Chapter 378
In the eyes of Huo Mei Daxiong, Wu Liang is definitely a scumbag.

It has to be said that Wu Liang was no ordinary person who was able to go all the way from the scum of the Shenyuan Continent to the abyss.

Wu Liang first used his "beauty" to cheat a medium-sized war mission from the big-breasted girl, and then after he was counter-killed by the kobold leader, he cheated a large number of abyss fire crystals from the big-breasted girl with his color.

From this point alone, it can be seen that Wu Liang has eaten soft food.

What's shameless is that after Wu Liang ate and wiped himself clean, he turned his face mercilessly.

Stand up for yourself!

After Wu Liang refined [Lord's Heart], it meant a betrayal of Huo Mei·Big Breast.

"Boom~ boom"

At this time, boundless anger rose from the bottom of the big breasted girl's heart.

At this moment, she only had one thought, and that was to teach Wu Liang, a scumbag who ate soft food, a good lesson, and then forcibly push back.

As for how to deal with it after the reversal, it was only in her Huo Mei's big breasts.

Since Wu Liang's currently revealed state is still a mature body, although the mature body Balrog is in the metamorphosis stage, he has not taken that step after all.

Therefore, in the view of Huo Mei Daxiong, Wu Liang is absolutely impossible to be her opponent.

This point cannot be concealed.

So even though the [War Fortress] looked bluffing, Huo Mei Big Breast broke into it without hesitation.

Her plan, of course, was to deal with Wu Liang in a thunderous manner.

It's a pity that her mind is too broad after all.

There is an old saying that goes well, big breasts must be... no brains.

Once again, she fell for it.

"Boom~ Whoosh"

A stream of flames flashed, and the figure of Huo Mei with big breasts just passed the fortress.

The war fortress that was slaughtering ordinary Balrog soldiers suddenly experienced a huge change.


With a loud noise, the huge fortress seemed to come alive at this moment.

With a sound of "buzz", it actually shrank in an instant, shrinking from the size of a mountain to a strange space only as big as a ring.

The most important thing is that this strange space captured the body of Huo Mei with big breasts.

"Hahaha... A big-breasted girl is a big-breasted girl. When you come to this uncle's territory, let's see how I deal with you."

Seeing that his plot had succeeded, Wu Liang immediately showed surprise on his face.

That's right, those before were just a cover, Wu Liang's real goal, from the beginning to the end, was only Huo Mei · big breasts.

To replace a senior lord, it is naturally difficult for a new lord like Wu Liang to do so in a short period of time.

But if it is a trick, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

One way is to capture the thief first and capture the king first.


Wu Liang was overjoyed, and his body immediately turned into a line of fire, automatically thrown into the shrinking fortress.

As soon as the two lords left, the armies of both sides were left behind, standing on the barren land, facing each other, looking at each other, with big eyes staring at each other.




After the two rays of light flashed, in a space that looked like a fortress and a ring, the figures of Wu Liang and the big-breasted girl emerged at the same time.

Before Wu Liang could stand still, the voice of the system had entered his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the War Fortress launched a skill fight to the death and successfully captured the leader of the opponent."

[Fight to the death: special fortress skill, activating this skill can capture the enemy leader and reduce its strength by half. As long as the host defeats the enemy leader in the upcoming one-on-one duel, the fortress will directly determine the victory of this war burden. 】

[Remark [-]: The fortress technique is being activated... Each breath needs to consume a thousand breaths of the abyss. With the breath of the abyss currently possessed by the host, the fortress technique will last for about one hundred breaths. 】

[Remark [-]: After eating soft food, betrayal, etc., the host once again took the behavior of pulling a big beautiful woman into a small black room, lonely man and lonely girl, host, what exactly do you want to do?Do you still dare to argue that you are not a scumbag? 】

[Remark [-]: In such an environment, if the host doesn't say the famous saying "You scream, scream, and no one will come to save you if you break your throat", you will not be a qualified villain, and this system will kill you. The villains of the Ten Thousand Worlds despise you together. 】

"Fuck~ When did my uncle become a scumbag? Or a villain?"

As soon as Wu Liang finished complaining, his heart started beating crazily, and a strong omen of danger emerged.

"call out"

Almost instinctively, Wu Liang moved away from his original position.


After a terrifying sound, the place where Wu Liang was originally standing was in ruins.

In the rising dust, a graceful voice is releasing an extremely dangerous signal.

Fire Charm Big Breasts!

The most powerful female Balrog in the poisonous fire army, the oppression brought by this moment made Wu Liang feel the urge to kneel down.

Although like Wu Liang, the big-breasted girl is also a human form.

But there is a huge gap between the two demons.

It can be seen from the body alone that under the rage, Huo Mei·Big Chest directly showed the real body.

It was a graceful body that was ten feet high, and its whole body was wrapped in flames. Its scales, like fiery crystals, were shining with a seductive brilliance, and a tail behind it gave people a sense of danger and aura. Charming breath.

Almost any Balrog clansman will feel impulsive when they see her.

I have to admire it, the perfect mating partner.

It's a pity that at this time, the perfect flame demon goddess can't wait to tear Wu Liang apart.

She originally thought that Wu Liang could be dealt with with a single strike, but something happened to her, and she was taken in here for no reason.

As soon as it came down, half of the majestic power in her body disappeared directly.

Being weakened by half, she fell directly from the level of [Elite Balrog] to [Mature Balrog].

Of course, even so, she still has terrifying combat experience and skills that almost all mature Balrogs do not possess.

As soon as he made contact, Wu Liang knew that he was still at a disadvantage.

"Damn it, this girl with big breasts is actually so tough."

Wu Liang was also a little speechless, he had reduced his opponent's strength by half, if he still couldn't beat the opponent, then he might as well eat shit.

The most important thing is that Wu Liang doesn't have the capital to move slowly.

"One hundred breaths, this stupid fortress technique can only last one hundred breaths, and the big-breasted girl must be dealt with in such a short period of time."

"There is no other way, I have to use any method, as long as it can achieve the goal."


As if thinking of something, a sinister light suddenly flashed in Wu Liang's eyes.

And the next moment, Wu Liang moved.

Obviously inferior to the big-breasted girl in all aspects, Wu Liang did not retreat but advanced.

"call out"

As soon as the line of fire swept away, Wu Liang's much shorter body suddenly appeared in front of Huo Mei Daxiong.



After a loud cry, Wu Liang made a solution that even Huo Mei Big Chest could not have imagined.

Wu Liang stretched out his arms shamelessly, and hugged the graceful body of the big-breasted girl without hesitation.

At the same time, Wu Liang's face is very "beautiful" in the eyes of the mother Balrog.

Suddenly, she moved close to Huo Mei Daxiong, and spoke viciously.

Wu Liang: "Big-breasted girl, come on, hurt each other, love each other and kill each other."

Huo Mei·Big Chest: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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