Chapter 598 Bloody Monastery
"Ding, warning warning, the host found a hostile target [Shadow Master]."

[Shadow Master: The senior members of the Shadow Mask have even more crazy beliefs, allowing them to obtain even more terrifying magic from the Lord of Shadow Max. The shadows shrouded them and sheltered them. Where there are shadows, it is their domain. , in the field, they are almost invincible. 】

【Remark [-]: Invincibility is so lonely, and invincibility is so empty, so once you become a master of shadows, you will not be able to have a spouse or partner. 】

[Remark [-]: That's right, these three masters are actually single dogs for thousands of years, and their anger is extremely terrifying. 】



It started, a very obvious chase.

On the wild land filled with the smell of sulfur, twisted black shadows are showing minions, trying to catch the two "lines of fire" surging in front of them, and then completely tear them apart.

The three shadows at the head are the most terrifying.

The speed was so fast that Wu Liang and sister Dali were faintly suppressed.

This is quite normal, even though Wu Liang and Damei Niu, one is a legendary Balrog priest and the other is a great lord, both are professionals or titles of "Legendary" level.

But in terms of speed, it can't compare with [Shadow Master].

They are also legendary professionals, and they still believe in the god of shadows and thieves. It is normal for them to have terrible speed.

Contrast of power between the two sides!

Wu Liang and sister Dali, two legendary professionals.

The first wave of hunting teams for Shadow Masks consisted of three legendary professionals leading a group of high-level cannon fodder.

Therefore, the current scene of chasing and being hunted can be said to be very reasonable.

Of course, as Wu Liang who is used to the existence of leapfrog anti-killing, he is confident that he can turn around and get rid of this group of mice who like to sneak around in the shadows, but for some reason, when Wu Liang has this idea, there will always be a feeling in his heart. throbbing.

This throbbing dispelled Wu Liang's thoughts.

"That narrow-minded dead woman, isn't she just blackmailing me, and why is she thinking about me so much?"

"If I'm not mistaken, these shadow rats are just people who attract attention on the bright side. The one who really intends to kill me is the Laoshizi Assassin Alliance hiding in the dark."

"Hmph, is this uncle so easy to assassinate?"

In addition to Wu Liang's vicious eyesight, his mind is also unprecedentedly agile.

It soon became clear that the source of the throbbing was the curse from the projection of Shar, the goddess of darkness.

Shar said at the time: "Your notoriety will be on the death list of assassins and shadows."

Now, the Shadow Masquerade appears.

The only one missing, of course, is the Assassin Alliance.

Unlike the shadow mask's unlimited number of kills, the Assassin's League doesn't know if it's because of the difference in belief in gods. It didn't give the lady of the night face like the shadow mask, but only had one chance to assassinate.

Once it's over, Wu Liang doesn't have to worry about the League of Assassins anymore.

Of course, it is also possible that the rules of the organization itself are like this.

However, Wu Liang only knew that if he turned around and killed him now, he might be assassinated by a terrifying assassin who suddenly appeared at a critical moment.

If one is not careful, it may be lost.

Because of this, Wu Liang finally let Dali girl drag him and run away without any resistance.

And while this guy was running away, he secretly kneaded sister Dali's hand.

Feeling the astonishing softness and heat, he exclaimed: "As expected of the future flame goddess, I am really lucky. Of course, the main thing is that he is too handsome. After all, he is a male god. A male god and a goddess can be said to be very good." Reasonable."

If it wasn't because she was "running for her life", Sister Dali would have the urge to stop and beat up this shameless guy.

Is now the time to take advantage?

Don't even look at the occasion?

Although Miss Dali really wanted to ask these two questions out loud, she thought about it seriously.If she really asked, I'm afraid the answer she got would be like this: Can't account for it now?So when can you take it?What other occasions can be occupied?
In order to prevent this guy from getting too big, Miss Dali could only acquiesce to Wu Liang's salty pig's hand.



"what happened?"

When Wu Liang was having fun, the girl in front of him suddenly stopped.

As soon as he asked the question, Wu Liang raised his head subconsciously, and immediately saw the reason.Because the two were hunted down, they somewhat lost their way. Under the leadership of sister Dali, they accidentally broke into a huge mountain range.

This mountain range is full of darkness, especially in front of the eyes, a valley that seems to be completely swallowed by darkness.

But it was this deep valley that forced Sister Dali to stop.

In the deep valley, a huge and terrifying building, like a dormant monster, crouched in the deepest part, watching the coming and going creatures.

The rest of the building, the two have no time to take care of it.

But the subject in the middle made the two of them think of something at the same time, and a strange look emerged.

That is a huge and magnificent church.

The special style makes people realize in an instant, what is this place?Or, where was this place?
The immature flame goddess will walk through the dusty monastery with her loyal servant...!
That's right, here is a monastery that looks like it has been abandoned for many years.

Not long after leaving Dark Night City, they came across such a place, and the two of them couldn't help but think about it.

And the next moment, the prompt from the system also confirmed the conjecture of the two of Wu Liang.

"Ding, the host found a special copy [Bloody Monastery], an extraordinary alert."

"Because the host has not yet entered the copy, the map cannot be drawn."

As soon as he saw the word "duplicate", Wu Liang was almost sure.

The abandoned monastery in the valley in front of me is a place where sister Dali must go through for the king's trial.

Inside, there must be a god that is necessary for trials.

"But, damn, how do you get in here?"

As soon as Wu Liang had confirmed his target, he was in trouble again.

The sister Dali at the side also realized something, and after seeing the scene in the valley, she frowned slightly.

The abandoned monastery is in the deepest part of the valley.

Not to mention any dangers in the monastery, it would definitely be no worse than the Spider Temple.

But a problem came first, let alone the monastery, judging from the scene in front of them, it seemed an extremely difficult task for the two of them to pass through the entrance of the valley in front of them.

But in the valley, there are huge cemeteries.

On every cemetery, there is a strong black light shining, filled with almost indissoluble death.

And with the flickering of the black light, zombies crawled out of the ground one after another, resentful souls and undead roared in the dead air, and the cemetery seemed to be constantly filled with evil magic such as zombie creation and resurrection of the dead. .

As long as the magic is not broken, these zombies and undead will be endless, and they can even form a terrifying army of undead in a short period of time.

When Wu Liang glanced over, the sound of "Ding Ding Ding" immediately started in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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