Chapter 400 Lord Yin Guan, who is not as good as a beast
Datangguan, the scene at this time is both complicated and simple.

The black-bone dragon clan who instigated the teacher to question the crime and ate people wantonly!

A group of cowardly Guanmin and their cowardly Guanzhu!
And... the little one.

The middle-aged master Yin Guan in purple clothes, he hasn't beheaded the little one yet.

Of course, the reason was not that he regretted it and wanted to keep his son.

It was because the patriarch of the Black Bone Dragon hadn't agreed yet. He had been the master of Guan for many years, and he knew the key to negotiation, so don't pay first.

The little one in tears seemed to have lost the ability to speak at this moment, staring blankly at his father.

The originally lively eyes gradually dimmed, and there was no other expression except despair.

Seeing this scene, the tall and extremely ferocious leader of the black bone dragon nodded his ferocious head with satisfaction, inside a pair of disgusting yellow pupils.

After the initial surprise, it turned into today's banter.

It hangs high in the sky, watching the human tragedy that happened on the watchtower, and the sound of gloating laughter resounds throughout Datangguan.


"Lord Yin Guan, my patriarch admires you very much. For the sake of your actions that are inferior to animals, this patriarch will give you a chance to reconcile."

"Three conditions, if you agree, the patriarch will let you off at Datang Pass."

"First, you kill this son with your own hands and present his head."

"Second, destroy the Dragon Shooting Bow and Dragon Slayer Arrow in front of our clan."

"Third, every Dragon's Birthday, Ruda Tangguan must offer 1000 boys and girls each."

"Whether it's war or peace, it depends on your answer."



What is arrogance, this is called arrogance.

As soon as the three conditions of the black bone dragon patriarch came out, the whole Great Tangguan was about to boil again.

The first two conditions are of course nothing. In the eyes of these cowardly Guanmin, no matter whether it is the little one or the fairy bow and arrow, they are the source of disasters. It is better to kill and destroy them.

But the last condition is different. Who doesn’t have children? If two thousand children are handed over to these ferocious black dragons every year, then the Great Tang Pass will probably collapse in a few decades.

As the "king" among cowards, the middle-aged man in purple suddenly wanted to go with his own people.

"Hei patriarch, I agreed to the first two conditions, but the third condition, can I change it?"

"How about this? Every Dragon's Birthday, I, Datangguan, will offer [-] heads of various livestock such as pigs, ducks, cattle, and sheep for the nobles to enjoy."


The middle-aged man in Zi Yi didn't finish his sentence, but was rejected.

"Hmph, stupid human beings, do you think that our black bone dragon clan will lack blood to eat? My clan loves human flesh."

"One thousand boys and girls each, and if there is one less person, our clan will destroy you Datangguan."

"Of course, our family only needs fresh and tender human flesh. As for whether those people are the people of your Datangguan, our family will not care."

As soon as the head of the Black bone dragon uttered the words, anyone who is not a fool can understand the meaning. This is the boy and girl who asked Datangguan to snatch children from other places.

This time, the cowards of Datangguan were tempted.

"it is good!"

"The boss of this level agrees!"

The middle-aged man in Ziyi agreed decisively, and then saw a "shua", all eyes were focused on the watchtower.

The first condition, the little boy's head must be cut off by his father himself.

At this time, even these cowardly Guanmin became curious, whether the middle-aged man in purple clothes could do it.

The so-called tiger's poison does not eat its son, although the little boy has caused a lot of troubles, but he is his son after all.


The little one was already crying at this time, raised his head to look at the middle-aged man in purple, but didn't say the word "father".

In his eyes, apart from the strong despair, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Only in the next moment, this glimmer of hope was completely torn to shreds.

"Niezi, die, you are an ominous person, go into reincarnation to redeem your sins."


Accompanied by an angry reprimand, the middle-aged man in purple swung the long sword in his hand without hesitation, and a powerful sword light surged out, slashing straight at the little boy's neck.

The scene at this moment is simply terrifying.

Hundreds of thousands of Guanmin all sneered, ridiculed, delighted, and distorted.

The black bone dragon clan roared triumphantly.

Beneath the handsome facial features of the middle-aged man in purple, there was a perverted smile.

There was only one child, looking at the long sword cutting towards his neck, as if he had realized something.

Tears stop!

Sorrow away!

The eyes closed slowly, neither dodging nor avoiding, quietly waiting for the arrival of death.

It's just that when the sharp edge touched the flesh and blood of the little boy's neck, an unexpected sound appeared.


There was a sound like the clanging of gold and iron, and the middle-aged man in purple felt at this moment that the long sword he was holding seemed to have cut a King Kong Mountain.

"Boom ~ Kaka"

A terrifying counter-shock force surged, and the long sword... shattered.

He himself also retreated a dozen steps with a "bang bang bang", his blood was surging, and he was so uncomfortable that he almost vomited blood.

"what happened?"

Everyone asked this question from the bottom of their hearts, until their eyes focused on the little one's neck again.


There, a golden bead emerged.


As if possessing some kind of spirituality, when the orb appeared, it released a dazzling golden light, and then wrapped the little one inside.

Being in it, Xiao Budian immediately felt a familiar feeling.



As if it were the earth and the sky, let him be under absolute protection.


Xiao BuDian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly spit out two words.

At this time, a majestic and haughty voice resounded throughout the Great Tang Pass.

"Those who bully my disciple, quickly kneel down and kill themselves, otherwise... die!"


When the last word sounded, all the creatures in the Great Tang Pass felt a terrifying aura appear.

It's like a god's residence!

The majesty is supreme!

Even for the Black Bone Dragon Clan, some younger black dragons rolled their eyes and almost passed out after feeling the aura of the Lord of Mountains and Rivers left by Wu Liang.

And those mortals and monks who have no cultivation base or are weak will lie on the ground as soon as they hear the sound, not knowing whether they are dead or alive.

Obviously, Wu Liang knew the virtues of these cowards and Guanmin in Datangguan, and he didn't think about showing mercy at all.

This sudden change plunged the entire Great Tangguan into chaos, and everyone was scared to pee.

"What? When did that little scourge gain a master?"

"It's a terrible Qi machine, who is his master?"

"The Promise Realm! Definitely a super powerhouse at the Promise Realm level."

"Damn it, it really has been a disaster for thousands of years. It's fine if this little thing isn't dead. Why is there another powerful master?"

Although most people were scared to pee by the breath of the Lord of Mountains and Rivers left by Wu Liang, there were also people in the field who recovered from the shock.

For example, the middle-aged man in purple clothes and the patriarch of the black bone dragon.

But even so, a dignified look appeared on the faces of one man and one dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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