Chapter 386 A stomach full of bad water
"My people, this is a war about the survival of the Flame Demon Clan, but please don't be afraid of the enemy's wrath, as long as you persist for a month, when I refine the Fate Slate, all this will subside, and the Flame Demon Clan will be defeated." Become the master of the furnace world."

"My glory is shared with you."



Wu Liang listened to the voice of the goddess that suddenly sounded in his mind, that is, the voice of the peerless beauty, the great lord of the Balrog.

He also heard the roar of tens of millions of Balrogs in the entire Flame Demon Sea at the next moment.

They were all inspired by the goddess in their hearts, and felt the love of the great lord, and they all seemed to have been beaten like chicken blood, and their fighting spirit began to surge.

At this time, it might not be a big problem to let them die for the goddess.

Of course, it is not without exception.

For example, Wu Liang, with the title of "Shameless Balrog", how could he be fooled by the Balrog Lord with a few cheap slogans and go desperately.

At this moment, Wu Liang couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Hey, the charm of the goddess is boundless, and the dicks will follow each other. The ancients did not deceive me."

Although other abyssal creatures have various interpretations of the upcoming Battle of the Five Armies.

If there are no accidents, this unprecedented race war will definitely enter the world history of the melting pot world.

The abyssal creatures of later generations will definitely decipher many things from it.

But in Wu Liang's view, it was all caused by a peerless beauty.

"His Royal Highness Vigorous Miracle Flame Demon, although the name of the goddess is a bit deceitful, it is still very domineering after listening to it for a long time, and even more domineering in her actions."

Wu Liang couldn't help recalling what happened a day ago, because of her refusal, which caused the current consequences.

In the entire furnace world, the flames of war began to burn wildly.

The end of the burning is naturally the Flame Demon Sea.

In four directions, four armies are approaching.

The number of soldiers in each army is close to tens of millions.

In order to wash away the shame, exterminate the Flame Demons, and snatch the slate of fate, the four great lords were willing to go all out.

And starting today, the Flame Demons have also entered the highest state of combat readiness.

Her Majesty, took the time to encourage everyone.

Although Wu Liang was very unwilling to be involved in this dangerous war, it was a pity that, as a Balrog, he had nowhere to escape at this time.

The only good news is that Wu Liang has temporarily avoided the accountability of [General Fire Poison].


When the war started, Her Majesty the Goddess was probably busy refining the slate of destiny, and she didn't intend to command the army to fight the four angry dicks at all.

Or, it was broken.

The Balrog Clan, very simple and rude, assigned tasks.

Under the command of His Royal Highness Vigorous Miracle Balrog, there are a total of eight Balrog generals, which happen to be divided into four, each resisting a large army.

In the east, General Fire Poison and General Sulfur Flame each lead an army of one million to resist the attack from the [Fire Goblin] clan.

And Wu Liang's Ri Tianling, as the third captain under the command of the Huodu general, naturally had to join the battle.

Obviously, the four great lords were extremely angry.

They didn't intend to give the Flame Demons much time at all, and the terrifying army directly crushed them.

Originally, in Wu Liang's impression, the flame goblins were very easy to deal with. Although the individuals still looked easy to deal with, when their number soared to several times or even dozens of times that of their own soldiers.

The situation suddenly became less optimistic.

First battle!
The Flame Demon Clan suffered heavy losses.

Regardless of whether it is General Fire Poison or another General Sulfur Flame, each has lost more than half of their two to three million troops.

Although the attack of the flame goblins was temporarily contained, one only needs to look at the flame goblins pouring out from the depths of the ground at the back of the battlefield, and one cannot help thinking of despair.

Too many, more than rats.

"I'm a big deal. According to this trend, the Flame Demon Clan won't be able to last for a month, and they will be wiped out soon."

"If the Flame Demons are gone, wouldn't my uncle's mission also be..."

The Ritian collar was in a mess, and Wu Liang, who temporarily repelled a wave of goblin attacks, looked very ugly.

Because Wu Liang suddenly discovered that the future of the Flame Demon Clan was very miserable.

With the strength of one of the four parties, it is obviously at an absolute disadvantage to fight against a complete ethnic group.

The field mouse, which was very easy to kill in the past, has become extremely vicious now.

Fortunately, that [Goblin Prince] did not participate in the battle. If a great lord took action in person, the millions of troops of the two Balrog generals would probably be wiped out with a wave of their hands.

But even so, Wu Liang estimated that his side would not be able to last for a month, or even half a month.

"No, I have to think of a way, at least kill these damned field mice first."

When Wu Liang spat out these words fiercely, a sinister light immediately began to appear in his eyes.

The belly of this guy swayed, and the bad water rippled.

After a while, a sinister idea emerged in Wu Liang's mind.

"Hey, that's a good idea, the big fool will definitely thank me."


"Boom~ Whoosh"

With a thought, Wu Liang's whole body turned into a wire of fire and headed towards the Poison Fire Hall at a frightening speed.

"call out"

After dozens of breaths, Wu Liang rushed into the hall in a hurry.

Before the person stood still, the voice sounded first.

"General, my subordinates have something to offer, which can make the flame goblin retreat."


At the top, the fire poisonous general who looked like a giant of fire raised his head and saw Wu Liang.

Seeing that he was the most favored and later feared subordinate, the fire and poison general frowned, but he still said a word majestically: "Say", and then asked Wu Liang to stand beside it, and whispered the strategy in a low voice. out.

At the beginning, General Fire Poison shook his head.

But soon, after Wu Liang spoke, its eyes became brighter and brighter.

Especially when Wu Liang uttered the following sentence, General Huo Du's blood boiled all of a sudden.

"General, as long as you help His Highness the High Lord repel the goblins, maybe His Highness the High Lord will add your name to the Fate Tablet, and then you can..."

"Okay, General Ben has done it."

As soon as Wu Liang finished speaking, General Huodu got up excitedly with a "boom".

Those pair of Balrog pupils were as bright as high-power light bulbs, as if thinking of something beautiful in his mind, a gentle smile appeared on the face of this stupid big man.

"Hahaha...Your meritorious service, my general will not kill you."

"I will go to your highness first, and I will make plans after my return."

"For Your Highness, this general will definitely do his best."


As soon as he finished speaking very passionately, the fire and poison general left the hall and went straight to the depths of the sea of ​​flames and demons.

The big, stupid guy didn't see the sinister smile on the corner of Wu Liang's mouth behind him.

But even if he saw it, the fire and poison general who was immersed in blood might not be able to tell the difference.

"Sure enough, the charm of a goddess is endless. My uncle can kill someone just by saying her name."

"Silly boy, silly boy, don't blame me, after all, this also gives you a chance to serve the goddess."

In the Duhuo Great Hall, Wu Liang looked at the back of the Huodu General going away and said with a treacherous smile.

(End of this chapter)

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