Chapter 501 The young man is very courageous
Although Wu Liang also felt that he might be trying to kill himself, but after all, he was a cute loli, and monster loli was also a loli, who could refuse a loli?

Of course, the most important thing is that Wu Liang has already agreed.

Since taking charge of the Nine Cauldron Sect, Wu Liang has cheated many people, even the goddess in the abyss, Wu Liang has also cheated.

Wu Liang can be said to be very proud of being a scammer who spans two major planes.

But there is one thing that Wu Liang is more proud of, and that is his reputation.

Although this guy has titles such as "Qingzhou's No. [-] Cheap", "The Most Shameless Balrog", "Sizhou's No. [-] Cheap" and so on, no matter what, as long as it is promised, Wu Liang will finally do it.

As for whether it is also cheating others while doing it, this kind of detail is not important.

Before, Wu Liang had promised to the silly hairy little loli, and he would naturally do it.

"The old monster is the old monster, even if the master can't beat it, can't he escape?"


After making up his mind, Wu Liang didn't hesitate any longer.

First he smiled brightly at the little Lolita, then stretched out his palm and pointed it into a sword.


As soon as the fingertips moved, a faint brilliance flashed out immediately.

In an instant, a strange ring appeared in front of the two of them.

Inside the ring, ripples surged like water waves, and with the infusion of Wu Liang's thoughts, the scene inside began to change.

Super Round Light!
Another super supernatural power possessed by Wu Liang, the power effect is not weaker than the Tianziwangqi technique.

In just one thought, hundreds of thousands of miles can be seen, which can be called against the sky.

Although Xuandu is extremely huge, the territory it occupies is not as terrifying as hundreds of thousands of miles away.

So as long as little loli's grandfather is now in Xuandu, he can easily find it.

Sure enough, there were no surprises this time.



In the movement like water waves, the ever-changing scene finally freezes.

However, within the circle, a huge inn was reflected.

The focal length is impressively in front of the inn, on the cold ground lay an old figure.

Seeing this figure, the dumb-haired little Lolita was overjoyed at first, and then became angry again.


"Bad grandpa, Yinyin knew it, and went to drink again. It's too much, too much."

The silly little loli obviously knew the virtues of her grandfather for a long time, so she didn't show any surprise when she saw the figure lying on the ground.

But Wu Liang was slightly shocked.

"This old guy is the scary old monster who can fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun. It's unscientific."

"You look like an old drunkard. What about your big body, your golden feathers, and nine pairs of big wings... Could it be that you have changed your drink?"

"However, this old drunk has a big heart. Such a pink and jade-carved loli dares to adopt the free-range model. I have to accept it."

From these whispers, you can know how cheap this product is.

Seeing the scary old monster in his imagination, which looked like a harmless old alcoholic, Wu Liang immediately began to complain.

After all, with the round light technique, the distance is so far away.

Wu Liang didn't worry about the old monster hearing it.

If he really came in front of others, even if the old monster really didn't seem to be a threat, he would be very well-behaved and play the image of a kind-hearted big brother.

It has to be said that this is one of the reasons why Wu Liang has been committing crimes, but has never been beaten to death.


Very witty!
However, there is a saying that is very good, how can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river.

If you walk a lot at night, you will also encounter ghosts.

For example, at this time, Wu Liang saw a ghost.


He was complaining incomparably joyfully, when suddenly at this moment, within the circle of light, the old man lying on the ground opened his eyes.


Golden light, extremely dazzling golden light.

At this moment, it actually penetrated all obstacles, pierced through the ripples of the circular light technique, and directly met Wu Liang's gaze.

The scene immediately became quiet.

Suddenly, Wu Liang stopped being venomous.

It wasn't that Wu Liang suddenly realized his conscience, but he suddenly realized that he... couldn't move.

The warning sound of the system was like "ding ding ding" resounding all over the place.

However, they were all suppressed by another voice.

"Young man, why don't you continue talking? What you said is very reasonable, and my old man really wants to continue listening."


At this moment, the scene was awkward.

And Wu Liang himself, unknowingly, broke out in cold sweat again.

And it's a scary old ghost!

The super round light technique was actually seen through?

Forget it, what is really frightening is that Wu Liang, the powerhouse of [The Six Scenes of the Promise] and the ruler of the four ancient states, was actually pinned down in such a long distance and silently.

Around, people come and go, but no one notices.

Except... the silly little loli.

Wu Liang helped her find her grandfather. Little Lolita was in a very good mood, and was about to turn around to thank her kind elder brother, but saw her elder brother standing there with an embarrassed expression on his face, as if he had been petrified.

Immediately, little Lolita guessed that it was her grandfather who did the trick, just like Kong Konger knew how cheating her master was, little Lolita obviously knew how unreliable her grandfather was.

"Bad grandpa, let go of big brother, big brother is a good man, if you dare to bully him, Yin Yin will be angry."

"Grandpa, you know the consequences of Yinyin's anger."


This playful and immature voice was strangely transmitted to the old man's ears through the round light technique.

The old monster who originally had a smile on his face that was not anger, immediately turned into a flattering expression.

An old and majestic voice passed over.

"Don't, don't, it's not enough to listen to Yinyin. Yinyin can do whatever she wants. This young man is very courageous. Grandpa will let him go."

"However, the so-called capital crime is exempt from living crime..."


The dumb-haired little loli snorted coldly, and immediately made the old monster who was still trying to put on a show give up his plan. As soon as he thought about it, a golden light came over again, as if he was about to undo the immobilization technique Wu Liang had used.

But at this time, a cold snort suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by this cold snort, Wu Liang's figure suddenly moved miraculously.



Just right, Wu Liang moved a step away, avoiding the golden light just in time.

Obviously, Wu Liang unraveled the magical immobilization technique by himself.


This time, no matter if it was the old monster or the little loli, they all turned their gazes over.



Two exclamations sounded at the same time.

Apparently, everyone, old and young, was a little surprised that Wu Liang could lift the hold spell by himself.

Of course, the dumb-haired little loli immediately cheered triumphantly after being surprised.

"Yeah, big brother is so powerful, grandpa is deflated, bad guy grandpa is deflated."

"This time Yinyin is going to be very prestigious. Brother, please do Yinyin a favor. The villainous grandpa always likes to leave Yinyin to drink alone. Can you help Yinyin tie up grandpa?"

"As long as it's tied up, the badass grandpa can't go out and drink, which is a great idea."


Wu Liang, who had just used his means to break free from the old monster's hold technique, was about to pretend to be aggressive, but when he heard these cheers, Wu Liang suddenly regretted it.

(End of this chapter)

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