Chapter 59

As a second-rank sect, Heijinmen is a great overlord around Daluo County, but what this sect usually does can be said to be devoid of conscience.Using coercion, coercion and other means to control a large number of first-rank and low-ranking sects or monks, let these sect monks owe huge debts, and then provide spirit stones or other resources for Heijinmen as "meat pigs" for many years.

In addition, there is no shortage of killings.

It can be said that the hands of every black gold disciple are covered with blood.

Of course, the Heijinmen people are extremely cunning, they only bully monks and sects who can be bullied, and avoid all powerful or backed ones.This is also the reason why it can exist for so many years, otherwise it would have been wiped out by a certain powerful monk.

However, no matter how cunning the prey is, it will not be able to withstand a conspiracy. As long as the strength of the Heijinmen is greatly damaged, the surrounding monks who have been bullied by it will definitely take advantage of the situation, uproot the whole sect, and completely destroy it.

That's right, it was Wu Liang who designed this "Yangmou".

If not, Wu Liang didn't have to let the three women spread the word about today's battle in advance, as long as this battle attracts everyone's attention, the result can be spread.And the only thing Wu Liang has to do is to completely maim this sect.As for the rest, those people down the mountain will finish it.

Now, Wu Liang only needs to complete the last step.

Fight against the master of the Black Golden Gate...!

At this time, the Jiuding Peak was unprecedentedly quiet.The vitality cannon whose durability had been reset to zero after being used twice had been scrapped and disintegrated, and turned into a pile of scrap iron lying at Wu Liang's feet. If this scene happened before one breath, the head of the Heijinmen would definitely show joy.

But now, the Heijinmen master is only angry.

It was that pile of scrap iron that completely ruined the foundation of his life.If the Heijin Sect Master knew that it was the experience points brought by the lives of his subordinates that allowed Wu Liang to be promoted to the Body Tempering Realm at this critical moment, the Heijin Sect Master would probably vomit blood directly.

Wu Liang didn't mind saying something if the head of the Heijinmen would believe it.

"Little bastard, you are indeed a genius."

After a long silence, the master of the Heijin Gate suddenly became calm for some reason, and then uttered this sentence.But soon, what the Heijinmen master continued to say let everyone know that the calmness was just an appearance, and the Heijinmen's anger and killing intent had soared to the point that he himself could not suppress it.

The great enmity of life and death is almost the same.

"The so-called genius is used to kill."

"Today, I, Hong Heijin, swear here that I will not behead this son, and will not leave this mountain. All internal organs will be burned, and the ashes will be wiped out."


As if to make a footnote to the oath he made, when the last word fell, the master of the Heijinmen completely let go of the aura in his body, and strands of real black and red essence that seemed to be visible to the naked eye gushed out of his body, Opening its teeth and claws, like a ferocious black dragon, it entrenched behind the head of the Heijin Gate.


The eyes of the black dragon were staring at Wu Liang.

"Little beast, you must die today!"


At this time, the head of the Heijin Gate probably couldn't see anyone except Wu Liang, and he obviously regarded killing Wu Liang, a young genius, as his only means of revenge.

If Wu Liang is killed, Heijinmen will not be considered a loser.

And as long as Hong Heijin is still there, the day Heijinmen will make a comeback.

This is his, Hong Heijin's plan.

But he didn't know that Wu Liang had the same idea.After being promoted to the first level of Body Tempering Realm, the blood in Wu Liang's body boiled, and the fighting spirit that had been enduring and brewing that was suppressed by Wu Liang himself was completely released at this moment.

"bang bang"



Wu Liang let go, and strands of azure true energy gushed out from Wu Liang's body. Every wisp of true energy was filled with a majestic, vast, and noble aura, making any living beings who felt it have the urge to worship , as if there is an essential gap in life level with the master of the true essence.

When those true essence condensed into an ancient bronze cauldron behind Wu Liang, the ancient and unsophisticated atmosphere enveloped the entire Nine Cauldron Peak.

"This is……"


The Heijin Sect Master, who was taking out a new door-panel sword, suddenly felt this aura, and his complexion changed immediately, and then his eyes were filled with ecstatic greed.

If you want to say that the most knowledgeable person in the field, it must be him.

As soon as Wu Liang released the aura brought by practicing Jiuding Jue, the master of Heijinmen recognized it.

"High-level exercises, this is definitely the aura that only high-level exercises can have, heaven-level? Immortal-level? Or...?"

"That's great, it's great, grab it here, as long as you snatch the kung fu practiced by this kid, let alone a second-rank Heijin sect, even a third-rank, fourth-rank or even fifth-rank sect, I, Hong Heijin can be established."

"'s a coincidence."

The heart of the Heijinmen master has already begun to revel.

At the same time, his movements became faster than ever before.


The ferocious old thing stepped out and completely crossed the distance between the two of them. The door panel sword in his hand seemed to split the entire mountain. The black dragon roared, and the black red sword slashed down in anger, When his body was approaching, Wu Liang also had the illusion that he was about to be dismembered.

"Hmph, I've always been the only one who separates people's corpses, who can divide mine?"

"Blood Fist"


The glove collided with the big sword, the sword energy and the blood flame consumed each other, and the two flew upside down at the same time.

The first blow was evenly matched.

However, we can only count to the first blow. In the next moment, the two who just flew upside down turned around and started a new round of collision and fighting.

The two groups of terrifying brilliance were entangled together, and it was difficult to distinguish who was who.

"bang bang"

"Boom~ boom"

How terrifying the battle of the body-hardened monks is, it is vividly displayed on the Jiuding Peak at this time.

The strength spread from the place where the two are fighting can destroy a large hard bluestone several feet high at will. There is almost nothing in that range that can withstand a few waves. After only a few breaths, Jiudingfeng was hardened Shengsheng was cut to a level of more than ten feet, which is simply horrifying.

Fortunately, before the battle started, Wu Liang asked the three girls to leave first, just in time to kill the few young men who survived.Wu Liang, the remnants of the Heijinmen who didn't come to Jiuding Peak, can be handed over to those sect monks who took advantage of it, but those who went to Jiuding Peak will all be killed, and they will also temper the fighting skills of the three women.

Not to mention the escape journey of Heijinmen minions, the place where two people fight on the top of the peak.

Not long ago, the head of the Heijin Gate, who was excitedly thinking of grabbing the opportunity, now had a look of regret on his face.

He originally thought that Wu Liang had just been promoted to the first level of the Body Tempering Realm, and his combat power was naturally not as good as a person who had been promoted for many years. Unfortunately, Wu Liang still carried many titles, one of which was most in line with everyone's impression.

A fledgling genius!
Naturally, the so-called genius cannot be judged by common sense.

The more he fought, the more regretful the head of the Heijinmen became, because instead of gaining the upper hand, with the intense consumption of his true energy, he was gradually at a disadvantage, and his life was in danger.

Wu Liang, on the other hand, became more and more excited as he fought.

Finally, when Wu Liang fought to the point of comfort, a voice suddenly sounded in Wu Liang's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, trigger the title skill [Genius Small Universe Explosion], the host will enter a state of madness, duration: ten seconds."


Without any warning, Wu Liang suddenly erupted with an aura that was more terrifying than ever before. Boiling heat poured into his body, and the original depleted true energy not only recovered instantly, but also became more violent and terrifying.

"Oops, come again."

The complexion of Hei Jinmen's master has completely changed this time. Hei Jinmen's master only felt that his old heart had a serious shadow after witnessing a genius breakthrough once.

A difficult choice was placed in front of him, to continue fighting?Or... escape?
(End of this chapter)

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