Chapter 523 Can Desire Really Burn People To Death?

What should I do if I was caught raped?
Waiting online, very anxious.


If it was Wu Liang, facing such a thing as "being caught and raped", he would panic immediately without any experience.

But Daji is different, a proper old driver.


A beautiful carcass slowly got up.

After hearing the voice outside the Red Candle Hall, there was no trace of panic on her face, but a trace of displeasure flashed across her face, presumably blaming that damned Yin Zhetian for spoiling her event.

However, she couldn't ignore His Majesty the Holy Emperor who was coming outside the palace, even though from the outside world, this His Majesty the Holy Emperor might have been controlled by Daji and reduced to a real "strict wife".Although the fact is almost the same, but Yin Zhetian is the peerless powerhouse of [Yuanshi Three Heavens] after all, even Daji can only make him extremely obsessed with himself to achieve the purpose of control.

But if the rape is successfully caught, then the word "infatuation" will no longer exist, and then it will be...

"Hmph, I don't know it's those life-or-death things playing tricks again, and I'll be free after this book, and I won't leave any chickens or dogs behind."

Daji's heart was filled with anger, and he snorted coldly.


His gaze suddenly turned to Wu Liang, who still couldn't control his body, and was in a state of "not willing on the lips, but honest on the body".

"Good brother, be good, you wait here obediently, and wait for my sister to get rid of that bad old man, and then come to make love with you."


Hearing this conversation, anyone can imagine it.

This is a pair of shameless dogs and men!
Who knew that Wu Liang could not help himself at all.

Of course, if the guests from all directions in the daytime saw Wu Liang's reluctance, they would have to scold him for not knowing what is good or bad, and not knowing how to enjoy himself.

That's the queen!
Now recognized by the legendary monks of the Six States, the number one beauty.

To be able to fall in love with the number one beauty is the dream of countless monks.

If it can be achieved, even if it is death, it is willing.

Wu Liang, how dare you dislike him?
It hurts, okay?

Burn to death, you must burn to death to be worthy of the resentment of the monks in the six states.


Leaving behind a wisp of fragrant wind, Daji's graceful figure has already appeared outside the Red Candle Palace.

But she didn't greet Yin Zhetian immediately, but thought for a while, a beautiful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she moved her hands.


But he saw a ray of light suddenly rising and falling on the red candle hall.This not-so-small palace suddenly rose up, and then shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye. Within a moment, it was reduced to the size of gravel, and was immediately collected by Daji in the bracelet on his wrist.

Only then can I see that the Red Candle Hall is actually a hall within a hall.

After going to it, the main hall where the queen Daji lived was revealed.

It has to be said that as a "fox spirit", Daji is very cunning, and even has a special place for stealing fish, and it is so concealed, it is worthy of being a professional.

After finishing all this, Daji turned around again, showing a shockingly beautiful smile, and greeted her outside the hall.

Before the person appeared, the charming voice that made people unable to control themselves had already sounded.

"Brother Zhetian, you came just in time, come here quickly, Daji just learned a little how to play the piano from my younger brother, you are my first listener."

"Daji, your younger brother has a lot of business during the day, but he didn't have time to chat with his younger brother. He just happens to be here with you. The Emperor wants to meet him."

"Brother Shenghuang, although Daji and my younger brother haven't seen each other for many years, my younger brother is a man after all. How can he stay in this deep palace for a long time? After teaching me how to play the piano, Daji asked my younger brother to go back first. If the Holy Emperor doesn't believe it, you can Cast a spell to find it."

"Um, where did my sister come from, I believe it, can't I believe it?"

"Brother Shenghuang, do you want to listen to my sister playing the piano?"

"Listen, can't I listen?"


In a few words, the Holy Emperor, who was extremely stalwart in the eyes of the monks in Shangzhou, just forgot about the matter of "catching traitors".

It's just pity for the person who made great efforts behind the scenes, who almost risked his life to encourage Yin Zhetian to come, who would have thought that such a result would happen?

But it is true that Yin Zhetian cannot be blamed, although he is a generation of holy emperor.

Yuanshi Three Heavens!
Immortal king level powerhouse!
But in the face of the enhanced version of the succubus from the extraterritorial world, many of his killing methods suddenly became invalid.

Not to mention anything else, as long as Daji sings [Dance of the Succubus], Yin Zhetian immediately loses the power to resist.

Unless one day, Daji kills herself to break Yin Zhetian's obsession with her, otherwise the Holy Emperor might not be able to break free.

And Yin Chao is destined to become the "toy" of this succubus.

At this time, Daji's other "toy" was in a very uncomfortable state.


In the shrunk Red Candle Hall, Wu Liang was lying on the soft imperial bed, almost going crazy.


This is his state at this time. Because of the secret ban of Dahuanxi, although Wu Liang is very reluctant in his heart, his body has fallen into this state very honestly.

If at this time, there is a woman who has sex with him, it will naturally be released.

Unfortunately, the only woman, that irresponsible "fox spirit", went to deal with the Holy Emperor.

Poor Wu Liang, the quilt was still on the bed, wisps of succubus fragrance from Daji's body continuously penetrated into his nose, stirring his heart.

Inside the body, the fire of desire is almost like boiling magma and erupting volcanoes, which cannot be stopped at all.

As long as it is a man, it must be able to understand this kind of pain.



"Drink ~ Ho Ho"

Even though Wu Liang had firm willpower, he could no longer completely control his body in the face of this situation.

"Fuck~ Daji, your uncle, you are not in charge of putting out the fire after teasing me, isn't it too much?"

"You scumbag, you're really too scumbag."

"Green tea bitch, scheming bitch, that bitch..."

A series of curses spit out from Wu Liang's mouth.

Unfortunately, this still can't change Wu Liang's situation.

The worst thing was that due to the extremely chaotic situation in his body at this time, coupled with the constant disturbance from the thoughts of great joy, Wu Liang couldn't concentrate his thoughts at all, and he couldn't even enter the head mall.

This means that Wu Liang can no longer cheat, and the situation is even worse.



On the bed, Wu Liang's whole body was like a red-hot prawn, the skin all over his body was fiery red, bead-sized beads of sweat kept oozing out from under the skin, and the scorching breath was spit out one by one, But it couldn't relieve the pain in his body at all.

If there were no accidents, Wu Liang might have walked directly into the fall of the fire demon because of the retrograde flow of qi and blood and his desire.

I'm afraid even Daji couldn't have imagined the consequences.

After all, this [Great Joy Secret Forbidden], because it is too precious, each succubus will only use it when it encounters an extremely difficult target.

Generally, they are gods or demons.

Once used, the succubus will enjoy it as soon as possible, so as not to waste it.

But now, because of Yin Zhetian, the Holy Emperor, Daji can only leave Wu Liang here temporarily.

Who would have thought?

Can lust really burn people to death?
It is a great honor that Wu Liang is likely to become the first traverser in the world to be burned to death by lust. The most frightening thing is that he may be a virgin until he falls.

If this is spread, it may be enough to laugh out the big teeth of all the traversers.

Is there anything more embarrassing than this?
The answer

(End of this chapter)

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