The most powerful system in history

Chapter 35 Wang Chongxiao

Chapter 35 Wang Chongxiao

It has been a while since Wu Liang came to the Shenyuan Continent. During this period of time, Wu Liang has experienced a lot, and his temperament and way of doing things have almost been revealed.




It's okay if you don't provoke him, but if you provoke him, Wu Liang will never have any hesitation or hypocrisy. There is only one way to deal with it, and that is to kill decisively and never leave any retreat for the enemy.

Cyclops, the Great Desolation Sect, and that unlucky Wang Lianhua have all used their lives to prove this point.But now, there are so many Xiao Xiaolai who covet Wu Liang's foundation and secrets all of a sudden, and the killing intent in Wu Liang's heart has skyrocketed to an unbelievable level.

Not long after, the figures of Wu Liang and the others returned to Jiuding Peak.

After all, it was their own home, and the three women who had been worried all the time couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after returning to the peak.

"Sovereign, why don't we close the mountain, these people should not dare to rush up."

It was Sister Pu who was speaking, although she usually had a gentle and pleasant face, but Sister Pu was the oldest after all, and she was very transparent in seeing people. She knew that those young robbers under the peak might not return to the sect because of the four of them. Just give up the idea of ​​coveting.

Closing the mountain gate is indeed a solution.

After all, the forbidden methods used to protect the Nine Cauldron Sect were no longer as shabby as before. After Wu Liang completed the second ring mission [Counterattack of the Downtrodden House], the system rewarded him with a set of mysterious defensive forbidden methods.

As early as in the past ten days, this set of forbidden methods has been put on Jiuding Peak by Wu Liangan, which is enough to withstand the full attack of a monk of the black rank. Those who covet Xiaoxiao at the foot of the mountain have not yet seen a monk of the rank of black rank. Things in the air environment, even if they attack together in a short period of time, they can't help the forbidden method.

However, Wu Liang gave up this plan after thinking about it for a while. Forbidden law defense is just a stopgap measure.

It can be blocked for a while, but it cannot be blocked for a lifetime.

Moreover, avoidance is not in Wu Liang's temperament, and more importantly, if this is the case, Wu Liang will definitely not be able to complete the prestige task of [Shocking Xiaoxiao].

Although Wu Liang didn't know what the so-called "prestige system" was, just looking at the early activation, he knew that it must be beneficial.

Of course, Wu Liang would never admit that he was afraid of being wiped out.

"These people are nothing but native chickens and dogs. Even the suzerain of the Great Desolation Sect has been wiped out. It's fine if these people don't stand up. If they dare to come out, the suzerain will definitely teach them a lesson they will never forget."

When speaking, Wu Liang seemed to have made up his mind, and he did not hide his murderous aura at all.

"Blood mist technique!"

Unexpectedly, Wu Liang did not activate the defensive ban immediately, but released an old-fashioned concealing spell that had no deterrent effect at all.

This low-level blood mist technique, which cannot be lowered, has no effect other than to obscure the sight and perception.

If only one or two or a few people rush up the mountain, this spell is still somewhat effective.But the current situation is that under the Jiuding Peak, there are at least a hundred sneaky figures.And as the news of Wanxianfang continued to spread, some people still rushed over, apparently attracted by the so-called "adventure".

This is actually the credit of the rumors. It was normal at first, but Wu Liang got some powerful exercises, healed his old illness, and his cultivation base has skyrocketed since then.But when it was passed down, it turned out that Wu Liang had obtained some ancient inheritance. Although his cultivation had skyrocketed, he couldn't fully digest that inheritance. If someone could snatch it, he could replace it directly.

This kind of rumor is not very credible when you hear it, but some people with bad intentions will follow this trick.

Although most of the hundreds of people have pitifully low cultivation bases, and only appear to be at the third or fourth level of Qi training, there are also some ruthless guys hidden among them.Even, under Wu Liang's powerful perception, the aura emanating from a few ghostly shadows was not weaker than that of the previous Great Desolate Sect Master.

These people bullied the Jiudingzong, and only Wu Liang was left.

If the Jiudingzong was still the first-rank sect before, with hundreds of disciples, even if there were such outrageous rumors, these people would never dare to show covetous actions blatantly.

Of course, these people were still hindered by some things, so they didn't really hit the ground.

On the top of the peak, Wu Liang looked at the scene below the peak through thick blood mist.

After a while, Wu Liang frowned, as if seeing something, secretly said: "Don't do anything, and don't leave, are they waiting...?"

"Lotus Sword Sect!"

Wu Liang suddenly remembered what he had neglected before. The cause of the situation in front of him was that he publicly slaughtered Wang Lianhua, the young master of the Lotus Sword Sect. Although those young people behaved like gutter rats, they were all vicious and cunning, a tacit choice He didn't do anything because he had already found the first bird in his early years.

There is no one more suitable for this person than the suzerain of the Lotus Sword Sect who has lost his only son.

At the moment when Wu Liang figured it out, a long howl suddenly came from under the Jiuding Peak.

"The beasts of the Nine Cauldron Sect will all die."

The old man's voice contained a strong evil spirit and killing intent.Accompanied by the long roar, a huge blood-red lotus flower sword energy directly crossed the void and slashed towards Jiuding Peak.

"Boom~ Chick"

This kind of movement was like a sudden thunderstorm, no one could cover their ears.

Of course, except for Wu Liang.


When he heard the roar, Wu Liang reacted.As Wu Liang pinched his fingers, the blood mist covering the entire Jiuding Peak suddenly gathered into a mass, turning into a huge red palm, lying across the path of the sword energy, trying to block the sword energy.

"Boom~ Chick"

However, the ending was a muffled sound, the blood lotus sword energy directly split the blood mist, and the entire Jiuding Peak was revealed to all Xiaoxiao's eyes.

"Little bastard, you killed my son, and I want your entire clan to be buried with my son."


At the foot of the peak, stood a tall and tall old man with a sword, his face was full of flesh, and his body was full of evil spirits. When he saw Wu Liang's figure, he fell into a state of rage.The whole person was like a sharp sword, turned into a blood shadow and rushed towards Wu Liang's place recklessly, followed by a group of disciples of the Lotus Sword Sect.

[Wang Chongxiao, the suzerain of the Lotus Sword Sect, is domineering and kills people like hemp. He has the cultivation base of the third level of true essence, the ninth-grade lotus sword qi art of the Xuan rank, and the lotus body movement of the first rank of the Xuan rank. 】

Although Wu Liang guessed the tyranny of the Lotus Sword Sect Master when he saw the first blood lotus sword energy, Wu Liang was still shocked at this moment.

True essence triple, one level higher than Wu Liang.

Sure enough, the same first-rank sects do have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Wang Chongxiao, who had experienced the pain of losing his son, had obviously fallen into a state of madness. He could only see Wu Liang in his eyes, and his body was even more murderous. He was afraid that he wished to eat Wu Liang's flesh and blood.

Although being targeted by a powerful monk, Wu Liang showed no sign of losing his composure at this time.

Still standing calmly on the top of Jiuding Peak, watching the terrifying scene that suddenly started below the peak.

Yes, it is scary.

Under the leadership of Wang Chongxiao, those Xiao Xiaoxiao finally couldn't bear it any longer, and more than 100 thugs followed the path opened by the Lotus Sword Sect to the peak, obviously determined to loot the entire Jiuding Sect together.This scene, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will not be able to help but feel the idea of ​​fear.

But the strange thing is that behind Wu Liang, whether it's the little Lolita, the gentle sister Pu or the cold Lu Xue, all of them have calm faces at this time, without any panic.His trusting eyes fell on Wu Liang, as if the handsome figure in front of him was more reliable than a high mountain.

"A murderous old dog and a group of dead-seeking gutter rats also want to get their hands on my Nine Cauldrons Sect. This suzerain tells you now that once you set foot on my Nine Cauldrons Peak, you will never have the chance to leave again."

"You... all die!"

At the end, Wu Liang's words resounded through the entire Jiuding Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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