying group.

Horror air machines of the same origin, large and small, gathered together and ruled a large area.

At this moment, that terrifying black arrow seemed to be headed towards that area.

When Wu Liang saw this scene, he was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a "bang" in his mind, as if he had thought of something.

With a swipe, Wu Liang's head was covered with black lines, and at the same time, an extremely bad premonition emerged.

"No way, is it really so unlucky?"

(End of this chapter)

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