Chapter 576

old bitch?
little bitch?
It took Wu Liang a long time to react before he realized what the evil spirit was talking about.

The old one was obviously Rose, the Spider Queen. As an evil shadow trying to become a god on its own, it was normal for it to hate its own body.

And the head priestess is a servant of the gods, and she is also despised.

The one who was really wronged was Dali, who had somehow been possessed by a god. She was a pure and cute girl, but now she was instantly changed by the god.



While Sister Dali made a deep and unfamiliar voice, her body was undergoing some subtle but huge changes.

The eyes of the Balrog instantly turned into the eyes of flame desire unique to the dark elves.

The hair is also white in an instant, and the skin like glass and fire jade is also changing to dark and dark at this moment.The passionate and cold goddess aura is also disappearing, replaced by the scorching, charming and even obscene aura of the dark elves.

That abomination, after possessing her body, was actually going to forcibly transform the body of the Flame Demon of Dali Girl into a dark elf.

When this kind of thing happened, even Wu Liang, a traveler, was a little confused.

No wonder it's called a godsend?

It should be noted that "racial transformation" is a huge taboo even in the abyss. Once touched, it may arouse the anger of the will of the abyss.

Many lawless demon gods may not dare to do it lightly.

But this abomination did it without hesitation.

The evil of the gods!

Well-deserved reputation!


With his eyes open, Wu Liang watched the great change of Dali's sister, and at the same time saw her god queen, a huge phantom that stretched its teeth and claws in nothingness.

It was a huge spider with a dark elf on its upper body.



Wu Liang knew that it was the body of the abomination, a shadow, an evil shadow belonging to Rose, the Queen of the Spider God.

According to the memory in Wu Liang's mind, such things as abominations exist in multiple worlds, and the reasons for their formation are various, with some being strong and some being weak. Among them, the powerful abominations can even kill demon gods and gods with ease.

It is rumored that the elf clan where Rose, the queen of the spider god, once belonged, had a war of abominations. That battle caused the entire elves to be severely damaged, and eventually Rose, the queen of the gods, successfully rebelled and led a large group of elves. Falling into the dark world, a new group of dark elves was born.

It's just a shadow, becoming a godsend.

This is obviously very rare, but judging from the current scene, this abomination should be of relatively weak combat power.

Of course, even a weak abomination still has the strength to kill Wu Liang with a backhand.


"bang bang bang"

Facing the crisis of life and death, Wu Liang's heart was beating fast.

But at this time, the strong willpower of this bastard kept him calm.

"buzz buzz"

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Wu Liang's mind, and unscrupulous schemes and methods jumped out one by one, trying to solve the predicament in front of him.



Not long after, when Wu Liang stared straight at the naked and vigorous girl who was walking over, besides his own body becoming very disharmonious, a flash of spiritual light suddenly passed by.

Wu Liang's eyes lit up instantly.

Especially when he heard Shen Nie's extremely unwilling cursing, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of Wu Liang's mouth.

Without hesitation, Wu Liang spoke.

"God Empress ~ Shadow, you can't kill me."

Resolutely, Wu Liang spit out this sentence to the evil.

While cursing happily, he was about to kill Wu Liang, the little Balrog wolf dog, when he heard the words, he became even more furious.

"Hiss~ bold!"

"Don't call me the shadow of that old bitch. My name is: Shadow of Darkness. I want to become the God of Darkness, the most irreplaceable Demon God."

Shen Ai angrily corrected Wu Liang's address, and completely asked Wu Liang the meaning of the reason for that sentence.

"Sure enough, it is a heartless shadow. Even if it becomes a god, IQ is still a blemish. Isn't the shadow of darkness also a shadow? Still a dark priesthood? Let's dream, that is a high-level divine power, even Rose, the queen of the spider god, has temporarily reached out of reach."

"It's just a shadow, it's just delusional."

Wu Liang heard the god's dream from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't help expressing his concern for such an intelligent person.

But people are under the eaves, and their lives are still in their hands.

Wu Liang knew very well when to bow his head.

So, this guy is dumbfounded.

"Yes yes yes, then the great Lord Shadow of Darkness, do you want to escape the pursuit of the Spider God Queen, and even embark on the orthodox road to becoming a god?"

After understanding the IQ of God's Evil, Wu Liang directly gave his bargaining chip.


Sure enough, the footsteps of the gods stopped in an instant.

The terrible sense of danger also stopped.


At this moment, Wu Liang's figure was suddenly reflected in the god's lustful pupils.

The overwhelming tide of darkness surged over, enveloping Wu Liang in Shunxi.


The next moment, Wu Liang felt that he was suddenly in an extremely dark world, and when he looked up, he saw that huge and terrifying phantom of the Queen of God.

This shadow suddenly made a vast and great voice like a god.

"Humble little bug, tell me your way, and this god can forgive your sins."

"speak out!"

"Boom~ boom"

I have to say that the scene in front of me is very scary and very imposing.

After all, it was Rose's shadow who got the Tao, and the pretentious posture of the gods might have also been learned from this great queen.

It's a pity that the so-called painting a tiger is not an anti-dog.

Wu Liang just glanced in front of him. Seeing the terrifying scene, Wu Liang's heart didn't fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh.

Of course, for the sake of his own life, Wu Liang didn't laugh.

Not only did he not smile, but he also displayed the professionalism of a movie star, pretending to be scared but stubborn.

Trembling, he insisted again: "Master Dark Shadow, as long as you agree to one request, I will tell you a big secret, and that secret can perfectly free you from the pursuit of Rose, the queen of spiders." , and at the same time, it also gives you great hope to become a demon god."


Sure enough, as soon as Wu Liang finished speaking, the evil spirit became angry again.

"Humble little bug, you dare to negotiate terms with this god, you are not qualified."

"Kneel down to this god, and then offer the method, and this god can forgive your soul."

As soon as Wu Liang heard these two sentences, the urge to roll his eyes in his heart could hardly be suppressed.

This abomination, the pretentious posture completely copied the spider queen Rose, but the posture has no connotation. Shouting such words, except for the second grade, it seems that it will not give people a second impression.

If the real Spider Queen Rose is here, a demon god with medium divine power.

With the level of Wu Liang's legendary priest, he didn't need to do anything at all. With just one look, Wu Liang knelt down.

As for the evil, Wu Liang said that although it is tough, the problem of stubborn resistance is not big.

So next, despite the tide of darkness washing away, Wu Liang remained motionless.



Wu Liang, who possesses the heart of a strong man, can get through every decision of will safely, but the "stiffness" state keeps jumping out.

But in this scene now, especially the god who hadn't planned to dress Dali's girl before him, Wu Liang said that disharmony such as stiffness is inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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