Chapter 368 Killing the Big Bird
"Damn it, what a big bird."

Wu Liang, who was sitting on the nightmare of the abyss, raised his head and uttered these words.

Just like what he said, at this time, above the sky filled with the smell of sulfur, a huge bird indeed appeared.

Like a giant firebird like a phoenix in myths and legends, when the pair of huge flaming wings spread out, it literally covered the sky and covered the sun, enveloping both sides in the battle below.

The next moment, the system prompt came.

"Ding, the host found [the leader of the abyss fire stork]."

[The leader of the abyss fire stork: As the name suggests, the big bird above his head is the leader of the fire stork group in front of him. Due to the shameless behavior of the host, this big bird is in a state of rage. 】

[Remark [-]: There is no big bird, and it can tolerate others digging its eggs. 】

[Remark [-]: Host, if you want to dig out the eggs, please kill this big bird first. 】

Even if the system didn't remind him, Wu Liang knew what he was about to face.

As soon as that huge abyssal fire stork appeared, its fierce eyes fell directly on Wu Liang's body.

The leader, of course, must confront the leader.

Originally, the leader of the Abyss Fire Stork did not intend to come out, and it was not that he had not dealt with invasions in the past, but most of the invasions were not opponents of a group of Fire Storks at all.

But now, it had to do it by itself.

Because the group of fire storks encountered an extremely shameless enemy, a leader of the Balrog who commanded fifty thousand soldiers, would shamelessly attack the seriously injured ordinary fire storks.

It's just shameless!
Obviously the leader of the fire stork was very naive, completely unaware that Wu Liang was the guy with the title of "Shameless Balrog".

Below, Wu Liang looked at the leader of the fire stork above his head.



I don't know what Wu Liang thought of, his eyes rolled, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a sinister arc.

Immediately after that, Wu Liang turned Nightmare's horse's head suddenly, and left the battlefield in an instant, retreating to the bank of the fire river behind.


Almost without hesitation, the leader of the fire stork followed.

Of course, Wu Liang's move was not because of his integrity, for fear that the fight with the leader of the fire stork would affect those innocent subordinates.

The real meaning was that Wu Liang was worried about being robbed of his head.

This is the so-called villain's mind, the abyss world, it is a guy like him who is keen to grab heads.

Of course, besides this, Wu Liang also had some other thoughts, but he couldn't show it for the time being.




Although Nightmare's speed was fast, it couldn't be faster than a terrifying bird.

The leader of the Fire Stork obviously hated Wu Liang very much, and attacked Wu Liang before he could reach the shore.

The scene at this moment was a big flaming bird swooping down towards the Nightmare and the Balrog below, its terrifyingly big beak flashing with a sharp edge that almost tore the earth apart.

"Boom~ chi chi"


As soon as the terrifying movement came out, people doubted whether Wu Liang would be able to save his life if he got hit.

After all, Wu Liang chose the human form, not the elemental form.

The next moment, the answer was revealed.



I don't know where the nightmare under Wu Liang's body was found, but it survived the attack of the huge bird's beak at that moment.

It's just that the ground on the side suffered disaster, and a big pit appeared directly.

Of course, this is just the first time.

The scene that followed was even more frightening. The leader of the abyss fire stork seemed to have gone mad, like a fighter jet that Wu Liang had seen in his original time and space, swooping down frantically again and again, trying to kill Wu Liang directly.

Unfortunately, under Wu Liang's control, there was always a slight difference.

Although along the way, Wu Liang fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.


After ten breaths, the Nightmare and the Balrog finally rushed to the shore.

And at this time, the leader of the fire stork above his head zoomed in.

It seemed to know that if it fought Wu Liang on the bank of the Fire River, it might be very bad for it.

Driven by instinct, it directly amplified its moves.


A piercing, roaring cry spewed out from the huge beak of the leader of the fire stork.

When Wu Liang, who was riding Nightmare below, heard this, his figure immediately crooked as if he was about to fall.

At this moment, the leader of the fire stork moved.

Suddenly flapping its wings, it flew to the sky in front of Wu Liang in an instant.



Appeared, a terrifying supernatural power from the abyss group.

A huge, meandering tongue of flame exuding incomparably scorching temperature descended from the sky.

Its source is the beak of the flamingo.

This time it didn't swoop down, but directly gave Wu Liang a supernatural power in the sky.

The crimson flame with a terrifying aura enveloped Wu Liang in it.

Logically speaking, as a Balrog, Wu Liang shouldn't be afraid of flames.

However, at this moment, Wu Liang felt an extremely strong omen of danger from the flame above his head.

He had a premonition that if he took this forcefully, he might really lose his life.

Born at this time, Wu Liang could not stop at all, nor could he retreat.

Under the puzzled look of the leader of the abyss fire stork, Wu Liang, the shameless flame demon, not only strangled the nightmare, turned around and fled.Instead, he jerked Nightmare violently, speeding up and rushing forward.

The next moment, Wu Liang's body was about to collide with that terrifying flame.


At this moment, Wu Liang raised his head.

The leader of the fire stork still had some wisdom. It saw that there was no trace of fear or panic in Wu Liang's pair of flame eyes.

On the contrary, there is a lot of ridicule and disdain.

"Stupid bird, you've been fooled."

When Wu Liang uttered this sentence, he drew his sword.


Even against a big bird, Wu Liang has to go all out.

Besides, this is not an ordinary big bird.

Magically revised version of the peerless sword art of the gods!
Dark day!


The terrifying coercion that swept away everything instantly cut the tongue of fire in half, and the remaining sword intent fell on the body of the leader of the abyss fire stork without reservation.

"Boom~ Chila"


Even though the leader of the fire stork had a huge body, he was not killed by the sword, but there was a huge and terrifying wound on his abdomen.

It let out a whine and was about to flee temporarily.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"call out"

A line of fire came from below without warning, and appeared above the leader of the fire stork in an instant.

After the sound of "bang", a giant flame appeared on the leader of the fire stork.

Obviously, it was Wu Liang.

This guy changed from riding a horse to riding a big bird, and his integrity was about to drop.

Of course, after the plot succeeded, Wu Liang would not care about these things.

"Boom ~ quack quack"

"thump thump"

Under the pressure of Wu Liang's huge weight, the body of the leader of the fire stork fell like a meteorite into the fire river below.

During the process, the leader of the fire stork continued to wail in horror.

It felt mortal danger.

And the source was the shameless flaming giant on its back and the flaming sword held high in his hand.

"chi chi~ bang"

After the flaming giant sword as big as a door panel was cut down, a big bird's head left its body immediately, the whining sound stopped abruptly, and the scorching bird's blood just spilled into the wide river of fire.

(End of this chapter)

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