Chapter 361


As soon as the first captain Balrog uttered that sentence, Wu Liang felt it immediately, and the mature Balrogs around him all became short of breath.

Obviously, they all want to receive this task.

But Wu Liang was stunned and confused.

"Damn, why are you in such a hurry?"

"This guy hasn't revealed the reward for this mission yet. You can't just grab something for this guy, and the content of this mission is so simple, there is a conspiracy at first sight."

"I said you..."

"Boom~ whoosh"

Wu Liang hadn't finished complaining, but the group of mature Balrogs couldn't bear it anymore, and they all jumped out like rabbits.

Thousands of flames moved together, and the scene was terrifying.

But this time, it seemed that Wu Liang was very sad.

Because, he was the only one who didn't move.

But soon, there was no Balrog to look at Wu Liang.

The next moment, a great battle erupted in the hall.

After all, they are all mature Balrogs. Although they have their own strengths and weaknesses, they are still at the same level.

Even if there is a lucky Balrog, because of the good timing, he actually snatched that page of the book.

It's a pity that it hasn't waited for it to go to the first captain to receive the task.

Its body encountered more than a dozen attacks at the same time.


"Puff puff"

Tragically, it vomited blood.

Thanks to its elemental state, its body is made of fire elements. Although half of its body was shattered after being set on fire once, it can recover immediately after a short rest.

Elsewhere, it will take a long time.

But this is the Poison Fire Hall, the place where a general of the Balrog fell asleep, and a casual leak would be enough to turn this hall into a blessed place for the Balrog to practice.

It's a pity that its injuries can be recovered, but the lost mission pages cannot be retrieved.

Because of that page, it fell into a pile of Balrogs in an instant.

A group of mature Balrogs who are majestic in the outside world are like a bunch of mad dogs here, scrambling for the pages of the book.

They all seemed to know the special features of this hall. The group of Balrogs were completely reckless when they fought, and they laid down heavy hands one after another, causing the hall to fall into a terrifying scene as if hundreds of volcanoes erupted together.

If it was in other places, it would have pierced through the earth and mountains long ago.

But here, there was nothing to cause any disturbance, especially the eighteen captain Balrogs in the arena.

There is no need to make a move at all, just sit there, and the aftermath of the battle can't affect them at all.

What's more, this group of unscrupulous Balrog elites regarded the scene of a group of small captains fighting among Balrogs as watching a show, and they each commented, and the sound of laughter kept coming.

Wu Liang, because of his "sluggishness" at the beginning, missed the best time.

When he realized it, Wu Liang lost the chance to intervene.

If he also mixed in now, I'm afraid he would be set on fire immediately, and he would be killed and maimed directly.

"Forget it, let's wait for the next wave. When the time comes, grab it and see it. This group of stupid big guys can beat the Balrog's brains into dog brains. Presumably, the missions issued by these captains are much stronger than the basic missions. "

Missing the opportunity, that's what Wu Liang planned.

However, sometimes fate is so wonderful.

The next second, the accident happened.

"call out"

A sound of whistling air came suddenly, and Wu Liang immediately felt something flying towards him.



Subconsciously, Wu Liang caught the thing.

When he lowered his head, Wu Liang suddenly saw a page of flaming pages.

The "good thing" that made a group of mature Balrogs fight endlessly fell into his hands, but Wu Liang didn't have the slightest idea of ​​excitement.

On the contrary, there was an expression of panic on that face.

"I'm a big fool, who cheated me?"

Subconsciously let out a roar, and then Wu Liang raised his head.

Sure enough, what was reflected in his eyes were thousands of mature Balrogs, Qiqi swept them with vicious eyes.

Needless to say, if Wu Liang didn't hand over the page in the next moment, he would definitely be set on fire.

Although Wu Liang once conquered eight Balrogs of the same level, he easily crushed them with his aura.

But the current situation is very different from that time. At that time, he was one against eight, but now he is one against one thousand.

As long as you don't twitch your brain, you know what choice to make.

Just when Wu Liang was planning to pick any unlucky one at random and throw the hot potato in his hand.


A flash of light suddenly flashed in Wu Liang's mind.

In the next moment, Wu Liang's expression became ruthless.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, fight hard."


The fighting spirit that had been brewing in Wu Liang's body since he descended into the abyss broke out without warning at this moment.

In an instant, all the Balrogs saw it.

The "unlucky guy" who hadn't moved but was lucky enough to get the page, his eyes suddenly turned red.

The experienced and mature Balrog could tell that Wu Liang was a rookie in the squad leader.

Maybe he has a title long ago, but he has never accepted a war mission, otherwise he wouldn't be stupid and motionless once the captain issued the mission.

All the Balrogs originally thought that Wu Liang would hand over the pages of the book, but even if they didn't hand in the pages, they might have already started running away after being stared at by them.

However, unexpectedly, Wu Liang not only did not hand over the pages of the book, but he also did not choose to flee.


A movement like thunder resounded in the hall.

Wu Liang has transformed!
Oh no, it changed hands.

That thick arm instantly turned into a terrifying flaming giant sword.

Hand of the Balrog!

A low-level skill!
Naturally, they couldn't deter a group of mature Balrogs who had experienced many battles. When these Balrogs saw Wu Liang rushing over.

Almost all Balrogs had disdainful smiles on their faces.

They seem to have foreseen the scene of this "new demon" being crippled by their concentrated fire.

If he was more unlucky, he might have been beaten to death directly.

The Balrog who was killed in such a scene would not have any other Balrog to stand up for him, even the immediate boss.

Thinking of this, the corners of the thousands of Balrog's mouths curled up into cruel and happy smiles.

However, the next moment, an accident happened.

Wu Liang, a self-conscious guy, rushed to the front of the flame demon pile, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Before the group of idiots could understand the meaning of the smile, Wu Liang's prepared "big gift" was delivered at this time.


Wu Liang, the sword is out.

The magic revised version of the God Clan Sword Art!

Peerless chapter!
A pitch-black sun filled with sulfurous flames, this time it appeared in this hall of poisonous fire.

When that phantom like a dark demon god emerged from the sun, the terrifying aura enveloped all the Balrogs.

In the field, everyone was shocked and horrified.

Even the eighteen captains who were in the theater mode stood up one after another at this time, and surprise appeared in their pupils.

The opponent is shocked!
If it is a gentleman-type sword repairer, he should stop at this time.

It's a pity that Wu Liang is not a gentleman, and what he cultivates is actually not a sword, but... cheap.


Seeing thousands of mature Balrogs fall into horror, Wu Liang couldn't bear it anymore.

After a sneer, Wu Liang rushed straight into the group of Balrogs, slashing wildly like melons and vegetables.

The Balrogs suddenly wailed again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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