Chapter 530
Both Wu Liang and Xiaohu were imprisoned by the giant dust palm, and the majestic and terrifying Yuanshi immortal power completely sealed their bodies.

Even if Wu Liang uses all means, it is impossible to break through.

But even so, Wu Liang's smile was still bright.

Looking at Hai Dafu with a sympathetic look, he said lightly: "Eunuch Hai, I do have a lot of time, but your running out."


After saying these mysterious words, a strange change suddenly appeared in front of Wu Liang.


An incomparably brilliant golden brilliance appeared.

Inside the golden light is a strange thing.

A feather!
But it was this feather, when Hai Dafu's eyes fell on it, the ominous omen in his body was so strong at this moment that it seemed like a volcano erupted.


"This is……?"

As the chief executive of Zhetian Xiangong, he has a very high status in the Yin Dynasty, and his natural knowledge is also extremely powerful.

So at this moment, he will fall into endless horror.

Because he recognized that golden feather, what exactly is it?
The originally distorted and ferocious face turned into fear at this moment.

"No, it's impossible, how could you have this thing?"

"You are just a nameless thief, how can He De get such a treasure?"


If you only listened to these two sentences, you might think that Hai Dafu must have fallen into a state of madness at this moment, and he was a little out of choice.

But Wu Liang felt it immediately, a force that seemed to destroy everything came from the giant dust palm that imprisoned him and Xiaohu. Hai Dafu actually planned to take advantage of this opportunity to quickly kill Wu Liang and the two of them.

There is no doubt that Hai Dafu has recognized the origin of that golden feather and the terrifying power it possesses, so he must act first.

"As expected of a fairy king-level old monster, he has rich combat experience and is so treacherous. If the head of the sect is more naive, maybe he will really capsize in the gutter."

"Unfortunately, it's too late."

"Let's go, Eunuch Hai."

Wu Liang allowed the destructive power to surge in, but at the last moment, he wanted to kill.

The sound of the system prompt also came.

"Ding, the host uses the supernatural treasure [The Feather of the Demon King]."

"Target confirmed!"

"Start killing!"


Accompanied by the cold notification sound, a golden light that seemed to be able to pierce into the soul... erupted.

Just within this imprisoned fairyland, the fairyland that belonged to Hai Dafu, a strong man of Yuanshi Realm, had become his own grave at this moment.

Between him and Wu Liang, a golden sun rose up.

Under the golden light that filled the fairyland, everything was melting, including Hai Dafu's huge and ferocious body of the fairy king.

The process of melting is silent and beautiful.

Hai Dafu didn't even have time to struggle, his complexion still retained that ferocious and distorted expression, but it was like the remnant snow of winter meeting the scorching sun, turning into flying ash without a sound.

It was not until an unknown amount of time passed that another cold voice came.

"The kill is complete!"


Everything has returned to its original appearance.

In the vast sky, Wu Liang and Xiaohu stood in the air.

In front of me, there is nothing but beautiful mountains and rivers.

The furious and distorted giant before, and the old eunuch at the level of an immortal king, seemed like an illusion.

Rao Wu Liang was already a little prepared for the scene in front of him in his heart, but he still couldn't hide the horror in his eyes at this moment.

And the little female ghost at the side had a dull expression on her face.

A fairy king!
just die?
Not even the slightest trace remained, if it wasn't for Hai Dafu's roar that seemed to be lingering in his ears, Xiaohu might have thought it was a dream.

Standing in place, the two were surprised for a moment, and Wu Liang quickly recovered.


"So, if you don't know how to cheat, it's better to fight quickly. Try not to pretend to be aggressive, especially when you meet such a handsome child of destiny as the master. The door was killed."

"But speaking of it, the power of the broken feathers is really so heaven-defying. If I knew it was so powerful, I would have encouraged that little loli to grab a few more."

"What a pity, what a pity."

While Wu Liang was talking nonchalantly, there was no regret at all in his eyes.

The Feather of the Demon King is undoubtedly an extraordinary treasure, a super treasure that is enough to kill a [Yuanshi first heaven] monk.

However, Wu Liang only had one, and after he was released, it disappeared.

It would be a pity in my heart to switch to a greedy monk next to me. In addition, there is still a trace of connection with that silly little loli, and some thoughts of coveting will inevitably arise.

But Wu Liang was different, despite his frequent outbursts of baseness, there was a hint of pride in his heart.

"It's good to hang out, but it's not your own strength, it's not the right way."

"Besides, even if you want to open the hook, the head of the sect has to open your own hook."

When this thought came out, it was Wu Liang who cut off in his heart the idea of ​​going to that scary old demon king man to plan more demon king feathers in the future with the help of that silly little lolita.



The terrifying opponent was wiped out, Wu Liang hugged the little fox without further delay, and the power of mountains and rivers surged out wildly, heading towards Qingzhou with all his strength.

Naturally, it is impossible for any immortal monks to stop this encounter. It won't take long for the two of them to return to the gate of Jiudingzong safely.


Zhetian Xiangong, the main hall of the Holy Queen.

Daji, who had just sent Yin Zhetian back, suddenly withdrew the affectionate smile on her face, moved "嗡", and appeared in her treasure house the next moment.

As soon as she arrived, when she saw clearly the empty scene in the treasure house.


"Damn you little thief, ah, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to tear you into pieces."

Daji was furious, and the originally beautiful face was full of ferocious anger.

But it's no wonder she is like this. Anyone who sees their own treasure house has become so "clean" will be so furious.

That's right, it was really very clean, even if it was a nail, Wu Liang didn't let it go, and moved it away with a wave of his hand.

Daji, as an extraterritorial succubus contaminated with "dragon habits", absolutely cannot tolerate all this.

An extremely dangerous aura was suppressed from her body, like magma that was about to boil and erupt.

She is waiting!
When Hai Dafu returns, in her opinion, Hai Dafu, who has the cultivation of the Immortal King, can capture Wu Liang, a little thief, in just a few breaths.

Unfortunately, once again, she was wrong.



An invisible wave suddenly came from an extremely distant void, followed by a strange sound in Daji's arms.



Almost immediately, Daji seemed to think of something, and reached out to take out something from her bosom.

It was a crystal jade tablet with the words "Hai Da Fu" written on it.It's just that at this moment, the jade tablet has been shattered, and the dark red air, like fresh blood, diffused in an instant, filling the empty treasure house with a strong smell of blood.

"Fate Card ~ Fragmentation"

"Hai Dafu... is dead."


Daji's charming eyes suddenly narrowed.

Inside, besides the extremely dangerous light, there was also a hint of...shock.

(End of this chapter)

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