Chapter 517 Host, You Are a Lover and a Beast
[Hand of the Piano Saint (temporary version): As a lover, how can you not exchange for the skills of the Piano Saint? With the supernatural power of playing the piano, the sound of the piano played under your slender fingers will be extremely moving, and it will kill both men and women.Oh no, it's killing all species. Are you tempted by the host? 】

[Remark [-]: For the host, this system can only say that you are a lover and a beast. 】

[Remark [-]: Host, there is another well-known hand skill in this system, called "Kato Eagle's Hand", if the host wants to exchange it for a try, it's awesome. 】


That's right, it wasn't Wu Liang himself who was playing the piano at this time.

It was a pair of hands that belonged to the zither sage. Even if there were only eight breaths left, it was enough to make all the monks before the fairy palace get lost under the incomparably beautiful sound of the zither.

The most frightening thing is that the sound of the piano heard by Succubus Daji and all the monks is different.

A group of monks, including Yin Zhetian, heard the sound of the piano telling a story, the tenth sibling, heard the joy, blessing and touch of the sister after she found the fairy.The beautiful sound of the piano, coupled with the emotions conveyed, is not aggressive at all, but it can make people feel a lot of feelings.

Therefore, even a super strong man like Yin Zhetian was fooled if he didn't pay attention.

What the succubus Daji heard was terrifying.

The beautiful sound of the piano, every note, turned into a sentence of affectionate confession, ignoring all barriers, pouring into Daji's mind.

It seems to be telling her, sister, aren't you a brother-in-law?
That's such a coincidence, my brother and I... are sister-in-law.


"Bang~ bang bang"

Unprecedented experience, attacked the succubus Daji.

Seducing men, leaving them aroused and aroused, is her specialty.

But now, she has tried it herself.

With the swipe of Wu Liang's ten slender fingers, Daji almost lost control.

She even suspected that if she continued like this, she might become the first succubus to surrender to a man in the outer world.

Thinking of that scene, Daji felt infinite fear in her heart, and was immediately suppressed by strong desire.

Unexpectedly, she couldn't stop it at all, but suppressed the changes in her body, which had exhausted all the power she had now, so she could only passively stand where she was, desperately resisting the attack of this shameless Wu Liang.

Being possessed by a love saint is just so terrifying.

Two breaths!

Three breaths!


The eighth breath arrived, and at this moment, Daji became strange.

There seemed to be waves of heat surging in her body, causing her to twist and turn continuously, her face was flushed, and her pair of eyes that were already extremely attractive seemed to be dripping water at this moment, and the affection that was oozing out of it , can completely melt the hearts of all men in this world.

"Boom~ boom"

Daji can feel that everything in her body has turned into a wave of tide, crazily impacting her last defense.

It's unbelievable to say that, a succubus actually has to defend against charm attacks.

Moreover, the situation looks precarious.

I'm afraid it won't take a few breaths before her heart defense will be lost, and the fun will be really great at that time.

Thinking of that terrible ending, Daji's heart became even more flustered.

A ruthless look flashed across his flushed face.

She wanted to try her best, but as soon as the thought came out, it immediately failed.

Because it is extremely difficult for her to even resist Wu Liang's "confession of love", let alone kill him.

It's better to explode yourself, it's simpler.

"Could it be that I, Daji, the majestic genius among the extraterrestrial succubi and the future queen, would actually be here?"

"I thought that a brother-in-law was perverted enough, but I never expected that this little guy is... a sister-in-law."

"Yes, only in this way can everything be explained. If it wasn't for the elder sister's control, how could this little guy have been entangled with the original body for so long, and they are both siblings. It's a deep and terrifying routine. The succubus is taken."

Suddenly, the succubus figured out something.

She felt as if she had discovered a great secret, but even so, she couldn't tell it.

Because the next moment, her heart defense is about to fall.

But just when the succubus gave up on himself and wanted to give up resistance, an accident happened.


It stopped, and at this breath, the ubiquitous and moving piano sound suddenly stopped.



A group of monks who were immersed in the sound of the piano woke up one after another.


"clap clap"

Without hesitation, even Yin Zhetian gave Wu Liang appreciative applause at this time.

No matter how indifferent a monk is, after hearing the piano sound just now, he will have some insights in his heart, which will be of great help to his practice. Wu Liang can fully bear the applause.

It's just that at this moment, Wu Liang, who was slowly putting away the guqin, was not in a very beautiful mood.

With his vicious eyesight, of course he immediately saw what happened just now.

Naturally, I also saw that the last moment fell short.

"Your uncle, ten breaths is really ten breaths, and you don't want to give more to the head of the sect for a second, so that that dead vixen escaped a catastrophe."

"It's a pity, it's a pity. If there is a little more time, the head of the sect will have another succubus fan girl who is devoted to it. I'm very excited just thinking about it."

Wu Liang was almost roaring in his heart, but on the surface, he still maintained the demeanor of a good son in a troubled world, an affectionate and handsome brother.

Seeing all the female cultivators around, they wanted to scream excitedly again.

Isn't it just to collect a piano, don't forget to flirt with girls, how shameless?
Putting away the guqin, Wu Liang was disappointed in his heart, but he was also a little fortunate.

"Although I failed to defeat the succubus, I have escaped a lot of calamity, and I have also obtained the status of the holy emperor's brother-in-law. Isn't the benefit that the head of the sect can get in the future..."

"Hey, I'm going to send it this time."

Wu Liang couldn't help being excited again when he thought of the many benefits he could get from the Yin Dynasty with the help of his status as the Holy Emperor's brother-in-law.

No capital transaction!

It really is the coolest!

Just when Wu Liang was secretly refreshed and had already started to plan the next step about "how to make a fool of himself and get rich overnight", an accident happened again that made him ignorant.

It turned out that just now, when Wu Liang's piano sound stopped, Daji Succubus returned to normal in an instant.


The extremely beautiful and perfect figure floated back to the emperor's chariot, and it was the Holy Empress again.

But seeing her soft body slightly leaning against Yin Zhetian's body, the fragrance that people couldn't resist hit, followed by her charming and seductive voice.

"Husband, my brother and I are almost separated forever. When we meet at this time, I can't restrain my longing. If my husband allows me, I want to call my younger brother into the fairy palace tonight. Apart from my younger brother's love, this concubine also just wants to ask my younger brother for some advice on how to play the piano."

"When my concubine has learned it, I can play the piano for my husband, and my husband will say yes."

"Okay, your younger brother's piano sound is really wonderful, and I will listen to you playing the piano as soon as possible."

As soon as Daji finished speaking, the fascinated Yin Zhetian agreed almost without any resistance.

After hearing this, all the guests in the venue felt that chatting with siblings and asking for advice on how to play the piano was nothing special, so no one doubted it.

Only Wu Liang himself raised his head subconsciously after being confused.


Sure enough, an extremely dangerous gaze fell on him.

At this moment, Wu Liang seemed to hear a charming and extremely dangerous voice in his mind.

"My sister didn't even know it, but my younger brother is also a sister-in-law. It's really unexpected."

"However, since this is the case, you and my sister and brother should have a good talk. If it is tonight, my sister will wait for you on the holy emperor's bed in vain. Brother, don't run away."


When the voice fell, Wu Liang was petrified in a daze.

The subconscious baseness in my heart erupted, and I automatically replied: "It's so dangerous, so exciting, and the master likes it so much."

(End of this chapter)

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