Chapter 382 The Failed Crystal Palace Cause
"Hahaha...very good, children, let me clean up all these guys that pollute the air of the abyss. We are good Balrogs who care about the environment."

Those who can say this sentence, promise a big abyss, and of course there will be no second one except Wu Liang.

I saw this guy's body changed dramatically, his whole body was covered in flames, and his body was covered with a pair of mighty and domineering armor.

Although it has not yet reached the height of the mountain, it has reached tens of feet, and the terrifying momentum is like a tide or a tsunami, constantly expanding in all directions.

Around him was a very tragic battlefield.

One side is naturally the army of [Sun Tian Ling].

On the other side, there was a group of creatures with black smoke all over their bodies.

Their bodies don't look weaker than the Balrog, and even stronger. The whole body is condensed by hard lava stones, but the hollow heart is a sun-like thing that burns crazily.



And as the heart burned, it continuously released thick black smoke.

[Lava monster: One of the creatures of the abyss, a special spirit monster born from lava, with a hard body and terrifying strength, and will release black smoke with a strong sulfur smell all the time. 】

[Remark [-]: They are orthodox abyss creatures, and their history is older than Balrog. 】

[Remark [-]: They are rare chaotic neutral camps in the abyss, kind, strong, hardworking and brave. 】

[Remark [-]: Poor guys, if there is no black smoke on the body, the shameless host must... can find other reasons, anyway, it is too miserable. 】

That's right, this is another poor abyssal group.

Just because of the black smoke on his body, Wu Liang seized the opportunity.

He led the army to come over thousands of miles away and wiped them out.

But this is quite normal, because in the past few months, Wu Liang's madness has wiped out most of the ethnic groups around [Sun Tian Ling].

For this reason, Wu Liang had to lead the army to a farther place.

For example, here, a vast magma swamp occupied by lava monsters.

Although this group of lava monsters belonged to the chaotic neutral camp, it did not affect Wu Liang who was already obsessed.

Everything is for the task.

Standing in the scorching magma, Wu Liang's pair of Balrog pupils burst out with an extremely firm light.


As soon as the light turned, the battlefield quickly decided the winner.

Although the lava monster is considered a powerful one among the many ethnic groups in the abyss, it can't resist the elite who have experienced dozens of ethnic wars.

Although Wu Liang's army has dropped from 30 at the beginning to [-] today.

But these one hundred thousand Balrogs are the real elites of all battles.

At least a lot of soldiers among them are only one step away from the mature body.

The lava monsters didn't even hold on for half a day, and fell down one after another.

Among them, the leader of the lava monster, a huge stone giant, is about to be dealt with by a big-breasted chick.

Seeing that the terrifying palm of Huo Mei Daxiong was about to insert into the chest of the leader of the lava monster, and take out the scorching heart.

At this time, the guy who grabbed the head came.


"Leave it alone, I'll come."


It is almost a natural, incomparably coherent movement.

The moment Wu Liang uttered those two sentences, his figure had already moved to the depths of the battlefield, and he inserted between them forcefully, and then activated the skill of [Hand of the Balrog].

After the sound of "bang", Wu Liang's palm suddenly had a scorching, black-smoky lava monster leader's heart.



The leader of the lava monster fell down, and the big-breasted girl gave Wu Liang, a shameless guy, a flirtatious look, and walked away with her ass of the same size.

During this time, she has gotten used to being head-robbed by Wu Liang.

If it was a teammate relationship, Huo Mei·Big Chest would have already chopped up a shameless guy like Wu Liang.

It's a pity that she and Wu Liang are in the relationship of master and slave.

Huo Mei Big Breast was also very angry at first, but soon she found other ways of revenge.

As soon as Wu Liang snatched her head, she would snatch Wu Liang's other head and squeeze it dry when she returned to the palace.

That's why, after several months, Wu Liang's ideal has never been realized.

It is really more than enough but not enough!
It also led to Wu Liang's Crystal Palace. So far, there is only one mother.

Although Wu Liang was very angry, he really wanted to cheer up the master.

But after comparing the task and the Crystal Palace, which was more important, Wu Liang chose the task helplessly.

At this moment, Wu Liang looked at the big-breasted girl who left proudly, and had to comfort himself.

"It doesn't matter, the task is more important. After I am promoted to the level of the general of the Balrog and established a great power, I will officially open the great cause of the Crystal Palace."

"Well, that's it. This is a reasonable plan."

After comforting himself, Wu Liang's eyes immediately fell on the leader of the lava monster who was about to fall.

At the same time as grinning, the terrifying palm pressed down, and the system's prompt also came.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully killed [Abyssal Lava Monster Leader], experience 4000."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully launching [Advanced Balrog Devouring Technique], swallowing the target..."

"Successful devour!"

"Congratulations to the host, the number of evolutions is 2000."


Following the system's prompt, a scorching torrent of water immediately poured into Wu Liang's body.


"boom boom"

The scorching torrent was instantly refined by Wu Liang, causing his already huge body to swell by more than several feet.

Strength, go one step further.

Wu Liang felt the soaring power in his body again, but there was a satisfied smile on his ferocious face.

Over the past few months, this scene has been repeated dozens of times.

His continuous wars are precisely to devour these powerful clan leaders.

The power in these leaders came from the same abyss as Wu Liang.

Just in line with the requirements of the [Blaze Demon Devouring Technique], every time Wu Liang devours, he will be one step closer to completing the task.

But what made Wu Liang a little depressed was that he had devoured at least dozens of group leaders who were equivalent to [Blaze Demon Elite], and it stands to reason that he should be able to advance to the level of [Blaze Demon General].

But until now, apart from every increase in strength in Wu Liang's body, there has been no movement.

Where the system is, there is no prompt.

Even the so-called "transformation period" did not exist. After Wu Liang was promoted to [Mature Body Balrog], the value of the number of evolutions was hidden from the personal interface.

Therefore, Wu Liang can only guess when he will be able to advance.

"It should be soon, I have faintly felt the existence of that checkpoint and barrier, as long as I break through it, I will definitely be able to enter the general level."

"It's just that the time limit seems to be... and there are some other troubles coming."


Wu Liang seemed to have thought of something, his huge body suddenly turned his head, but looked in the direction of the Poison Fire Palace.

He had a faint feeling that an undercurrent seemed to be coming.

(End of this chapter)

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