Chapter 527 Are you afraid that Eunuch Hai is here?

"call out"

The Holy Empress ordered Hua Guang to escape, and as soon as this scene appeared, anyone who wasn't a fool would be able to guess what was going on.

I'm afraid it was a small forbidden method that Daji made on her Holy Queen's Order. Once the treasure house is opened, it will return to Daji immediately.

It's not very mysterious, but it has a clever use.

Especially at this kind of moment, Daji would know that someone had stolen her Queen's Order and tried to steal her treasure within a few breaths.

"Nimma, there is no time, do it."


Originally, I wanted to slowly appreciate Daji, the Holy Empress, and the many treasures brought out from the Yin Dynasty, but now naturally I don't have so much time.

Wu Liang's complexion changed, he embraced the little fox with one hand, and entered the treasure house in an instant.



Ignoring the buzzing system prompts in his mind, Wu Liang didn't even see how many treasures there were in the treasure house, but he just stood up to the bright and blinding light and collected the entire treasure house with a wave of his hand into its own storage space.


In the blink of an eye, the figures of the two came out from the treasure house again.

As it turns out, this is sensible.

Because as soon as the two of them came out, the entire treasure house was covered by balls of dust, like dust.

Not only this [First Heavenly Treasure House], but also the remaining 32 Heavenly Heavenly Treasure Houses.

Wu Liang glanced at it, and a strong omen of crisis rose in his heart.

"Sand of nothingness? Dead vixen, that's too extravagant."

Wu Liang looked at the [33-day Treasure House] covered in gray dust with a distressed face, feeling extremely sad in his heart.

However, he also knew that he would definitely not be able to get his hands on the 32 Heavenly Heaven Treasure Houses.

With his current level of cultivation, even if he can break through the Immortal Immortal Imprisonment in front of him, it will take a long time. With that time, it is enough for Daji to summon Yin Zhetian to kill Wu Liang [-] times.

"Forget it, just rob her of a treasure house. In order to save face, the vixen might take the initiative to take the initiative to take over as head of the sect, and all the worries of this trip can be wiped away."

"But if they are all robbed... the head of the sect probably won't be able to get out of Xuandu."

"Just take it as soon as you see it, the head is gone."

Wu Liang, who instantly figured out cause and effect, quickly made a decision.


After a thought was transmitted to the Linglong girls, Wu Liang immediately took the little fox and started running.



The power of the mountains and rivers that had been brewing for a long time rushed out, wrapped the two of them, and moved away a hundred thousand miles away in an instant.

That's right!
This guy has robbed a big treasure house, and he doesn't even plan to participate in the following puja.

And just as he was running, in the Holy Queen's Hall in the distance.


Daji, who was dealing with the obsession of Yin Zhetian, the Holy Emperor, seemed to sense something suddenly, and suddenly turned around, and immediately saw the flying Holy Queen Order.

Almost immediately, Daji's complexion changed.


A thought instantly entered the Holy Queen's order.

The scene that happened just one breath ago was reflected in her mind.


When Daji watched the scene after Wu Liang emptied his first treasure house, the anger like a volcanic eruption immediately flooded Daji's mind.

In the blink of an eye, Daji understood everything.

Apparently, Wu Liang escaped from her bracelet by some unknown method, and took away her Holy Queen's Order by the way, taking this opportunity to empty her treasury.

Judging from these signs, this so-called "brother" is a fake at all, maybe that damned little boy was aiming at her treasury from the very beginning.

I have to say that big breasts are not necessarily brainless.

Daji's guess is very close to the truth.

But even if he guessed it, he couldn't stop Wu Liang's action, after all, it was too late.

Her [First Layer Treasure House] has already been emptied.

Although Daji's treasury was also obtained from the Yin Dynasty, strictly speaking, it was stolen.But in Daji's view, since it falls into her hands, it is hers.

As an extraterritorial succubus, she inherited a characteristic of her own race.

Be careful!
Whoever touches the succubus' things must pay the due price.

In Daji's view, the price Wu Liang needs to pay is...his life.

"Damn little boy, I'm going to suck you dry from now on."


A terrifying killing intent suddenly flashed across Daji's eyes.

But the next moment, just as Daji was about to close the door and let the Holy Emperor go, she suddenly thought of something and her thoughts froze.

As Wu Liang guessed, what she lost was only a treasure house.

If Yin Zhetian is released directly, the fact that Wu Liang is not her younger brother will inevitably be revealed, and then there will be many things that cannot be explained, and Yin Zhetian may even wake up from his obsession due to conflicting thoughts.

If that's the case, Daji's loss is really huge.


"There is no need to send this stupid big guy on the stage for a mere monk of the infinite realm."


"Eunuch Hai, go and take my place later, and bring back my disobedient brother. Remember, you have to live."


Suddenly, an order was passed to the ears of an old eunuch guarding the gate outside.

This is an old eunuch with a white face and beardless, white hair and childlike face. If it weren't for the excessively white skin, this appearance would be enough to play an old fairy.

Unlike the obsession in the eyes of Yin Zhetian, the holy emperor, the old lady heard Daji's voice, and her old eyes lit up immediately.

As if in an instant, from a "walking dead" to a real person.

Moreover, he is a terrifying super strongman.


Even if it's just a breath leaking out one by one, people can instantly feel the terrifying cultivation in his body.

The first heaven of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

No one would have thought that there would be an old eunuch staying beside Daji all the time.

To be a strong man in [Yuanshi Realm] is simply incomparably horrifying.

What's even more frightening is that, as a monk at the level of an immortal king, even the weakest immortal king, he completely obeys the orders of an extraterritorial succubus and is controlled by it like a puppet.

Moreover, he is also a eunuch.

It is said that an eunuch should be immune to the charm of the succubus because he does not have the "lifeblood".

But if Wu Liang saw this scene, he wouldn't have the slightest doubt.

Because he has already deeply felt that the charm of the succubus is not only aimed at the body, but also at the level of the soul. Whether it is a man or not, or even a human being, as long as there is desire, it is possible for the succubus to take advantage of it. And enter.

This is a terrifying race, no wonder it can fight against gods and devils in the outer heavens.

The old eunuch called "Eunuch Hai" received the order, but he didn't even look at it, and cut him casually in front of him.


A void portal was formed in an instant, and Eunuch Hai stepped into it and disappeared.

The next moment, the figure of Eunuch Hai appeared in the Star Picking Building.


Almost coincidentally, as soon as he appeared, he saw the scene of Wu Liang using the power of mountains and rivers to move hundreds of thousands of miles away.

A scornful smile suddenly appeared at the corner of the old eunuch's mouth.


Another slash opened the door.

The scene that appeared behind the portal was astonishingly a million miles away.

In such a situation, it was obvious that Eunuch Hai had seen through Wu Liang's escape route, and planned to go ahead and wait for the rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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