Chapter 572

"Ding, the host has discovered the mighty treasure [Drow Totem Candlestick], it can be collected."

[Drow Elf Totem Pole: These are a pair of magic iron candlesticks engraved with the totem of the drow elves. Because they are soaked in the breath of the spider queen, they possess incredible power and can be collected. 】

[Remarks: Submit to the system, you can redeem 2000 million points! 】


Almost for a moment, when Wu Liang finished reading the introduction in his mind, he was refreshed.

In the eyes, the light is almost condensed into substance.

His eyes fixed on the pair of candlesticks placed on the huge magic iron pillar not far in front of him.

This candlestick has an exquisite appearance and is engraved with some ancient totems of the divine mansion.

Wu Liang didn't think of gaining anything from the previous glance, it was just a casual glance. After all, anyone would think that it was just a pair of ordinary candlesticks.

In fact, the pair of candlesticks, apart from being more exquisite, are indeed ordinary.

But because they're in this spider temple, it's different.

Just tainted with a trace of the spider god queen's aura, she became a "treasure of divine power", leaping from an ordinary treasure to a treasure that can be exchanged for 2000 million master points.

This accident, Wu Liang simply... likes it so much.


"If that's the case, wouldn't it be the same for other things...?"

At the same time, Wu Liang seemed to have thought of a key point, and his face became even more excited.

If the candlestick was sublimated because it was contaminated with the breath of the gods, wouldn't it be the same for other things in the temple.

As soon as this thought flashed across his mind, Wu Liang immediately began to verify it.



Excited gazes began to sweep around.

Soon, most of the heat in Wu Liang's eyes disappeared.

The reality is very cruel!
Unfortunately, Wu Liang's guess was only partially correct.

His gaze scanned the entire temple in an instant, but the system's prompts were not as dense as he had imagined.

Obviously, the appearance of the treasure of divine power is just a coincidence.

One person has the way, and the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!
Not saved!
Nuo Da a temple, at least a few things with high luck value, were sublimated into treasures under the breath of Rose, Queen of the Spider God.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang's thoughts of excitement surfaced again.

"find out!"

In an instant, Wu Liang made up his mind.

Anyway, he and Sister Dali appeared here with a similar purpose.

Looking for clues about the "Trial of the King", hunting for treasures and making a fortune along the way, Wu Liang will be very satisfied with this journey if nothing happens.

Especially next, Wu Liang's harvest made this guy almost couldn't help laughing out loud.


After uttering the words, the pair of exquisite totem candlesticks disappeared on the magic iron pillar.

At the same time, Wu Liang's eyes were already on the next target.

"Ding, the host has discovered the treasure of divine power [Spider God Pattern Floor Tiles], it can be collected."

[Spider god pattern floor tile: a floor tile engraved with spider god pattern, because it is soaked with a trace of the spider god queen's breath, it has incredible power, which can be collected. 】

[Remarks: Submit to the system, you can redeem 1000 million points! 】



"Ding, the host has discovered the mighty treasure [Death's Devil-faced Spider], it can be collected."

[Death's devil-faced spider: This is a devil-faced spider that died violently because it was too excited to see Her Majesty the Queen. Its corpse possessed incredible divine power because it was soaked in the aura of the spider queen. It can be collected. 】

[Remarks: Submit to the system, you can redeem 3000 million points! 】

"Come on, is this okay?"



"Ding, the host found the treasure of divine power [Shattered Drow Elven Knife], it can be collected."



"Ding, the host has discovered the treasure of divine power [solidified spider oil], it can be collected."



"Ding, the host has discovered the treasure of divine power [an eternal knot of spider silk], it can be collected."



In the next few tens of breaths, a hardworking "little bee" appeared in this majestic spider temple.

With an excited and eager smile on his face, this guy wandered around the temple, waving his palms from time to time, taking away all the weird things.

Every time he harvested something, the smile on his face became wider.

If an uninformed person reads it, I'm afraid they will think that this guy is doing some very disharmonious things.

Who knows?

In this temple, some seemingly ordinary objects are rare treasures?
However, the word "treasure of divine power" sounds miraculous, but it is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people to really use these treasures to their full potential.

Even, unless there are some legendary professionals like "Great Erudition Scholar", even if these treasures do fall into the hands of other professionals, they are probably not much better than waste.

For example, the ball of spider silk that Wu Liang just handed over to the system contained a trace of the special aura of the Spider God Empress.

Others took it and let them toss about it, I'm afraid they won't get the slightest gain.

Of course, even if it falls into the hands of a strong man like a great eruditionist, there will usually be two results after tossing.

The first is to get great benefits: refining special potions or treasures, or seeing the power of gods

The second is to use the aura of the gods, successfully alarming Rose, the queen of the spider god, and then being crushed to death by this demon god with medium divine power, dark elf, evil and many other clergy through the world barrier.

According to Wu Liang's guess, the second situation is the most normal.

However, these things fell into Wu Liang's hands, but the result was different.

Once paid to the system, the points will be obtained, and the pot will be successfully thrown away.

If not, Wu Liang wouldn't be so excited to collect them.

In just a few tens of breaths, Wu Liang saw that his point account was in a state of skyrocketing.

[-] million!

That's right, that's the number.

This is the master points that Wu Liang has now, which has reached an unprecedented level.

What does it mean to get rich overnight?
That's it.

Even if there is no one to share the joy with him now, it does not prevent Wu Liang from being in a very good mood, and his smile is even brighter.

But as the old saying goes, great joy always begets sorrow.

Wu Liang collected treasures more often, and once he got it right, he developed the habit of not even looking at it, but as soon as he heard the system prompt, he immediately started to use it, so the next moment, he decisively... a tragedy.

"Ding, the host found the attendant of the gods [Spider God Empress Priest Chief], an extraordinary alarm."

Accompanied by this prompt, it appeared in front of Wu Liang.

It is a special sculpture, kneeling in the center of the hall, under the lifelike dark sacrificial robe, is an incomparably graceful and fiery body.

It just fell into Wu Liang's eyes that this statue should be a "treasure of divine power" accidentally contaminated with the breath of the spider queen.

So when he saw this guy, he walked up happily.


While uttering this word, he hugged the sculpture from behind violently, and a pair of salty pig's hands landed on his chest shamelessly.

(End of this chapter)

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