Chapter 358 Fifty Thousand Balrog Soldiers
"Hahaha... so cool."

When Wu Liang saw the number of soldiers under his command, he immediately became excited.

Robbery is indeed a good way to get rich.

Before a few breaths, Wu Liang was still a bare Balrog, without a single soldier under his command.

Now he commands a total of [-] soldiers. If it is a mortal world, Wu Liang must be able to get the title of general.

But even in the abyss where the number of Balrogs exploded, it was still incredible to have [-] soldiers at one time.

If counted by title, at least one captain is needed to command so many soldiers.

In the Balrog tribe, a mature Balrog with the title of "Little Leader" can recruit thousands of juvenile Balrogs as soldiers.

And a big captain, it just expands ten times or dozens of times.

If it is strictly according to the title, Wu Liang is naturally not qualified to recruit so many soldiers.

But Wu Liang took a chance, he forcibly subdued the eight-headed mature Balrog.

While the eight mature Balrogs surrendered to Wu Liang, they also handed over the soldiers they had recruited, making Wu Liang transform from a bare rod into a captain-level Balrog.

Of course, only the number of Balrog soldiers has reached the level of the captain, but their strength and status are still far behind.

After all, a captain is at least an elite Balrog.

Although Wu Liang is now at the peak of the mature body, he is still a step away from being an elite. It will take at least hundreds of years for most mature Balrogs to cross this step.

But even so, Wu Liang was delighted.

At this time, in front of him, tens of thousands of soldiers knelt very respectfully, and the color of awe could still be seen in those pairs of Balrog pupils.

It's normal, the strong are respected, that's how the Balrogs are.

Such a scene was very different from Wu Liang's recruitment of soldiers before. Even if Wu Liang used the whip, he only caught a few small fish and shrimp.

Because of Wu Liang's title of "Shameless Balrog", most soldiers despise Wu Liang from the bottom of their hearts, so they are unwilling to be recruited by him.

Now, it has to be recruited.

At this time, Wu Liang wanted to laugh arrogantly, and then said to a group of soldiers: "Yesterday you ignored me, but now you can't stand up to me."

But Wu Liang thought about it, this kind of ridicule was still too out of character, so he gave up for now.

"The top priority is to increase strength."

After the joy, Wu Liang quickly thought of his real purpose.

Isn't the purpose of recruiting these soldiers who are like cannon fodder is to strengthen the strength of this Balrog avatar.

Now that the soldiers are in place, naturally there is no longer any delay.



A frightening cold light suddenly shot out like lightning from Wu Liang's Balrog pupil.

In his mouth, he spit out a word coldly.

In the lead, Wu Liang turned into a line of fire and went to a familiar camp.

Behind him, the eight mature Balrogs and fifty thousand soldiers followed.

The camp Wu Liang was going to was of course the territory of that unlucky Bull Horn Demon.

After all, the title that Wu Liang replaced came from the Horned Flame Demon, so naturally he replaced everything it had, including its territory.

Not long after, Wu Liang arrived, and so did the Balrog army he had accepted.

Then, looking at the crowded scene in front of him, Wu Liang immediately faced a new trouble.

Territory, too small.

Although the Horned Balrog is a senior team leader, his title is still that of a team leader, and the area occupied by his territory is naturally not too large.

This territory is more than enough to accommodate thousands of Balrog soldiers.

But now, Wu Liang brought [-] soldiers, and it seemed extremely crowded all of a sudden.

Although the Balrogs are all single-minded idiots, and they don't care much about whether the environment they are in is comfortable, but now tens of thousands of Balrogs are crowded together, the feeling is really not very good.

So Wu Liang had to face the pitiful eyes of the fifty thousand Balrogs,

Clearly, the Balrogs are calling for help.

Although the two parties are in a subordinate relationship, and these Balrogs have expressed their surrender to Wu Liang, don't forget the negative effects of Wu Liang's title.

If Wu Liang couldn't give the Balrog army a slightly qualified treatment, these recruits might still rebel.

Wu Liang began to have some headaches. Soldiers can rob, and his subordinates can rob.

But the territory... cannot be robbed.

The size of the territory depends entirely on the title.

Even if you defeat other squad leaders, you cannot seize the opponent's territory.

The eight mature Balrogs that Wu Liang subdued were stripped of their titles after surrendering to Wu Liang.

Without a title, naturally there is no territory.

"Damn, I can't let me upgrade to the rank of captain right now, I think so, but the rank is not enough."

Wu Liang had a constipated look on his face, there really was nothing good to do at this time.

But just when Wu Liang was about to let these Balrogs make do with it, a voice suddenly sounded in Wu Liang's mind.

"Hmph, all squad leaders, go to the Poison Fire Hall."


When Wu Liang heard this, he immediately raised his brows, as if a relevant memory information popped up in his mind suddenly, which made Wu Liang realize something immediately.

The voice transmission at this time should be the immediate boss of all the mature Balrogs with the title of "Little Captain" in this area.

That is to say, the commander of the so-called Fire and Poison General's third brigade of the Flame Demon and Poison Fire Army.

And the purpose of letting all the team leaders Balrog go to the Poison Fire Hall is very simple.

Every Balrog general has an incomparably huge territory.

To maintain the operation of the territory, it is impossible for all Balrogs to sit idle.

To kill, to wage war.

However, apart from the war between the two abyssal groups that Wu Liang participated in before, other small wars will not disturb the existence of generals, and even some captains will not participate.

So these small-scale war missions fell on the heads of these squad leaders Balrog, such as the first war that Wu Liang participated in to exterminate gopher mice.

And the place where these missions were issued was the Poison Fire Hall.

Of course, not all squad leader Balrogs are eligible to accept missions, and not all Balrogs with titles will accept missions.

For example, Wu Liang, the Balrog avatar, did not participate in anything when the system hung up before, neither recruiting soldiers nor receiving tasks.

But now, this situation is about to change.

These thoughts flashed through Wu Liang's mind in an instant, and Wu Liang made a decision in an instant.



With a cold snort, Wu Liang stomped on the ground.

The violent momentum was released.

Suddenly, the territory became quiet.

Wu Liang intimidated these Balrogs, so of course he had to look forward to it.

The deep voice rang in the ears of the fifty thousand Balrogs.

"Idiots, I'm going to go to the Poison Fire Hall once, and when you come back, you will have a chance to show off your power."

"Now, let my uncle stay well."

As soon as Wu Liang finished speaking, all the Balrogs immediately understood.



Excited roars resounded, the Balrogs are all lunatics advocating killing, knowing that killings and wars will soon be carried out, all of them have become epileptic.

(End of this chapter)

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