Chapter 580 Uncle Ben Is Still a Baby
Godhead, these two words.

Whether in the abyss, hell, or other planes, they all have unimaginable charm.

In almost all planes, the goals of countless powerhouses are the same.

That is... to lift up the Kingdom of God and become a god.

The first step in becoming a god is to condense one's own godhead.

Wu Liang didn't expect that the evil that seemed too low in IQ would actually condense his own godhead, even if it was only a half-godhead, but the divinity flowing out of it was genuine, it was a kind of darkness , Chaotic atmosphere.

It represents the direction of the priesthood in the future of the Abomination, and as it said, it wants to become the God of Darkness and Shadow.

"Sure enough, everyone has dreams, even a god."

"But it's a pity that the IQ of that evil is still too low. Even if there is no catastrophe today, even if it can escape the pursuit of Rose, the queen of the spider god, it is impossible to become the goddess of darkness. Silk is even more powerful and high-level divine power, once you find someone coveting her priesthood, why don't you crush her to death with one finger?"

"Fortunately, my uncle saved you in advance."

Wu Liang weighed the demigod in his hand, and said shamelessly in his heart.

Afterwards, he handed the demigodhead to the strong beautiful girl in his arms.


"This is……?"

Sure enough, as soon as the demigod started, Dali Meiniu's complexion changed immediately.

As if he felt something, a mysterious premonition from somewhere, instantly made Dali realize the usefulness of the demigodhead in his hand.

Who would have thought?

The goal of the Balrog King Trial she was about to conduct was to collect such fetishes, and the number needed was seven at once.

Doesn't this mean that Wu Liang and Dali's sister may need to kill at least seven existences like the gods to complete that cheating trial contract.

Hell Difficulty!

Proper hell-level difficulty!
"Seven demigods, if used well, might even be able to make a person achieve a low-level divine power, but here they are just the test objects of the strong beauty, so the King of Fire Demons is so powerful ?”

A question suddenly appeared in Wu Liang's mind.

But it's not Wu Liang's fault, he is not a real Balrog after all.

He has no idea how powerful the Balrog who has completed the trial contract is.

In fact, there are two rewards for the contract.

The first is the title of "King of the Balrog". After being recognized by the will of the abyss, the strong girl can return to the twelfth floor of the abyss, and then recruit a large number of Balrogs to establish her own kingdom of Balrogs, and then attack other planes and plunder. Resources, build your own kingdom of God, and finally hold up the starry sky and become a god.

The second is the physical reward. Once the trial is completed, Dalimei can be promoted from the current Balrog Lord to the perfect Balrog form in that Doomsday Volcano, which is the legendary... Barlow Balrog.

Who doesn't know the abyss, with a single combat power, a Balow flame demon is a terrifying existence that can single out gods.

In particular, the longer the Barlow flame demon has existed, the more terrifying its combat power.

According to legend, in a certain hidden country in the abyss, there is a Balor demon who survived from the primitive era of the abyss. Its combat power is so terrifying that it can completely fight against high-level gods such as the king of elves and the Lord of Storms, and even occupy upper hand.

Once you understand how terrible these two rewards are, you can understand why Dalimei's trial is so difficult.

In fact, since 10 years ago, no Balrog Lord has completed this kind of trial.

Hell difficulty, worthy of the name.

Of course, Wu Liang didn't know all this, but even if he knew, he would only make complaints about it, and then moved on with Dalimei Niu.

His creed in life has always been: life and death are bearish, and if you don't accept it, do it.



After asking Dali to put away the half-godhead left by the gods, Wu Liang's eyes fell on the second treasure.

"I'm a bitch..."

Almost at the first glance, Wu Liang was shocked.

In the palm of his hand, what was lying on it at the moment turned out to be a whole black... egg with complicated and weird textures.

Before Wu Liang could think of anything, the system's notification sound came immediately.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the divine relic [Baby Rose], an extraordinary pet."

[Baby Rose (unhatched): That’s right, this is an egg. Her mother is not a fallen abomination, but the real Goddess Rose, the queen of the spider god. That evil shadow stole the egg without authorization. A little bit of divinity from silk, and then formed this special egg. 】

[Remark [-]: Even Rose, the Spider Queen, doesn't know about her existence. Once she hatches, it means that there is a crystallization of love between the host and the Spider Queen, which is really touching. 】

[Remark [-]: Congratulations to the host, who has comprehended the supreme esoteric meaning - whoever wants to get pregnant. 】

[Remark [-]: As a direct descendant of a goddess with great potential, this egg has a very bright future, please treat it kindly to the host. 】


Wu Liang, who was originally horrified by getting an egg out of nowhere, was stunned after reading the introduction of the system.

Next to him, the recovering Dali Mei Niu couldn't help but push Wu Liang.

Asked: "What's the matter? What is this?"

As soon as Wu Liang heard the words, he was immediately shocked.

"No~ nothing, it's just a strange egg."

While speaking, Wu Liang pretended to be careless and put the egg away.

It's a good chance that I didn't reveal my secrets!
Even though Wu Liang felt that he had done nothing wrong, if Miss Dali knew about the origin of this egg, the Goddess of Hercules, who had just turned into a soft girl, would turn black again.

At this moment, Wu Liang really wanted to confront the system.

What does it mean that this egg is the crystallization of love between him and the spider queen Rose?

I haven't met her at all, okay?
The one who fought with Wu Liang just now was an evil shadow, a god.

However, after carefully recalling the previous fighting process, Wu Liang seemed to have realized something again, and quickly dismissed the idea of ​​confrontation.

"A sin!"

After putting away the eggs, Wu Liang couldn't help but secretly said something in his heart.

You said it hatched?


Wu Liang didn't want to die for the time being. It would be fine if the mother of that egg was a god, but the real mother who gave birth to that egg was Rose, Queen of the Spider God.

Once hatched, a little rose was born.With the blood connection between Baby Rose and the Spider God Queen, I'm afraid that the terrifying evil goddess who shocked many planes would directly break through the barriers of the world and come over in an instant.

At that time, even if Wu Liang has a hundred mouths, he still can't explain clearly what's going on?

Could it be that Wu Liang could really say to the Queen of Spider God, "Sister Rose, look, this is the crystallization of love between us, the little baby is very cute."

If Wu Liang really said that, he might not be greeted by a loving hug from the evil goddess.

The greater possibility is the angry Kamui.

In this regard, Wu Liang said that he is still a baby and refuses to be a baby daddy.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang recalled what God said before his death. The movement in the temple had already alarmed the spider god queen who was far away from that plane. When he thought that the evil goddess might come at any time, why would Wu Liang want to stay there? Inside this spider temple.


Without hesitation, Wu Liang took Dalimei Niu and ran away from the temple.


Of course, before leaving, Wu Liang did not forget to smash the photo stone on the dome of the temple.

Wu Liang is simply too proficient in destroying corpses and destroying traces.

(End of this chapter)

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