Chapter 370 Flame Kobold

"Rookies, are you very dissatisfied with the harvest this time?"

"We worked so hard to exterminate this flock of big birds, but we only got a few eggs. It's unbearable. Don't you think so?"

As a joke, Wu Liang threw out an introduction first.

However, these two questions caused a group of Balrog soldiers to complain crazily.

"Your uncle is shameless, it's not because you have taken too many heads that we have gained so little."

"So what if you're not satisfied, can you, a shameless bastard, return the benefits you swallowed to us bitter haha?"

"Shameless Balrog, well-deserved reputation."

"Sin, why did my uncle follow such a shameless boss?"


Fortunately, these Balrog soldiers still have some reason.

I complained from the bottom of my heart, but I didn't say it out to slap my face, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that Wu Liang, a vengeful guy, will retaliate.

Among the remaining thousands of soldiers, apart from most of the Balrogs who secretly despised Wu Liang, there were still a few guys who were willing to cheer Wu Liang up.

"Boss, you are right!"

"My lord, you are right."

As soon as the Balrog soldiers who were cheering came out, Wu Liang immediately followed up shamelessly.

"it is good!"

"Since everyone is not satisfied with the harvest this time, as your old man, nature needs to give everyone another chance."

"My uncle happens to have another mission here, and it is a medium-sized war mission. As long as it is completed, the benefits will be so great that there will be no friends."


After hearing Wu Liang's words, especially the words "medium-sized war mission", the eyes of the soldiers at the bottom immediately lit up.

As a member of the Balrog clan, and they are all soldiers, how could they not understand the meaning of those words.

Shameless~ Boss is right!

The benefits, the huge benefits are right in front of you.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Wu Liang immediately stated the mission content, and at the same time secretly released a little manic magic power, which quietly stimulated the excited soldiers.

The four words that mourning soldiers must win are completely wrong in the abyss. In the abyss, a manic army is sure to win.

"Rookies, this mission comes from our great Fire Charm, Big Breasted Crown. Five thousand miles away from her camp, there is a new abyss race. This despicable race dares to covet the Fire Charm. territory."

"You say, what should we do?"

Words full of agitation were spit out from Wu Liang's mouth, coupled with the manic magic power secretly released.

Almost immediately, the thousands of soldiers who had been sharpened and tempered were suddenly manipulated by Wu Liang into a state of frenzy.

"Kill them!"

"Kill them all!"



Accompanied by roars of excitement, an extremely manic army appeared in front of Wu Liang.

This scene made Wu Liang extremely satisfied.

This kind of army is in line with Wu Liang's command style.

what style?
Simple and rude, just do it if you don't accept it.


Wu Liang stomped hard on the ground. Amidst the huge movement, the huge flaming sword slashed towards the sky, and flames burst out from the sky.

"set off!"

"Boom~ whoosh"

Wu Liang almost didn't even take a break, and directly led the army on the road.

The first mission just ended, but it was only a matter of time.

It's okay for him not to take a break, but he deliberately stimulated a group of subordinates not to rest.

Even in a place like the abyss, Wu Liang's behavior is definitely bad and shameless.

It's a pity that there is no such organization as the [Balrog Soldiers Welfare and Security Committee] here, otherwise we have to organize a parade and send Wu Liang a lawyer's letter or something.

This is the boss!
He is clearly a black-hearted leader who oppresses his subordinates!

As the third team leader, Wu Liang is the subordinate of Huo Mei Big Breast Mian, so his place is naturally not far from the big breast girl's territory.

Half an hour later, Wu Liang showed up at the destination with a group of manic subordinates.


Wu Liang, who was still riding aggressively on the Abyss Nightmare, couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise after seeing the scene in front of him.

In front of Wu Liang, there was a huge special camp against a huge volcano.

Although it is still rough and primitive, some functional tent buildings already exist.

At least compared to Wu Liang's own camp, it was more complete.

Of course, what really surprised Wu Liang was that the construction tents were very short, and from within the camp, an unbearable stench was condensing into gray-black clouds, constantly wafting out.

It's just... stinks!
"Fuck, what the hell can smell so bad?"

Wu Liang couldn't help complaining, because the smell was really too bad.

Although Wu Liang chose the human form and retained many of the characteristics of a human being, his body is a Balrog after all, and his nose is of course not as sharp as that of a real human.

But even so, Wu Liang still had the urge to vomit, one could imagine how stinky the camp was.

Soon, Wu Liang knew the answer.


"Squeak ~ squeak"

There were bursts of teeth-gritting sounds, and Wu Liang suddenly saw the fence in front of the camp being opened wide.


"bang bang bang"

The Lord has appeared.

I saw a series of short and strong strange creatures rushing out of those tent buildings, and quickly assembled an army that completely surpassed Wu Liang in number.

Accompanied by the sound of drums, the true face of this army was quickly revealed in Wu Liang's eyes.

The creatures that made up the army made Wu Liang couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I'm sorry, there are... dogs in the abyss! Heads! People!"

Wu Liang spat out word by word, resisting the urge to burst out laughing.

That's right, forming the army in front of Wu Liang at this time is a group of ugly and explosive kobolds.

The so-called kobolds, as the name suggests, of course have a human body and a dog's head.

Of course, there is a big difference between the kobold family in front of him and the kobold in Wu Liang's imagination.

Although it is still the body of a humanoid creature, the head of a dog.

But their exposed skin is covered with strange fire patterns, and the aura they emit perfectly fits this piece of sulfurous land.

There is no doubt that this is a new and special ethnic group.

When Wu Liang made this judgment, the voice of the system really came.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have discovered a new race [Flame Kobold]"

[Flame Kobold: This is a new abyssal race. As for the reason for their birth, uh, you don’t want to know the host, it’s just dirty anyway. 】

[Remark [-]: All newborn groups need to go through many disasters, and you, the host, are one of their disasters. 】

[Remark [-]: Yes, the host, this time you are the villain. 】

(End of this chapter)

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