Chapter 508 Of course choose to forgive her

It has to be said that the charm of the extraterrestrial succubus is too terrifying.

Not only does it kill both men and women, it even surpasses the seed of human beings and spreads to the Snitch clan. It can be said that "great love has no boundaries".

Of course, those monks who were killed and devoured by groups of ghouls and hidden guards because they were too obsessed with the beauty of the Holy Queen would not think so.

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

In just three breaths, at least hundreds of monks had already uttered some outrageous words because of their gaffes before the Zhetian Immortal Palace, and their mouths were brutally silenced.

But finally, some strong people couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, he is a monk from the legendary ancient state, which is completely different from the waste materials from the four states of Qingchi Kunpeng.

Wu Liang could imagine that if the holy queen appeared in the four states, all the four states would choose to betray him as the ruler as long as she smiled.

But here, there are quite a few people who can avoid the charm of the Holy Queen.



Almost at the same time, on the two sides of the Immortal Palace, at about a dozen incomparably luxurious and noble positions, at the same time, a strong man made a move, groaning coldly, like Hong Zhong Dalu, forcibly awakening those monks who were addicted to it come over.

However, due to the long period of time, there are still sequelae.


"bang bang"

Following these sounds, the sober monks couldn't hold on any longer, and fell down with their buttocks as soon as their bodies softened.

The scene was very chaotic.

Seeing this funny and chaotic scene, the holy queen who was sitting on the imperial chariot suddenly covered her face and laughed lightly.

That incomparably pleasant laughter almost made the monks who finally woke up indulge in it again.

Obviously, the Queen's temperament is very naughty.

In this kind of "wedding ceremony", and it was the day when she and Yin Chaosheng were married, she was able to make such a joke.

Bad and scary!
And it's beautiful!

This was the moment when most of the monks in the field defined the Empress Yin Pilgrimage.

As for the dozens of powerful monks who made the move before, each of them is at least a [half-step Yuanshi Realm] strongman, and they all come from the peak seventh-rank forces of the legendary six states.

From the bottom of their hearts, their evaluation of Yin Pilgrimage is: a frightening girl who is naturally obsequious.

Obviously, the reason why the Holy Empress is called a "female baby" is because she has the idea of ​​relying on the old to sell the old, and feels that although the Holy Empress's charming power is terrible, it cannot charm them.

If Wu Liang knew what was going on in their hearts, he would definitely serve them a pot of poisonous chicken soup unceremoniously.

"A group of self-righteous dudes, urinating to take pictures of themselves before talking big, and don't even look at the perverted father with a little boy face. He is His Majesty the Holy Emperor of the [Yuanshi Third Heaven], you are a ball ah."

To some extent, Wu Liang was the creator of the Holy Empress, and also the chief culprit of all this.

Of course, the Queen herself didn't know it.

In fact, there is no memory of Wu Liang or Xiaohu in the mind of the Holy Empress.

In her opinion, she is a noble and terrifying extraterrestrial succubus who accidentally came to this world, and then entered the body of a young lady from a family with a perfect body.

And the toy of the succubus from outside the territory is obviously an eighth-rank dynasty.

As an extraterrestrial succubus, this is almost her instinct and her mission.

In Shangzhou, the only one worthy of her all-out charm and supernatural powers was Yin Chaoshenghuang who was sitting beside her.

Those [half-step Yuanshi Realm] monks, even on the side of the emperor's chariot, on the most distinguished guest seats in the five fields, the five real [Yuanshi Realm] powerhouses, that is, the other legendary five states, The envoys sent by the respective eighth-rank forces.

Also, not eligible to enjoy her exclusive charm.

The "farce" just now looked scary, but who knows, she didn't display the slightest bit of charm.

What everyone suffered was just the spiritual attack from her as an extraterritorial succubus.

Compared with her real charm, the difference in power is about the difference between a ray of wind and a storm.


It is obvious that the Holy Emperor Yin Dynasty has been completely bewitched by Daji.

Even if the "farce" in front of him was made at this time, His Majesty the Holy Emperor, who was sitting on the emperor's chariot, just smiled dotingly, without showing the slightest bit of malice.

This scene makes people wonder whether Daji Charm put a green hat on him, and whether Yin Zhetian, the holy emperor, would not mind.

"It must be, of course I will choose to forgive her!"

Wu Liang looked at the two figures on the imperial chariot and thought darkly.

Although Wu Liang was responsible for the change before him, it was a pity that he had no control over it.

In fact, he is also one of the "victims" of the succubus.

Thinking of Daji, who possesses the power of supreme charm, but also has such a naughty temper, playing with an eighth-rank great power, a super dynasty, like a toy, what kind of impact it will bring to Shangzhou and other lands.

There is almost no need for prediction, and there are many templates in the original space-time.

Yin Chao~ It's over!

That's why the system gave Wu Liang a "hell-level" mission, and he wanted to snatch the power of the Yin Dynasty.

This is tantamount to requiring Wu Liang to lead Jiudingzong to the level of the eighth-rank power within ten years.

Wu Liang was originally very upset that he was being implicated, but now he looked at the extremely ugly face of Yin Zhentian's little boy, and at the change of Yin Chao's majestic luck above Xuandu, Wu Liang suddenly felt a little better.

"How can I say that the one who lost the most is Yin Zhentian, this little boy. Thinking about it this way, the head of the sect is really in a better mood."

If it wasn't for the fear of revealing his identity here, he might be beaten by a group.

At this moment, Wu Liang really wanted to jump in front of Yin Zhentian, tell all of this with a smug air, and then laughed at the little boy.

But there is no need for Wu Liang's ridicule at this time. After this farce, Yin Zhentian's mood is already very bad.

He can already imagine that if the scene in front of him is spread, the entire legendary six states will know what a terrible and dangerous situation the Yin Dynasty has now entered.

Yin Zhetian, the holy emperor, was bewildered by a goblin.

This is tantamount to telling other eighth-rank forces, as well as those forces with malicious intentions within the Yin Dynasty, that the Yin Dynasty is about to collapse, and they can start.He, Yin Zhentian, will also change from a prince who is about to inherit a super dynasty to a prince who will destroy the country.

What Yin Zhentian couldn't accept the most was that he knew all of this, but he had absolutely no power to stop it.

Because even though Yin Zhetian was bewitched, he was still the incomparably powerful Holy Emperor, who would dare to disobey him when he promised a large Shangzhou?

Thinking of this, Yin Zhentian felt an urge to burn everything inside, wishing to explode on the spot.

It's a pity that the wheel of fate is rolling, after Wu Liang was exchanged for the succubus heart and handed over to Xiaohu, it was all doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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