Chapter 600 Shadow and Death

Standing in front of a group of zombies and resentful souls, Wu Liang seemed to feel the resentment of the gods of the abyss, with an extremely sinister smile on his face, he had already made plans in his heart, and he would go further and further on the road of bringing down the goddess further away.

"Dali, let's do it."

Wu Liang said boldly while kneading the beautiful girl's jade hands and not letting go.

"it is good"

The goddess of the big beautiful girl blushed and replied.

So the next moment, the bodies of the two who were originally hidden slowly emerged.

Since the place where the two were standing was very close to the cemetery, although according to common sense, the zombies and undead in the valley should all be blind.

But now as soon as Wu Liang and the goddess of the beautiful girl appeared, all the zombies and undead screamed, especially when Wu Liang led the big beautiful girl to charge towards the valley, the screams of the undead were already gone. Through the wild night sky.


Accompanied by the screams of the undead and the howls of the zombies, the forbidden law at the entrance of the valley began to flicker frantically.

Obviously, it was a trigger ban method used to stop intruders, but since Wu Liang and the other two attacked too quickly, it was obviously impossible to stop them.

But behind Wu Liang, the group of shadow assassins couldn't help being anxious.

Are you kidding me?
Seeing that the target is right in front of you, but was snatched away by a group of zombies, can you bear it?

As a large organization, Shadow Mask has excellent intelligence capabilities, so the three shadow masters in the head know exactly where the dusty monastery not far away is.

Two words...dangerous.

All three believed that if the target entered it, it would be impossible to survive.

In order to offer a reward, they had to strike first.


The three of them looked at each other and said in unison.

I don't know what order they gave, but at the next moment, all the shadow ninjas burst out at a speed far faster than before, and the magic aura on their bodies was flickering and almost solidified.



Catch up, they catch up.

A group of shadows passed the forbidden law almost at the last moment and entered the valley cemetery.



As soon as they entered, the three shadow masters and a group of ninjas were overwhelmed by screams and roars from all directions.

These are not important, just a group of zombies and undead, completely ignored by the great shadow mask, all the glory goes to the Lord of Shadows.

The shadow masters looked at the undead who were slowly rushing over with contempt, and then their eyes were like lightning, and they began to look for the shameless figure who was offered a reward by the great lady of the night.

Ahead, no.

On the left, neither.

On the right, hey, still not there.

What the fuck?

What about people?

After looking around, Master Shadow and a group of ninjas were stunned.

Just a second ago, the target they were watching had disappeared.

Not only the shameless Balrog disappeared, but also the Balrog Lord who was said to be the future Goddess of Abyss Flame disappeared.

The two living Balrogs just disappeared.

This unscientific!

Especially after the three shadow masters activated their supernatural powers in an incomparable tacit understanding, and detected the entire valley cemetery with extremely keen detection power but found nothing, they became even more chaotic.

It's a conspiracy!
The three shadow masters thought of this at the same time.

However, it was too late.

Zombies and undead around, from the very beginning, this group of pretending ninjas were not pleasing to their eyes. This night, they came out in black clothes and wandered around. Isn't it pretending to be criminals?
Nothing to say, let's eat first.

Both zombies and undead have no self-awareness, only the instinct of eating, and it is this instinct that allows them to subconsciously destroy all intruders.

Of course ninjas don't want to be eaten, let alone a group of stinky zombies.

Thus, a war broke out.

The zombies in the cemetery are actually soldiers of the Silver Crusade who once resounded through this plane. Although they have become dead creatures, they still retain their previous combat skills, especially when they charge together, they are terrifyingly powerful and smelly.

And the undead, although they are just ordinary wandering souls.

But these wandering souls are constantly looking for opportunities, trying to occupy the corpse of a fallen crusader soldier. Once they succeed, a new monster will be born immediately - the imbued zombie.

In terms of rank, imbued zombies are high-level monsters, comparable to shadow ninjas as high-level occupations.

Coupled with the advantage in numbers, the Shadow Mask side fell into a disadvantage almost immediately.

Seeing that their subordinates suffered, the three shadow masters couldn't bear it immediately.

They looked at each other and started at the same time.



However, complex handprints appeared on the hands of the three of them at the same time, and special magical brilliance gushed out.

Accompanied by their movements, the valley that was already dark at night suddenly became darker, countless shadows began to emerge, and unknown terrifying monsters roared in the dark, as if the voice whispered by a demon god spread throughout the valley.

The next moment, the three spoke at the same time.

"All glory be to the Lord"

"Earth and sky will eventually be shrouded in shadows"

"In the shadow of doom, we destroy all blasphemers"

"Shadow Storm!"


As the prayers of the three fell, endless shadows leaped out from behind them the next moment, as if each shadow was a spiritual demon, devouring everything it touched, even if it was just a stone, as long as it was touched These shadows cover and immediately become dim and dark.

Zombies and undead, even though they are undead creatures, cannot resist the magic from the Lord of Shadows.

When they were shrouded in shadows, the breath of death in their bodies was sucked away in an instant. With the breeze blowing, all the zombies and undead were turned into nothingness. The originally lively army of undead dissipated, only the shadows remained forever.

Seeing the power of the divine arts, the three masters of shadow all showed complacent and contemptuous smiles.

Just when they were about to continue looking for that shameless target, their eyes met an extremely furious and crazy one.

It was a tall skeleton monster, standing at the far end of the tomb, dressed in a striking "blood mage" outfit, not only did not cover up the madness and darkness on him, but became more and more turbulent.

His name is Thalnos, and he is the guardian here. Everything in this cemetery is regarded as his personal property.

Now that his property was blown away by three guys hiding in the shadows, he was angry.

A hoarse and deep voice spit out from his skull mouth.

The dark green soul flames in the eye sockets were burning wildly, which represented that this former human blood mage had completely degenerated.

"Despicable invaders, you have successfully angered the great Thalnos, you must die."

"Come on, resurrect, my most loyal children, you are the sword in my hand, the shield in my hand, block the enemy for me, kill the enemy for me."


Accompanied by the whisper of the blood mage, the skeleton's big hand waved angrily. At the same time, the cemeteries that were originally shrouded in shadows shone with the brilliance of divine magic, and rings emerged, and the unique light of resurrection divine magic appeared in the valley. middle.

"Ho~ ho ho ho"

"sizzle sizzle"

A second ago, the undead army was wiped out.

At this moment, all resurrected.

The three shadow masters and a group of ninjas turned green at the same time as they looked at everything in front of them.

If there is a referee here at this time, I am afraid they will all complain.


The opponent cheated shamelessly!
(End of this chapter)

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