Chapter 595 The Demon Hunting Lance and the Lasso of Mantra
What's the future?

Wu Liang didn't know, but at this moment, his mood was between ice and fire.

This guy looked at the system prompts in his mind, surprise and pain emerged at the same time, making Wu Liang's feelings extraordinarily complicated.

The surprise naturally came from the treasure he blackmailed from the two goddesses.

Not to mention the Shadow Gold of the Lady of the Night, Su Lun, the Silver Lady, was seriously inexperienced in dealing with shameless people, and the two best treasures were stolen from the treasury by the quick-witted Wu Liang.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you got the low-level fetish [Demon Hunting Lance]."

[Demon Hunting Gun: A low-level god, this is a special magic weapon cast by Gond, the god of crafts and forging, with the advice of a friend from another plane before he became a god. It has become the collection of Su Lun, the goddess of the moon. Under the radiance of Su Lun, it has unimaginable lethality against creatures of the evil camp. 】

[Remark [-]: This magical weapon is limited to use conditions: legendary level and above, knight, warrior, priest and other occupations. 】

[Remark [-]: Host, don't hide it, this system has already seen the ecstasy in your eyes, it is the romance of a man. 】


What the system said was correct, when Wu Liang's eyes fell on his hands, the ecstasy in his eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what.

It's a gun!

The most important thing is that its shape is not that of a knight's spear, but a gunpowder gun full of industrial beauty.The wood grain handle full of strange charm, the streamlined barrel, other delicate parts, and the unbearable buckle....

If it wasn't for the magical aura that filled it, Wu Liang would have thought it was an item from a traveler who had wandered in another world.

But looking at the introduction, the problem should be the friend of the god of crafting and forging from another plane.

But Wu Liang didn't care at all. At this moment, holding the demon hunting gun in his hand, his mood was agitated and he couldn't control himself.


Romance for men!
For a moment, Wu Liang even forgot the predicament he was facing.

After a long while, Wu Liang put away the demon hunting gun, and his eyes fell on another thing.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a low-level fetish [Flame · Mantra Lasso]."

[Flame Lasso of Mantra: Low-level fetish, this is a special fetish created by a legendary female craftsman who is obsessed with the truth. The true soul finally forged this magical lasso.It symbolizes the truth. Those who are trapped can only spit out the truth, and the souls tainted by lies will also be roasted by the flames. If they cannot pass the judgment of will, they will surely fall. 】

[Remark [-]: With this lasso, the host can completely let Dali girl cosplay Wonder Woman and do some very exciting things, such as... pumping. 】

[Remark [-]: Host, don't hide it, this system has already seen through you, pervert. 】


Wu Liang looked at the mantra lasso in his hand, and immediately imagined the appearance of sister Dali holding the lasso in his mind, this guy was excited.

As the system said, this guy is a pervert.

Of course, from the very beginning, Wu Liang took the rope for Miss Dali.

The treasure house that Su Lun can open is pitifully low-level, and it may be a rare treasure for ordinary legendary professionals, but for a scumbag with a huge appetite like Wu Liang, those things are rubbish.

The only thing in the treasury that he can fancy is now in his hands.

Strictly speaking, the level of the lasso of mantra is still higher than that of the demon hunting gun.

Of course, in terms of suitability, these two things fall into the hands of Wu Liang and sister Dali respectively, which can be said to be perfect.That's why, even though Su Lun, the goddess of the moon, was blackmailed, she didn't get angry like Shar. Apart from Su Lun being in the good camp, there was also the factor of choosing the owner of the treasure.




Sure enough, as soon as she got the Flame·Mantra Lasso, Miss Dali fell in love with her.

Think of the lasso as a whip, and it's a joy to swing.

While shaking it, he kept squinting at Wu Liang, as if he was considering whether to give this scumbag a slap.

It is conceivable that Wu Liang, if he is really caught by the mantra lasso, will end in a miserable end.

Nuo Da an abyss to find a creature that is better at lying than this guy, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Fortunately, Sister Dali already had a deep-rooted affection for Wu Liang. Even though she knew that this guy was a scam, she still didn't make a move. After glaring fiercely, she hung the noose around her waist.

Seeing that look, Wu Liang's mood was agitated again.

This is the real goddess!

The Goddess of the Moon and the Goddess of Darkness were all left behind by Wu Liang at this moment. Even though she hadn't really lifted up the Kingdom of God, she didn't have divine brilliance on her body, but at this moment, the aura of Miss Dali was hard to control.

A fiery body that is so perfect that there is no trace of blemish, a skin like fire jade and glass, and a heroic temperament with a hint of gentleness...

In a trance, Wu Liang seemed to see the future flame goddess.

At this moment, he understood why the Moon Goddess and Dark Goddess who had been blackmailed by him before were all angry with him, but they didn't have any ill feeling towards the sister Dali who was obviously his companion.After all, it is a god, even if it is just a dull projection, you can see a glimmer of the future if you think about it.

"However, the future is always uncertain. If I can't complete that task, Da Mei Niu may be dragged down by me."


"bang bang bang"

At this sudden moment, Wu Liang didn't know what he thought of, and his expression suddenly became serious.

He can see the terrifying potential in Miss Dali, and other people can also see it. This is the abyss, and there are strong men from the evil camp everywhere. I am afraid that many demons have already hidden in the shadows, facing the future goddess of abyss flames. The heart of coveting was born.

Especially as the mortal enemy of the Flame Demon Clan, the Fengmo Clan may have already taken action.

It would be fine if it was just these enemies, Wu Liang thought to himself that with his means, he could still deal with one or two of them.

But now, Wu Liang suddenly discovered that there are many dangers on his body.

After he was expelled from Night City by Shar, as soon as he came out, Wu Liang felt that there seemed to be two more terrifying and dangerous auras on his body, but no matter how he exploded his strength, he couldn't clear these two auras.

At this time, he looked at the system prompt in his mind, and his face was very ugly.

"Ding, warning, the host has been marked by the interplanetary organization [Assassin Alliance]. This organization will assassinate the host in the future, please be careful with the host."

"Ding, warning, the host has been marked by the interplanetary organization [Shadow Mask]. This organization will assassinate the host in the future, please be careful with the host."


(End of this chapter)

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