Chapter 587 Who Is Her Little Wolfdog?
"Competition system, come out, I promise not to beat you to death."

"Are you still shameless? My [-] million points, do you know how long I have saved them?"

"It's too much, I want to sue you."


Seeing the points cleared to zero, Wu Liang's heart began to twitch, and an indescribable heartache emerged.

Just as he was crazily complaining about the system, the system silently dumped an expense list over.

"Exchange [Plane Will Copy Stone], consume [-] million points!"


Although Wu Liang was very annoyed that his points were emptied, he also knew that the thrilling scene just now, if it wasn't for this Plane Will Copy Stone, he should be a dead person at this time.

Pretending to be risky!

Especially Wu Liang, who was so courageous enough to pretend to be aggressive with a low-level god, it was a great luck not to be wiped out.

A treasure that can save Wu Liang from being obliterated by the gods is worth [-] million points.

But after Wu Liang was speechless for a while, he quickly reacted again.

Wu Liang: "No, this point belongs to me. Can you break the system and withhold it privately? I still want to complain to you, break the system, and give me the complaint form."

System: "Only under special authority, this system can automatically deduct the host's points to exchange for corresponding skills or treasures."

Wu Liang: "What is special authority?"

System: "Special permissions mean that when the host is unable to protect itself and is judged by the system to be in a life-or-death crisis, the system can override the host's permissions to dispose of the host's possessions. Can this permission be turned off? Does the host want to turn off the special permission?"

Wu Liang: "..."

After a systematic explanation, Wu Liang quickly understood what happened just now.

Obviously, because of his pretentious behavior in front of the gods, he and his sister Dali were almost wiped out by the Golden Prince.

However, because Miss Dali is undergoing the trial of the Fire Demon King, she is protected by the will of the abyss.

But Wu Liang did not enjoy this asylum.

In order to save Wu Liang, the system used special authority, and deducted [-] million points from him to exchange for the Plane Will Copy Stone.

That special authority looks like a "life-saving talisman" that is automatically triggered.

Anyone who is not a fool can see the preciousness of this authority.

But at the same time, this authority also makes a picky guy like Wu Liang feel very distressed.

Fortunately, this guy also knows the priorities, and after thinking about it for a second, he decisively chose no.

"Oh, let's just drive it."

"However, the integrity value of this broken system is too low after all. It seems that I will infect it a lot in the future. With a host like me, the system should also become positive."

While boasting shamelessly, Wu Liang looked at other places on his body, trying to find other unreliable places in the system, so that he could complain again.

It's a pity that there was no complaint, but Wu Liang found a crisis.

The source is the abyss trial contract signed by Wu Liang and sister Dali.

[Abyss trial contract: This is a king trial contract. Once the trial is completed, a new king of the flame demon will be created. She will lead the army of flame demons to establish a new kingdom and move towards the road of becoming a god. Forward...Trial subjects: Vigorous·Miracle·Blaze Lord, companions: Blood Moon·Slaughter·Devourer. 】

[Remarks: Due to the host's pretentious behavior, the will of the abyss has been violated. This contract is in a special state, which will trigger various unpredictable situations. The host should be cautious. 】


Wu Liang's brows were furrowed suddenly, his eyes fell on his mind, and a big bloody question mark was emerging.

"Bang~ bang bang bang"

A long-lost sense of danger filled Wu Liang's heart at this moment.

"buzz buzz"

As if blessed to the heart, at this moment Wu Liang and sister Dali looked at each other.

Somehow, the two of them came to a sliver of understanding about the somewhat inexplicable situation just now.

The Golden Prince's camp is [Lawful Neutral].

If it was normal, even if the Golden Prince was rejected, he would never directly kill the two of them.

After all, he is a low-level god who is keen on plane trading, and it is certainly not the first time he has been rejected.

If it was really so bloodthirsty, the Golden Prince would have already fallen into the [Chaos and Evil] camp.

Then the Golden Prince's action just now means that there is something tricky.In the transaction just now, the Golden Prince took a fancy to the egg of Rose, the Spider Queen on Wu Liang's body, and his bargaining chip was to give Wu Liang a generous reward and let Dali girl pass the test smoothly.

Although the Golden Prince is a lower-level god, it is absolutely impossible to directly interfere with the trial prepared by the will of the abyss for the king of the Balrog clan.

Therefore, that chip is likely to be just a clue to follow.

And it might be the will of the abyss who gave the clue to the golden prince.

Only the supreme will of the abyss can influence a lawful and neutral god to make it behave so irrationally.

Thinking about it this way, everything can be explained.

It can also perfectly explain the sudden change in the abyss trial contract.

The encounter with the Golden Prince was basically arranged by the will of the abyss.

The purpose is to let Wu Liang and sister Dali get clues to the next trial site, so that the trial can continue.

It's a pity that the will of the abyss never expected that it would encounter... disobedience.

And the traitor is obviously Wu Liang.

As soon as Wu Liang saw this, he jumped up subconsciously, and boasted, this uncle is also an existence that dares to defy the sky in the abyss, awesome or not?Awesome!
Just after Wu Liang and Sister Dali had figured it out, the system's prompt sounded suddenly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, because of your death-defying action, you successfully disobeyed your will and triggered a special side task [The Goddess of the Flame Demon and her little wolf dog's trial journey against the sky]."

[Task content: The host successfully died, the abyss trial contract will undergo unpredictable and irreversible mutations, and the degree of danger will skyrocket. In the completely chaotic trial, the host needs to help Dali girl successfully complete the trial and be promoted from the great lord Became the king of Balrog, and transformed into the perfect Balrog form—Baro Balrog, becoming the first Balrog goddess. 】

[Mission Difficulty: Nightmare. 】

[Mission penalty: one year. 】

[Task Reward: It will depend on the degree of completion. 】

[Mission punishment: In a world where dangerous creatures like the abyss are everywhere, and the host has disobeyed the will of the abyss, the price of failure here is of course a dog leash. obliterate. 】

[Special note: Just kidding, let me solemnly declare again, the only thing that can kill a stupid host is this system. 】


As always, after Wu Liang finished watching this sudden mission, a hundred thousand alpaca beasts began to gallop happily deep in his heart.

In my mind, I started to roar.

"Break the system, come out to my uncle."

"You tell my uncle clearly, who is her family's little wolf dog?"

"This uncle is so mighty, domineering, handsome and unrestrained, how could he be a little wolf dog, at least he is also a huh~ Ah, bah, no, no, this uncle is the master, and sister Dali is my little mother... Bah, that's not right either."

(End of this chapter)

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