The most powerful system in history

Chapter 50 The Last Chance

Chapter 50 The Last Chance
Just when the world of monks in Daluo County caused huge waves because of Wu Liang's three [Broadcast Cards], Wu Liang, the culprit, was still in the dangerous core area of ​​the Tiandi Mountain Range, struggling to find a way to solve the problem. Let him pick up cheap beasts.

That's right, it's cheap.

Wu Liang is now at the ninth level of true essence, if he wants to be promoted to the first level of body tempering, that is, to be comparable to that black gold sect master, at least tens of thousands of experience points are needed, and it is impossible to do it in a short time.So for the battle one day later, Wu Liang needs another "killer weapon".

In the past few days, Wu Liang planned to pick up a few.

In the dark and wild forest, Wu Liang wandered around like a ghost.

And in his hand, he was always holding a mottled jade ball with strange patterns.


On a towering ancient tree, Wu Liang stood still, having just received several feedbacks from the detection.

"Three miles to the east, there is a body-hardened level [-] fierce beast with two heads, in perfect condition and unable to move."

"Within five miles to the west, there are three ferocious beasts in the first level of the Body Tempering Realm, and four in the second level. They are all in good condition, and they cannot move."

"Two kilometers away to the north, there are four fierce beasts in the Body Tempering Realm Level [-]. They are intact and cannot move."

"Eh? One mile to the south, there is a body-tempering-level three-level ferocious beast, in good condition, approaching quickly... run away!"

The surprise and joy on Wu Liang's face hadn't fully surfaced, but was replaced by panic in an instant. The whole person was like a black cat with frowning hair, fleeing in the opposite direction as soon as his body moved.After half a sound, an angry roar followed closely.

Fortunately, Wu Liang reacted quickly, and the distance between the two was just in a safe state.


After half a stick of incense, Wu Liang hid in a pile of leaves, gasping for breath.

He had just experienced a life-and-death chase, but Wu Liang didn't have much fear on his face, and he didn't even feel rejoicing. He was obviously used to it.Although this kind of life has only been experienced for two days, it can be said that Wu Liang is used to it.

In the past four days, Wu Liang was in this state almost all the time.

Detect, spy, be found, and... escape.

Nearly ten times, Wu Liang was almost overtaken by several ferocious beasts and lost his life directly.

It was the same scene where Wu Liang was chased and killed by the "Hundred-Eyed Poison Toad". Although Wu Liang's cultivation base is now stronger, his situation has not changed much.The seventh level of true essence and the ninth level of true energy will not have any substantial changes in the face of fierce beasts in the quenching state.

In this dangerous area, Wu Liang is in a completely weak position.

If there is really a tight food chain here, Wu Liang is undoubtedly at the bottom.In fact, if Wu Liang hadn't spent a lot of points from time to time to exchange for items like the [Interest Concentration Card] from the head mall to restrain his aura, Wu Liang would be a corpse now.

Even so, Wu Liang did not intend to give up at all.

What's more, after being hunted down for four full days, Wu Liang didn't gain anything.At least Wu Liang has enough experience in using the [Fearful Beast Ball] in his hand.

First of all, the ferocious beast ball cannot be used on body tempered ferocious beasts that are in good condition, otherwise the failure rate may be [-]%.

Second, the higher the rank, the higher the failure rate.

Although these two experiences seem simple, they also pointed out the direction for Wu Liang.

That is to pick up a bargain!

What Wu Liang had to do was to find one or two body-tempering beasts that were injured or had negative status, and then tried a few more times, maybe there was a chance of success.

Once successful, it will be a big surprise for Wu Liang.

And Wu Liang concluded that the price of these two experiences was that there were only three beast balls left in the original group of ten beast balls, and what happened to the other seven balls....

In the first one, Wu Liangmao rashly found a ferocious beast at the fourth level of Body Tempering Realm, trying to subdue it in vain, but of course Wu Liang was almost swallowed.

The second one, Wu Liang lowered his requirements to a third-level ferocious beast, and he almost became food again.

For the third and fourth, Wu Liang ruled out the second-level beasts that were in good condition.

For the fifth one, Wu Liang sadly ruled out the first-level beasts that were in good condition.

As for the sixth and seventh, Wu Liang failed on the two third-level beasts that were injured.

Every time Wu Liang tried to take advantage of it, the result was that the two targets who were picked turned their guns and started to chase and kill Wu Liang together. That time Wu Liang was almost killed.

After tossing and tossing for so long, Wu Liang spent a full four days and got nothing.

"Huh~ There is only one day left, if you can't find it anymore, you have to go back to the sect first."

Leaning his back against the tree trunk, Wu Liang adjusted his breath and said to himself.

"System, detect again!"

After resting, Wu Liang immediately called the system in his mind.

"Ding, if the host wants to use the detection service, the system will determine the detection range based on the points paid by the host. Please pay the points first."

"System, besides being shameless, you also want money."

Although it was not the first time, Wu Liang complained about the system again angrily.

As usual, the system ignored Wu Liang's irony.

Helpless, Wu Liang had no choice but to give in. With a thought, a large sum of money was lost in his points account.

"Ding, the host pays [-] points, and the detectable range is ten miles. Detecting..."

"Detection complete!"

"Result feedback, host, please listen carefully."

"Within ten miles to the north, there are four ferocious beasts in the first level of the Body Tempering Realm, one in the second level, and one in the third level. They are all in good condition."

"Within ten miles to the south, there are five ferocious beasts in the first level of Body Tempering Realm, and three in the second level. They are all in good condition."

"In the western area, there are six fierce beasts in the first level of the Body Tempering Realm, two of which are in a state of minor injuries and continue to decline."

"In the eastern range, there is a body-tempering-level [-]-level ominous beast, and a triple-level ominous beast. The former is in a state of minor injuries, and the latter is in a state of fatigue and continues to decline."


Almost immediately, Wu Liang's eyes lit up as soon as the feedback came out.

Surprise is coming!

But soon, Wu Liang was in trouble again.

In two completely different directions, the north and the south, there appeared target beasts that met the requirements, but Wu Liang was alone, and he had no way to separate himself. Where should he go?
"East? Or West?"

"Choose a ferocious beast from the first level? Or the second level? Or the third level?"

At such a time, others would be even more embarrassed, but Wu Liang quickly got rid of the embarrassment and made a decision very quickly.

"call out"

Wu Liang moved, he jumped up, and walked towards a direction silently.

Obviously, the two target beasts are fighting each other.

Only this can explain the state of continuous decline, and at this time, opportunities are always fleeting, and Wu Liang can't afford to delay even a little bit of time.

And his choice is astonishingly... The sun is setting.

It's the West!
(End of this chapter)

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