Chapter 546 It used to yearn for poetry and the distance
"Ding, the host found a special biological puppet [Kunlun Slave]."

[Kunlun Slave: Legend has it that in a barren land full of poisonous barriers, there is a special race of giants living alone, with infinite strength, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty, who can tear tigers and leopards alive, and pull down giant trees.If it is captured alive, it can be made into a special puppet by special techniques, which can be used for war massacres. 】

[Remark [-]: It used to be a child longing for poetry and the distance, but now it is cruelly made into a puppet. Please let the host show its humanitarian spirit and let it out. 】

[Remark [-]: When you start, please be gentle. 】

"Break the system, are you blind? You call this guy a child?"

Wu Liang glanced at the Kunlun slave who was roaring not far away, and said to the system with a look of disgust.

I have to say, in the mortal world.

Such a Kunlun slave is completely cheating.

After Wu Liang sensed it for a while, he realized the limit of power in its body, and it was indeed a monster.

Especially after being concocted by that rebel army, this Kunlun slave has become an extremely bloodthirsty and crazy war machine. If it is allowed to go crazy, I am afraid that no one here will be its opponent.

At this moment, the rest of the rebels also realized this.

If it weren't for Wu Liang's existence, the middle-aged man would have released the Kunlun slave at the last moment.

At that time, the remaining rebels will surely suffer heavy losses.

The throne will definitely fall into his hands.

It's just that the middle-aged man didn't expect that His Majesty the Emperor, who was originally an idiot, would suddenly become a terrifying existence like a god.

Forced to do so, he had no choice but to release the Kunlun slaves ahead of schedule to maximize his profits.

If the Kunlun slave could kill Wu Liang, then the throne might still be his.

The middle-aged rebel leader's plan was well planned, but unfortunately he overlooked the most crucial point, Wu Liang... is so easy to deal with?

Facing the monster that made everyone lose their voices and fear, Wu Liang's face was too calm.

There was also a look of pity in his eyes.

"Don't worry, little monster, I will free you soon."

"You don't need to thank me too much, who gave me a nickname called **."

The middle-aged rebel looked at Wu Liang's casual expression, and heard these unreliable words, and immediately became furious.


"Children, get ready, open the restriction for this king, and release... Kunlun slaves!"

Almost without hesitation, after a cold snort, the arm of the middle-aged rebel leader suddenly raised, and then suddenly fell down again.

The next moment, those soldiers moved at the same time.



"Boom boom boom"

There were more than a dozen sounds of the iron chain breaking, and the black iron shackles that had been restraining the Kunlun slaves were all loosened at this moment.


"Boom~ bang bang"

Hear it, the most terrifying roar in the world.

All the rebel soldiers, as well as all the people inside the city walls, couldn't help showing panic in their eyes at this moment.

They are not Wu Liang, they are just mortals.

Seeing a monster like Kunlun Nu with my own eyes, it is normal to feel fear.

Even not long ago, they all witnessed the scene of Wu Liang's "Kai Wushuang" with their own eyes. Strictly speaking, it was even more terrifying.

But Wu Liang's external image, after all, is His Majesty the emperor of Sao Bao, a human being.

The Kunlun slave is in iron armor.



"bang bang bang"

Here it comes, as soon as the monster lost its restraint, it immediately charged towards Wu Liang.

It has lost its mind, and apart from killing and anger, its head is full of chaos, and it can only be input by the leader of the rebel army.But at this moment, the task it accepted was to tear up Wu Liang, a very delicious looking human being, and then eat it.

In fact, even without the concoction of the leader of the rebel army, the real Kunlun slave would probably do the same thing here.

Whoever asked Wu Liang to come out to fight.

It's still wearing a coquettish dragon robe, and she doesn't intend to change it at all. If you don't tear him up, who will you tear up?
So at this moment, everyone saw it.

The terrifying armored monster rushed towards Wu Liang with an indomitable momentum.

The earth trembled crazily because of this.

A suspense!
A doubt!
At this time, it surfaced in the bottom of everyone's heart.

Who is stronger?

Is it the legendary monster Kunlun Nu, or His Majesty the Emperor who turned into a demon god and slaughtered thousands of barbarian soldiers not long ago?

In this regard, the so-called butt determines the head.

In and out of the city, there is a completely different perception.

Because of that Wushuang massacre, the people in the city who have gradually turned into brainless fans have one thought in their hearts: His Majesty the Emperor is the most powerful.

The rebels thought: The emperor's son is just a warrior, how can he fight monsters?Death is certain, the throne is ours.

Of course, just looking at the comparison of the scenes at this time, most people still couldn't help but sweat for Wu Liang.

It’s too thrilling!

Too scary!

Seeing that the Kunlun slave rushed to Wu Liang in an instant with the aura of landslides and landslides, at the moment when the huge arm that could tear apart tigers and leopards grabbed Wu Liang, Wu Liang seemed to be frightened and did not move. My heart was raised at this moment.

Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor was intimidated?

The moment this thought came to everyone's mind, a strange sound suddenly came.


The sound like beating a mosquito came from Wu Liang's palm.

The next moment, everyone saw it.

The most incredible sight in this world.

In the center of the bloody battlefield, the Kunlun Nu, who can be called the most terrifying monster in history, with its brutal, bursting arms... was blocked.

But what blocked it was only a white palm.

From under the bright yellow dragon robe, he gently stretched out, lightly catching an arm that was bigger than his whole body.

But Wu Liang, who did all this, didn't take a step back, not even shake.


"It's not real, it must not be real, I'm dreaming."

The middle-aged leader of the rebel army is almost insane at this moment.

The rest are about the same.

As if seeing a ghost, the door to a new world slowly opened in front of them, and their three views of the past decades collapsed.

But the horrible scene is still going on.


"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

Kunlun Slave began to howl crazily, all the power in its body was poured into its arm at this time, so that its already extremely thick arm swelled crazily at this time.Blue veins protruded, scarlet blood flowed "gurgle~gudu" in them, and the muscles knotted and bulged like old tree roots.

Unfortunately, it is still not moving an inch.

The counterflow of Qi and blood caused Kunlun Nu to fall into great pain, as if he was about to explode and die in the next moment.


Seeing this scene, Wu Liang suddenly sighed.

"Forget it, it's nothing more than an ignorant beast. It's hard for you to fall into the hands of these villains."

"Oh, this will set you free."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Liang moved.

(End of this chapter)

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